"Luofu Sword Head is the title of the person who has reached the pinnacle of swordsmanship in the Yunqi Army."

"Therefore, I want to learn the sword that reaches the pinnacle of swordsmanship"

"How about we decide the outcome with one sword strike?"

Yayi said.

"Will one sword determine victory or defeat...that's fine."

Jingliu showed a faint smile.

This is in line with her thoughts.

In the open field.

Jingliu's sword intention blended with the environment, and fine frost crystals fell down.

A biting chill spread from the blade of the sword..In an instant.

Kagiri's slender figure was like an antelope hanging its horns, hanging high in the air.

The sword in his hand condensed into a boundless frost blade.

He swung through the air.

The sword of flying light seemed like the Milky Way turning upside down and frost falling all over the sky.

"What a powerful sword!"

Mei Yi felt a shiver in her heart.

The sword that cuts through everything hovers between a moment and eternity.

This sword is an eternity composed of countless moments. It is close to the extreme of a moment.

It is as still as eternity.

The whole space seems to have become A mirror.


Everything was cut.

The space was directly cut across the space.

The two swords fought, and the dazzling sword light spread everywhere.

There was a faint sound of thunder trembling.

Jingliu suddenly felt that the power of his sword was actually It was being eliminated quickly.

The opponent's swordsmanship that cut through everything actually cut off his own sword!

"This...this is the power of rules!"

"Your swordsmanship contains the power of rules!"

Jing Liu stared deeply at Mei Yi.

One sword decision determined the outcome.

She was obviously at a disadvantage.

"If we just talk about the realm of swordsmanship, I am definitely not as good as Miss Kyoryu, so I can only use my own strengths."

Yayi said frankly.

To put it bluntly, it was the use of Siyuan's power.

"Okay, okay, the competition is over, now the important thing is that we have to participate in this war of abundance. Alicia said with a smile.

"Yes, if we join forces with Yunshang Wuxiao, we should have a chance to take the head of the Order of Abundance."

Kiana thought about it for a moment and used a more conservative statement.

"According to our previous observations on the Fanghu Immortal Boat, the strength of the Fengrao Alliance Army is too large. For now, only the two immortal boats, Luofu and Yuque, can quickly support Fanghu, but this is difficult to solve the urgent need."

The purpose of their coming to Luofu Immortal Boat is to find Yunshang Wuxiao and surround and kill Suhu together.

As long as you see the scale of Fenghao's alliance with your own eyes, you can understand that their unimaginable strength is undoubtedly the biggest threat.

Fenghao The number of people is definitely an astronomical figure.

What they saw before was only a small part.

Suddenly, people are still being summoned in a steady stream.

"You mean, decapitation operation!"

Jing Yuan took a deep breath.

According to Taibosi's calculations and deductions, even if Luofu and Yuque attack with all their strength, any Xianzhou army participating in the battle will face a tragic defeat.

But if you stick to the defensive, there will be a turn for the better. Room.

And this room for change is bet on Di Gong Siming.

But there are still huge risks.

A tragic defeat coupled with huge risks.

This is the result of divination.

In this case, if there are other choice, why wouldn’t you dare to gamble?

The four people in front of you are all at least as powerful as Yunshang Wuxiao.

If they join forces, it is really possible to decapitate the Envoy of Fenghuo.

"good! Since you are determined to conquer the remnants of abundance, I have no reason to refuse."

Jingyuan has never been a person who sticks to rules.

Just like his attitude towards the train set in reality. In times of crisis, use the regulations if they are suitable, and throw them away if they are not suitable.

"Huh...are you convinced so easily?"

Kiana was startled.

She originally thought she would have to put in more effort.

After all, trust cannot be established with just a few words.

"Because I want to take a gamble, and there is no time for me to hesitate. From the information in the video, I know that every time there is a delay, the number of Fengrao people will increase significantly."

"In other words, their recruitment speed is much faster than our support."

Jing Yuan said with a heavy tone.

No matter how you look at it, the Harvest Alliance currently has a huge advantage.

Especially when you see the living planet in the image.

The murderous intent and coldness in Jingliu's body can't stop bursting out.

At the beginning , Her hometown, Cangcheng Xianzhou, was swallowed up by a living planet.

They knew better than anyone else that Fanghu Xianzhou was in danger.

Once the living planet fell into Fanghu Xianzhou, the end would only be the same. Just like Cangcheng Xianzhou.

Hundreds of years ago, they Yunshang Wuxiao also faced Suihu, the envoy of Fengfeo.

In order to rob the building, Suihu led his army to attack Luofu, destroying almost half of the cave and killing Yunqi army. Save one.

The most powerful desire of hunting is revenge.

Their hatred with Sudden has long been deep-rooted.

So no matter what the origins and identities of Alicia and the others are, they must take a gamble.

Because the current situation is no longer possible. No matter how bad it is.

Not to mention they don't have to deal with Fengshou people.

From a standpoint, the enemy of the enemy is a friend

"Time is indeed very tight, shall we set off now?"

Alicia followed Jing Yuan's words and said

"If you have no problem, the sooner the better."

Jing Yuan said with a solemn expression.

Just now, he had even sent Bai Heng to take the lead in supporting them.

Bai Heng is the Five Heroes on the Cloud and the strongest pilot in Luofu.

By leading the fleet first, she can ensure the first place. The reinforcements rushed to Fang Hu as quickly as possible.

Jing Yuan and Jing Liu came over to get the sword, which was a precursor to the master and apprentice preparing to go to the battlefield.

"No problem at all."

Alicia smiled slightly.

Just like that, the four of them, plus the four from Yun Shang Wu Xiao Li, led the Yunqi army toward the Fanghu Immortal Boat.

In the Herrscher chat group

【Kiana: Xier, Bronya, we have set off with General Jingyuan and the others. What is your situation now?】

【Xi'er: We set off with a sister named Bai Heng from Yunshang Wuxiao. We will arrive at Fanghu in about five minutes.】

【Ya Yi: Bai Heng? Could it be that she was the Yunshang Wuxiao who died in this battle?】

【Bronya: Yes】

【Chen Mu: In this case, if we keep her alive, we should be able to improve the evaluation of the level.】

【Bronya: Yeah, I think so too】

【Alicia: Chen Mu, how are you doing over there?】

【Chen Mu: I met Fu Xuan and her master. In this war, only Fu Xuan’s master can lead the light arrow of Di Gong Siming.】

【Mei: Does the Third War of Fertility really have to rely on Imperial Gong Shiming’s Light Arrow to win?】

【Chen Mu: It was like this in history, but if we join in, it might be different. 】

At this time, Chen Mu couldn't distinguish the boundary between reality and virtuality. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The longer he stays in the simulated universe, the more he will treat this place as reality.

This time it made him feel very inconsistent

"We have arranged a shielding formation on Tianyou. The Fengrao people's fleet cannot detect this side for a short period of time. Now they can directly enter Fanghu Xianzhou."

Fu Xuan said to Chen Mu.

Then she turned to look at her master, Jingtian.

It's the same as the trend in history.

Jingtian had expected such a day for a long time.

He accepted this fate calmly.

With a Kanyunjing went to Fanghu Xianzhou with Fu Xuan.

But now there are Chen Mu and his group.

Jingtian was wearing a half-worn flying fighter jacket, sitting on the ground with a sloppy look, looking intently at the projection array. changing light spots

"Mr. Chen Mu, all I can foresee is a fog of mist for you.……"

Jingtian murmured, but did not continue. There was an indescribable meaning.

"That's it...then just adapt to circumstances. I'm not the kind of person who makes calculations."

Chen Mu shrugged and didn't care.

Originally, he wanted to use Jingtian's calculations to help him make plans.

Now it seems that Jingtian can't do calculations on him.

It seems that they don't belong here because they obviously want to It's not that easy to take advantage of opportunities.

Jing Tian took a deep look at Chen Mu and the strange people and things around him.

There was a mist that could not be calculated.

It meant that they were full of unknown variables.

These variables even exceeded those in the calculation. countless possibilities

"adapt to changing circumstances……"

Jingtian tried to figure out the meaning of this word.

As far as fortune tellers are concerned, what they should do or not do should be based on what the divination indicates.

With the help of the formation, the diviners only need to believe devoutly, follow the revelation, and make decisions one after another.

Everything is destined.

There is a deep sense of fatalism.

So adaptability is a very unfamiliar word to Jingtian.

"Chen Mu, the Fengrao Alliance has begun to attack!"

The Herrscher of Dominance suddenly interjected.


An extremely huge momentum swept towards the Fanghu Immortal Boat.

At a glance, it was filled with darkness.

It was a million-level fleet!

The number of Fengrao people even exceeded 100 million.!

At this moment, the third War of Fertility has begun!

Fu Xuan and the diviners looked very solemn.

But Jing Tian looked calm. This was a situation that had been foreseen.

Just like the battles recorded in history, they faced an army several times larger than their own. Nearly a million battleship pilots fought to the death, and less than 100,000 of them left the battlefield alive. The

Fengrao Coalition forcefully attacked Fang Hu, but the Pearl Protectors refused to retreat. However, they were ultimately defeated, and the Fengrao Coalition forces entered the cave..

The Fenghuo coalition forces here are approaching Fang Hu.

Their tactical strategy is to suppress the strength of Fang Hu’s fairy boat and make the living planet [Jidu Mirage] continue to approach until it falls into Fang Hu

"Miss Fu Xuan, Tianyou has to stop on this route first, and we can't rush into Fang Hu yet."

Chen Mu said this.

With the current situation, anyone who comes close to Fang Hu will be immediately involved in the battlefield.

It doesn't matter to Chen Mu and the Herrschers.

But they are unsustainable.

Especially the cloud-viewing mirror they are transporting. It is the top priority, and no accidents can occur at 190.

Fu Xuan nodded heavily.

Then Chen Mu flew out of the sky with the Herrschers.

"There is no need to worry about anything now, you can finally have a big fight!"

"The Grip of Taixu!"

As soon as Shibao approached the enemy fleet, he really showed a domineering aura. He directly used the Grip of Taixu to smash thousands of behemoth ships.

Wendy and Xilin, two people with the power to destroy fate, The Herrscher even performed the aesthetics of destructive violence.

It constantly lifted huge rubbles into the air and then lowered them, turning them into meteorites and hitting the target.

During the Second Honkai War, Siren unleashed the power of the Herrscher of the Sky, Bombarding the earth with meteorites from the moon, destroying a large number of cities and causing tens of millions of deaths!

From this we can see that in its heyday, the six-core Siren could easily cleanse the earth's surface.

Although she is not a six-core now Driven by it, but with the blessing of Destruction of Destiny, it was even better than in its heyday.

Siren and Wendy's double bursts of meteorites fell from the sky and bombarded them from a long distance, which greatly increased the pressure on the Harvest Alliance.

And when they fought back and launched a surprise attack , When they came over, the Herrscher of Restraint was even more terrifying.

As soon as the restraint barrier opened for hundreds of kilometers, even the Fengsheng people in the ship received a strong impact, and the bioelectric voltage in their bodies quickly disappeared. They all died on the spot.

The most terrifying thing about the Herrscher is that it will be very difficult to deal with the opponent without any intelligence.

Every time humans defeat the Herrscher, they often have to pay an extremely heavy price.

Mainly because of the lack of intelligence, the opponent The Herrscher’s lack of understanding. The reason why the current civilization can defeat the Herrscher is entirely because the former civilization threw the answer in its face and was doing an open-book exam.

"What would it be like if the Herrschers used their abilities skillfully and cooperated with each other?"

Chen Mu lowered his eyes.

The simulated universe can become a stage for Herrschers to show their full potential.

The Cocoon of the End has always been a one-stop project for Herrschers.

There has never been a situation where multiple Herrschers joined forces.

If the Herrschers join forces , The Herrscher of Corrosion crazily invaded and copied the virus.

Needless to say, the spread of the virus was terrible.

A large number of warship databases were flooded with various viruses.

As a result, they lost control one after another.

They even aimed their firepower at their own side.

The scene was chaotic for a time.

There was no intelligence at all.

Naturally, it was difficult to defend.

At this moment, the Herrschers' offensive suddenly tore a hole in the Fengsheng Alliance.

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