The night is like sticky ink, tightly wrapping everything under the night, reaching out to see the darkness of the five fingers, making people feel unconsciously trembling.

And whenever night appears, evil spirits haunt and eat people.


With the smell of blood wafting away, a corpse with a missing head suddenly stood up, picked up the head that had fallen on the ground, and resettled it on his body.

The faint moonlight fell and shone on it.

This is a demon with purple skin, obviously, it was cut off before, but as a demon, it is an almost immortal existence, and ordinary swords, even if the head of the evil ghost is completely cut off, it still cannot be killed.

But the head was cut off, but the pain remained, so even if the head was installed, the evil ghost still cursed in a low voice.

It stared ahead with a vicious gaze.

A man with a sword and half-kneeling on the ground hung his head slightly, as if he had completely lost his life.

Looking at the human, at the human who should be treated as its food, the demon still cursed in a low voice.

It just wants to eat the other party, why, the other party does not obediently let itself eat, why resist.

After all, all this revolt is meaningless.

Resisting with all your might, in the end, is not the same price of being eaten by yourself.

Since the final outcome cannot be changed, why do death throes.

But I have to say that the human being in front of him has caused it great trouble, the opponent’s sword is too fast, so fast that it does not react at all, only in an instant, it cuts off its limbs, and then cuts off its own head.

But alas.

It has long been inhuman.

Although ordinary human swords can inflict damage on it, they still can’t kill themselves.

Evil spirits, except for the Nikki knife cutting off the neck, or being illuminated by the sun, they are almost unkillable existences.

“If I gave the other party a Nikkawa knife, perhaps, it would be me who died.”

The demon walked slowly to the front with his sword, and the half-kneeling man walked towards it, muttering in a low voice.

But unfortunately, the other party is not the group of ghost hunters of the ghost killing team, and there is no weapon such as the Nikkawa knife that can kill evil spirits.

Although this human is very strong, no matter what, he is a human after all.

The opponent’s sword was very fast, so fast that he cut off his limbs and cut off his own head when he was completely unresponsive, but obviously, using such a sword was very consuming to himself.

Until…… Exhausted to death.

“Human beings, after all, are just human beings.”

The evil ghost stepped forward and prepared to enjoy the food in front of him.

The other party is very strong, but no matter how strong the food, it is still food.

However, as soon as he walked in front of him, the man with his sword half-kneeling on the ground and hanging his head slightly suddenly raised his head.

Seeing this scene, the evil ghost couldn’t help but think of the sharp sword that the other party had just chopped out, and instinctively retreated.

But still a step slower.

The night was still dark, but at this moment, a sharp sword radiance seemed to pierce the darkness at this moment.


The sharp blade directly cut off the head of the evil ghost in front of him, and then, four more swords, completely cut off the limbs of the evil ghost.

“I am an unkillable existence, why do you need to continue to struggle in vain.”

Even if its limbs were cut off again, its head was cut off again, the evil ghost was still shouting, and it seemed to have seen the desperate expression of the human in front of it.

Just like before.

But this time, the eyes of the man in front of him were not desperate before, but calm, as if he could not see the deep pool low.

“Is there an existence that can’t be killed?”

The man looked at the demon and muttered in a low voice, but he dragged his tired body forward, inserted the blade of his sword directly into the demon ghost’s head, and then completely fixed it on the ground and could not move.

After doing all this, the man continued to move, and began to look for something to fix the limbs of the severed devil.

It was not until the demon limbs were immobilized and completely immobilized that the man’s body seemed to lose support and collapsed violently to the ground.

“I can’t kill it, and all that you do is in vain.”

The demon was still roaring, but the man lying on the ground was not interested in listening, just quietly looking at the starry sky.

At this moment, the man no longer had any strength, just lying on the ground, constantly panting.

The original man had long died of exhaustion, and the man at this moment had already become another person.

“Evil ghosts, ghost killing squads, flying imperial sword flow…”

Su Mu lay on the ground and kept muttering in a low voice.

“What’s going on all this?”

The temperature of the air is getting lower and lower, and the snow is falling imperceptibly.

He couldn’t help but raise his hand, and through the faint moonlight, he vaguely saw his calloused hand.

This is the calluse left by the swordsman’s years of sword practice.

But obviously

His hands before did not have such calluses.

“What’s going on all this?”

He murmured in a low voice, and at this moment, Su Mu suddenly felt a pain in his head, as if a knife was inserted deep into his head, stirring inside, this kind of pain, so that he unconsciously held his head with both hands, and his forehead was faintly bruised because of the sudden pain.

The pain hit over and over again, and at the same moment, a memory that originally belonged to ‘me’ also came to mind.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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