Under the guidance of Butterfly Shinobu, Su Mu soon came to a nearby mountain range.

“The Lord is ahead.”

Butterfly Shinobu whispered.

Su Mu nodded, and also looked at the so-called lord.

Last time, Tomioka Yoshiyuki took him to meet the lord, but the other party did not come forward, and only sent two handmaids out.

Halfway up the mountain, a platform.

A tall man was already standing there – quietly waiting.

His figure is very tall, but he looks very thin and weak, and his body exudes an inexplicable temperament.

“See Lord.”

As soon as he saw this man, Butterfly Shinobu immediately bent down, obviously, he was very respectful to the man in front of him.

In other words, the swordsmen in the ghost killing team are all respectful to the man in front of him.

The man nodded slightly, and then his gaze fell on Su Mu’s body.

Last time, Tomioka Yoshiyuki introduced the other party for him, but at that time he did not care about this person, but the other party completed several tasks very well, plus, the last time Ghost Mai Tsuji appeared without tragedy, he convened several pillars to discuss, and Su Mu was mentioned in the meeting.

Whether it is the insect pillar butterfly ninja, the love pillar ganlu temple honey glass, it is said that its strength is very strong, and it has the strength of the column.

At the time, he was surprised and a little excited.

Pillar, that is the mainstay of the ghost killing team, each additional pillar, for the strength of the ghost killing team is significantly improved, after all, only the column can deal with the twelve ghost moons.

At the same time, I also regretted that when Tomioka Yoshiyuki introduced the other party last time, he was too busy to see each other.

“My name is Yaoya Isayashiki.”

The man who was called the Lord by the butterfly ninja raised his head and his gaze fell on Su Mu’s body, his voice was very gentle but gave people a fluttering feeling.

I don’t know why, hearing the other party’s voice, Su Mu felt that he was inexplicably comfortable, and felt that his body and mind were a little happy at this moment.

“In Xia Su Mu, I have seen the master.”

Su Mu nodded, not showing the same respect as butterfly Shinobu.

Seeing Su Mu’s performance, Shiki Yaoya frowned slightly, but he was soon relieved, Su Mu became a ghost hunter in the ghost killing team and others became ghost hunters in a different way than others.

Others became ghost hunters, most of them were trained by cultivators, and then, by participating in the assessment of Teng Zhao Mountain, they became the lowest level swordsmen of the ghost killing team.

But Su Mu was different, he was introduced by the pillar and had not been cultivated by the ghost killing team system.

That is to say, if he has not seen him before, or even heard of him, he naturally will not have much respect for him.

“In these several ghost hunting tasks, Mujun has completed it very well, and the insect pillar, water column, and love pillar all praised Mujun’s strength.”

Isayashiki continued to speak.

Su Mu smiled.

“The Ghost Killing Team welcomes powerful swordsmen like Mujun to join, and I also believe that with the addition of Mujun, the Ghost Killing Team will get better and better, and I look forward to the evil ghosts being completely eradicated in our generation…”

Isayashiki Yaoya said softly.

As the leader of the Ghost Killing Team, he is the highest leader of the Ghost Killing Team, and Su Mu is just an ordinary swordsman, but even so, Yaoya Shiki has a gentle attitude, and even, like a family member, he said a lot, which shows the importance he attaches to Su Mu.

If ordinary people face such a scene, I am afraid that they are already very excited.

But unfortunately, Su Mu’s face was not calm, because he had never regarded the so-called master as a superior existence.

Naturally, he will not be grateful because of the gentle words of the other party.


“This time, in fact, I have a request for the pastor.”

After a few simple conversations, Yaoya Shiki’s face also became serious.

“Please say.”

Su Mu also spoke.

“Mr. Taki once wrote to me that Mr. has mastered a very powerful ancient stream swordsmanship, and I hope that Mujun can give some swordsmanship guidance to the swordsmen of the Ghost Killing Team.”

Isayashiki Yaoya bent down slightly and asked seriously.

Hearing Shiki Yaoya’s words, Su Mu was a little silent for a while.

“I know that Shi Yaoya’s request is very difficult for Mujun, and if Mujun has any request, he can even mention it, as long as it can be met, Shi Yaoya will definitely try his best to satisfy Mujun.”

Isayashiki Yaoya spoke again.

After all, who wants to pass on their own skills, otherwise, there will not be so many swordsmanship schools that have gradually disappeared into the dust of history over time, and many, until now, have only heard of their names.

“There is no problem with teaching, but I do have a request.”

Su Mu hesitated, but also spoke.

“Please say, if you can meet it, Shi Yaoya will do her best to satisfy the Mujun.”

Isayashiki Yaoya also spoke seriously, and in the letter conversation with Taki Zuoji about the introduction to Su Mu, Isayashiki Yaoya was keenly aware of the importance of the flying imperial sword flow that Su Mu had mastered to the ghost hunters of the ghost killing team.

Compared with humans, the most powerful advantage of evil ghosts is super self-healing power and inexhaustible physical strength, which is the most difficult point for the swordsmen of the ghost killing team to fight against evil ghosts.

Relying on the breathing method, although the swordsmen of the Ghost Killing Team can have the physical strength to compete with the ghost in a short time, they cannot achieve full concentration of the breathing method. The usual level, the time that the breath can hold is limited after all.

And once the breathing time has passed, then it can only be slaughtered by the evil spirits at will.

Of course, you can say that the breathing method is practiced to full concentration. The level in the usual is not enough.

The so-called full concentration. Often, even if you go to sleep, you can continue to concentrate on breathing.

But this is obviously not so easy.

Ability to cultivate breathing to full concentration. The usual level also means that the most basic conditions for becoming a column have been reached in terms of breathing.

And the Ghost Killer Team, how many pillars are there in total?

This obviously does not suit most swordsmen.

But the Flying Royal Sword Flow is different, this is a sword art that obviously kills the enemy.

Mainly for fast. Permit. Fiercely kill the enemy, pay attention to the largest and fastest burst in a short period of time.

This is undoubtedly a sword technique that is very suitable for fighting evil spirits.

After all, ordinary ghost hunters, even if they have the same strength as evil ghosts in the fight against evil ghosts, it is too difficult to kill a demon in a short period of time, and once they cannot temporarily kill evil ghosts in a short period of time, then what awaits the ghost hunters will be a very dangerous situation.

The Flying Royal Sword Flow can solve this problem perfectly, allowing ghost hunters to solve evil spirits in a short time.

Of course, for so many years, the ghost killing team has mastered some swordsmanship skills to solve evil ghosts in a short time after summing up experience in fighting evil ghosts.

But obviously it is not comparable to the Flying Royal Sword Flow.

If the Ghost Killing Team swordsman can learn this sword technique, then it will undoubtedly be a great improvement in the strength of the Ghost Killing Team.

Therefore, after learning from Taki Zuo’s recent letters that Su Mu had mastered this powerful sword technique, Isayashiki Yaoya would arrive so quickly, of course, in addition, he really wanted to see a swordsman who was praised by the pillars, and even, made seniors like Taki praise.

“I want the Lord to have other pillars guide me.”

Su Mu spoke.

“Let the other pillars guide the Mujun?”

Shiki Yaoya was slightly surprised, but he didn’t expect Su Mu to put forward this condition.

“I think my strength is far from enough, if I can get the guidance of the pillars, I think my strength will improve.”

Su Mu explained simply.

Hearing Su Mu’s words, Shiki Yaoya was also awe-inspiring, Su Mu’s own strength is already good, but he is still so hard, willing to learn, has to be admired.

“This, I can promise you.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Isayashiki Yaoya immediately nodded, this request was not difficult for him, although the pillars had different temperaments, they still respected him as the master, even the rock pillar who was the least good at teaching, if he asked him to teach others, he would not refuse.

“You will teach the insect pillar here first, I don’t know?”

Isayashiki Yaoya turned around and asked gently to the butterfly standing not far away.

“Since it is the order of Lord Lord, I naturally will not refuse.”

Butterfly smiled and nodded.

“Then it’s troublesome to the bug pillar.”

Isayashiki Yaoya’s face is also mild.


When Shiki Yaoya left, leaving only Su Mu and Butterfly Shinobu, the two looked at each other and had a short silence.

Ask for flowers

After a while, Butterfly Shinobu continued to speak: “What I have mastered is the breath of insects, the so-called breath of insects, is a variant of water breath, and the skill I am best at is also a variety of poisonous techniques, of course, because demons are almost immune to all kinds of poisons, this ability does not have much effect on evil spirits, and only has a special mastery of wisteria flower toxins.”

It has a role in the evil spirit…”

“Then trouble Miss Shinobu.”

Su Mu’s face was mild.


The butterfly did not refuse, and immediately agreed.


On the same day, Butterfly Shinobu taught Su Mu.

Butterfly ninja is very strong in medical skills, but it is obviously stronger than the so-called poison technique, and it can be said that most of the skills of butterfly ninja are in the use of poison.

If it weren’t for the ghost’s physique that could restrain almost all toxins, and only the wisteria flower toxin was effective against it, then it could be said that butterfly ninja was the most powerful pillar in the ghost killing team against evil spirits.

But unfortunately, most toxins do not play a large role in fighting evil spirits, so the ability to make butterfly endure a large part is not impossible.

“These toxins, in the fight against the evil ghost does not have much effect, Mujun actually does not need to learn at all, I will teach Mujun to learn how to make wisteria flower toxin, but also many toxins, there are and only wisteria flower toxin can kill the evil ghost, but want to use wisteria flower toxin to kill the evil ghost, the dose of this wisteria flower toxin must also be accurate, if the toxin is too little, it will only make the evil ghost weak, but can not kill the evil ghost…”

“Although these toxins don’t do much to fight demons, they still have to be learned.”

Su Mu said with a smile.

“It’s obviously useless to fight evil spirits, why study?”

The butterfly couldn’t help it.

“Is it also about studying to fight evil spirits?”

Su Mu couldn’t help asking.

Butterfly Shinobu opened her lips, she was about to say something, but her lips opened, but she couldn’t say anything.

I don’t know when it started, in her world, it seems that there is only one thing to hunt evil spirits, and all she thinks about is how to hunt evil ghosts, as for the rest… I don’t know when I started, I never cared.

When did it start…

Probably, it started when I was a child and witnessed my parents being eaten by evil spirits in front of me?

But at that time, I still had a sister I cared about, and with my sister’s protection, I still had a lot of things to care about.

But since her sister was also killed by evil spirits, her world has been completely filled with hatred.

I still remember that before my sister died, she took her hand and told herself: “I only hope that I will quit the ghost killing team, and then, like a normal girl, I will have the happiness that belongs to a normal girl.” ”

But losing her favorite parents, losing her most precious sister, her world has completely died, her heart has long died, and the only motivation to live is only to avenge her sister and her parents.

Only every time you kill an evil ghost, the pain in your heart and the emptiness in your heart can be alleviated.

She couldn’t go back in time.

It has long been impossible to have the happiness of ordinary people like an ordinary person.

Or maybe she has completely lost her happiness.

“I’ll teach you about other toxins.”

After a short silence, Butterfly Shinobu spoke in a low voice.

“Thank you.”

Su Mu nodded and waved his hand at him: “If you have leisure, you can come to my house to eat.” ”


Butterfly Shinobu responded briefly.

Su Mu bowed his head and also left.

Butterfly Shinobu looked at the back of Su Mu leaving, watching the shadow of the other party gradually dissipate disappear in the field of vision, Butterfly Shinobu suddenly had some envy of the other party.

Envy that the other party still has a home.

And himself, on the day his sister died, he completely lost his home and wandered in this world like a lonely soul and wild ghost.

The lips clenched slightly, and an indescribable loneliness emerged in her heart, and the thick loneliness seemed to block her breathing, making her breathe.

“It’s time to hunt demons.”

The butterfly murmured softly, and the sound was like the wind blowing through the surface of the lake.

For her, only by hunting evil ghosts and watching evil ghosts dissipate their lives in her hands will that the heavy feeling of loneliness disappear from her world.

Only when hunting evil spirits will she feel that she is still alive in this world.

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