This time the ghost hunt mission takes place in a slightly bustling town.

“Sir, we suspect that someone in this family has become a demon.”

Beside Su Mu, a ‘recluse’ pointed to a slightly dilapidated house in the distance.

Su Mu nodded.

Looking at the sky, at this moment, it was already daytime, and it took him most of the night from the stronghold to the ghost hunting mission site.

The blazing sun hangs high in the sky, and at this time, evil spirits generally do not appear.

No evil ghost dares to appear during the day, because the blazing sun can kill any evil spirit exposed to the sun.

Just now, through the description of the ‘Hidden One’, he had already learned about the evil ghosts hunted this time, so without any hesitation, he went directly to the house of the person identified by the ‘Hidden One’ and knocked on the door of the room.

Opening the door was an old woman with a kind face, but her face was full of wrinkles.

The old woman looked at Su Mu with a blade hanging from her waist, with doubts in her cloudy eyes: “You are…”

Obviously, the old man did not know the young man in front of him.

“I heard that the neighborhood has been haunted recently, and I want to take a look at the old man’s home.”

Su Mu said with a gentle smile.

“You’re mistaken, my house is never haunted.”

There was obviously a look of panic on the old man’s face, and he even wanted to close the door directly.

However, obviously, it was not closed, Su Mu directly blocked the door from closing with his hand, and the old man’s strength was obviously not comparable to Su Mu.

The old man still wanted to shout, but Su Mu had already walked straight in, the old man was not willing to let Su Mu enter the room, and began to shout ‘call for help’, trying to let the surrounding neighbors come over and drive away Su Mu, a stranger who broke into the room.

But after shouting for a long time, not a single neighbor came around.

It was not that the neighbors around heard the old woman’s cry, and there were also those who wanted to come and see the situation, but these people were basically stopped by the ‘hidden ones’.

As a ghost hunter of the ghost killing team, he is only responsible for ghost hunting, and as for any situation other than ghost hunting, there will be special logistics to help solve it.


The old man shouted for a long time, but no one came in to help, and also let the old man understand the situation, and finally did not call for help, and began to constantly talk around Su Mu, or pleading, crying, or rolling around….

But Su Mu didn’t pay attention to it, just silently checked the situation in the room.

Although the old man’s home is not good, and the house is dilapidated, it is cleaned very clean.

Su Mu constantly checked in the room, especially in some dark shadows that could be hidden, and it was even more important to check places, such as cellars, such as water tanks, cabinets and so on.

If you can see the traces of evil spirits during the day, it is naturally the best.

But alas, nothing was seen.

It seems that this place is really as the old man said, and it is not haunted.

“I heard you have a son, why didn’t you see him?”

Su Mu stopped in a room, turned around, and asked the old man who had been following him.

“He went out to work, and he didn’t necessarily come back for ten days and a half a month…”

The old man said immediately, but his expression was nervous.

Su Mu was noncommittal, and carefully checked the situation in the room, and did not notice anything, but Su Mu still smelled a faint smell of blood, although it was very light.

Su Mu knew in his heart, didn’t say anything, found a chair in the room, and stayed in the room and waited quietly.

The old man has been beside him, constantly chattering, Su Mu did not pay attention, even, the old man still wanted to start, but, just about to start, but was slightly swept by Su Mu’s open eyes, and then retreated in a mocking manner.

Time passed imperceptibly, and Su Mu waited quietly in the room.

“Please, get out of here, leave my house, there are no ghosts in my house, there really are no ghosts.”

The old man was still crying.

But Su Mu ignored it and just waited quietly.

With the passage of time, especially the closer to the night, the old man became more and more nervous, and even, once again, he wanted to make a move on Su Mu, but Su Mu directly tied it to the side with a rope, and he was indifferent to how the old man cursed, begged, and cried.

It even seems that the other party is too annoying, and directly blocks his mouth with his face.

As the night approached, the old man’s expression became more and more excited.

But I don’t know when, the door outside the room was knocked again, and the tied old man wanted to alert the people outside the door, but the old man’s mouth had long been blocked by a cotton cloth, and he couldn’t speak at all.

And with the moment when the door of the room was knocked, Su Mu also stood up, put his hand on the hilt of the sword on his waist, and waited with a serious face.

“Son, run… Run, someone is going to kill you. ”

Just as Su Mu was waiting for the person outside the door to push the door in, and then give him a fatal blow, the old man’s heart-rending voice came out again.

Su Mu couldn’t help but turn around, but I don’t know when, the old man had completely swallowed the cotton cloth stuffed in his mouth, which Su Mu did not expect, because the cotton cloth he plugged the other party’s mouth was very thick, where it was easy to swallow, but looking at the blood stains on the other party’s mouth, and the uncomfortable and distorted face he showed at the moment because of swallowing the cotton, Su Mu couldn’t help but be slightly silent.

The heart-rending shout of the old man in the room, the people outside the door obviously heard it, paused slightly, and immediately turned around.

And at this time, Su Mu also immediately kicked open the door and came out with a knife.

What came into view was a man with a blue face, a few drops of fresh blood at the corners of his mouth, and turned around to run away.


This is a devil.

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