Who are they waiting for?

The mighty power that can change the world in the blink of an eye.

The power that commands hundreds of demons to wait.

The blood color that doesn’t seem to lean towards the positive.


Evil gods…

In a trance.

Takeda Mie realized something.

She was laughing.

And crying.

Tears were uncontrollable, tears streaming down her face.

Was this tears of joy.

Or was it the vindication of decades of grief and injustice?

She couldn’t run anymore. She collapsed to the ground and cried loudly.

It’s true.

It’s all true!!

She’s not wrong!

She’s not wrong!! She cried enough, wiped a tear.

By her ear.

That strange overlapping sound.

Like a baby, like a young man, like a man, and like a woman.

This is the magnificent sound recorded in theological scriptures and often heard by great theologians.

This further deepened Takeda Mie’s”stereotype” of the gods.”

【The Cursed King】

【Fallen Domination】

【Lord of the Hundred Demons]

The curse that was initiated by the singing of a human voice made Takeda Sanzhi shudder.

She was silent for a long time. She suddenly knelt down and kowtowed to the demon-suppressing shrine in the distance.

She could see a mysterious shadow looming under the demon-suppressing shrine. No need to say more. A certain extreme sense of oppression followed her sight and pressed directly into her heart. Excited. Inspired. Takeda Sanzhi recalled the various myths and legends in the scriptures. She was sure that she had trespassed into the realm of the gods. However, her rude trespass was not crushed to death by the gods’ followers in the first place. Then


“Bang, bang……”

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was just as he thought.

His heartbeat drove his blood, making him extremely excited and excited.

“”King of Curses! Ruler of Fallen Angels! Lord of Demons! I! Takeda Sanzhi has no intention of offending the realm of God!

I beg God to forgive me!

I beg God to allow me to see you!”

The whistling wind driven by the singing stopped.

Takeda Sanzhi still knelt there.

She did not dare to raise her head. She refused to leave.

Even if she died today, she would die in the realm of God!

After a long time, a vague voice came from the direction of the demon-suppressing shrine.



The divine domain was broken.

Takeda Sanzhi heard the noisy sound in the corridor.

It was the city’s smoke that she was most familiar with in the past. She looked up in confusion.

On the street, many people looked at her kneeling down as if they were watching for fun.

The look in their eyes seemed to be appreciating some performance art. She put her hands trembling in front of her eyes and watched.

On the back of her right hand, a pattern of a shrine made Takeda Sanzhi almost bite her back teeth.

She won the bet…

She seemed to have really won the bet… She stood up as if nothing had happened and patted her legs.

Her agile skills were completely unlike those of an old lady in her twilight years.

It was different.

Her body no longer had the old and weak sense of decay that it once had.

In her eyes.

The people on the street seemed to be living with aliens.

There were snake-like ghosts entwined on the street lights.

There were old man-like ghosts curled up in the corners of the streets.

There were reptile-like ghosts slowly crawling to the sewer.

Really, it was different.

She quickly left the mocking sight of some people.

On her face.

The expression of crying and laughing proved that Takeda Mie’s mentality was still in a state of vigor and agitation.

She was full of vigor and energy.

She no longer hunched over. Her strong old legs walked vigorously.

Finally, a crazy smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

She was not a liar.

Not anymore.

Ah… the former goddess of the lower town.

Today, she is finally resurrected!




Mizunotsuki Seishun dispersed the domain – the demon-suppressing shrine.

Two-faced Sukuna’s signature skill.

Looking at the system points again: 872.

Another two hundred, you can unlock a low-level copy.

However, even if the low-level copy is unlocked, the extracted templates are useless to Mizunotsuki Seishun now. At most, it enriches his means.

So Mizunotsuki Seishun has to save points and exchange Gojo Satoru’s template.

And Mizunotsuki Seishun can also consume system points in exchange for a one-time short burst.

This can be used to deal with various emergencies.

In this way, system points are quite a panacea.……

“”Watching Takeda Sanzhi return excitedly, Mizunoe Kiyozune couldn’t help but laugh.

You may make a lot of money, but I will never lose.

An ancient evil god revived in modern times?


This vest is not bad.

After all, it is an evil god.

Then don’t expect me to have any moral ethics.

So any fine wine, delicious food, beautiful women and the like, just serve them up.

No doubt.

No matter which world the powerful are in, they are the corrupt powerful.

There may be good powerful, but very few.

Very few.

So Mizunoe Kiyozune will inevitably”suffer” from all kinds of sugar-coated bullets in the future.

Touched the kidneys.

I hope I can bear it.……



Yukinoshita Yukino was thinking.

She was always thinking about a classmate who seemed to have not been able to sleep well for several days.


Yotsuya Miko was already a little desperate.

She asked the Service Department for help.

As everyone knows.

There is a high-ranking flower in the Service Department, and she is happy to lend a helping hand to all the weak.

But Yukinoshita Yukino suffered a Waterloo this time.

She couldn’t solve Yotsuya Miko’s ambiguous question.

Yotsuya Miko seemed to be worried about exposing something.

She spoke in a roundabout way and was quite concerned.

Instead, she asked Yukinoshita Yukino about many things about gods, Buddhas, and religions in a roundabout way.

Could it be that Yotsuya classmate was entangled in a cult?


Yukinoshita Yukino suddenly felt it was difficult.

Japan has its own national conditions here.

Various cults emerge in an endless stream, and even the Japanese government has a tendency to bury its head and play dead.

Because those cults, who knows if they are the white gloves of some high-level officials?

As far as she knows, her Yukinoshita family has such white gloves.

But she can only be raised in Chiba Prefecture.

As the leading”local rich man” in Chiba Prefecture, the Yukinoshita family still has considerable control.

But Yukinoshita Yukino is now in Tokyo.

To the powerful people in Tokyo.

Yukinoshita is an indisputable rural local rich man.

Therefore, if Yotsuya Miko is really entangled by the cult, then her promise will seem weak and powerless.

For a strange classmate, she will find a real powerful enemy for the Yukinoshita family?

She is sure.

If she really does this, the great fairy Yangno will have to send her away for protection without Yuki’s mother’s help.

Yukinoshita Yangno glanced at her sister with a sense of laughter and tears.

Childish club.

Childish ideas.

How long will it take for this child to grow up?

She doesn’t know.

But she understands that before that, she has to protect this”innocent” little white rabbit.

Especially in Tokyo.

If you offend someone powerful, it will really kill you…

Fortunately, Yukinoshita Yukino is not sensible and will not do anything wrong, which makes people worry less.

“Xueno~ don’t be so tense, sister has something to deal with tonight, remember not to run around during this time~ especially at night, it’s best to lock the door and never go out!”

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