Chen Twilight's whole play is equivalent to throwing the answer to the difficult problem of the pioneering journey on the face of the train set.

Let them do an open-book exam.

Of course, things have just begun to develop to this point.

Then what changes will occur in Belober in the future, Chen Twilight is not sure.

At this point, the amnesia trio agreed that the star nucleus was influencing Kokolia.

As for whether Bronia and Jepard believe each other, it is up to them to judge.

"Lord Mother, is the truth about the star core, the picture that appeared just now, all true?"

"I want you to tell me in person!"

Bronia asked, looking into Kokolia's eyes.

She didn't trust outsiders so easily.

Rather, it all precursors.

In fact, Bronia had questioned her mother's decisions about the lower classes more than once or twice before.

Even before Chen Twilight and their arrival, she once again had a fierce argument with her mother.

Combined with the picture presented by the dominant theater place.

Bronia is more or less inclined to her mother's temperament because of the star core.

She had lived with her mother for so many years that it was impossible not to detect the sudden change in Kokolia's temperament.

Kokolia was silent.

She had been avoiding all this from Bronia.

The truth was revealed too suddenly.

So that she was not mentally prepared.

I don't know how to explain it.

If you continue to point the blame and the finger at outsiders.

The intention to avoid is even more obvious.

Seeing that the mother was silent for a long time.

Bronia's hanging heart can never let go.

"Great Guardian, I think we should have a good talk now calmly."

Chen Twilight flashed over silently.

"Slow down!"

Jepard raised his hand to prevent the other party from getting too close to the Great Guardian.

But this is the space of imaginary numbers.

It is equivalent to Chen Twilight being the master of this area.

Jeppard only felt a whirlwind around him.

Instead, he is getting farther and farther away from the Great Guardian.

And Chen Twilight was getting closer and closer to the Great Guardian.

"Conservation aspirations!"

Jepard's first reaction was to protect the Grand Guardian.

A huge stream of solid ice formed a thick ice wall, straddling Chen Twilight's face.

"The defensive iron wall of protection is worthy of its name."

"It just so happens that I've been studying architectural civil engineering recently."

Chen Twilight stretched out his hand and pressed it on the tightly closed ice wall.


The originally solid ice wall suddenly vibrated violently.

Soon there was another 'bang' sound.

The ice wall, which was like a copper wall and an iron wall, actually exploded in an instant, turning into ice crystal debris in the air.

"It seems that the civil engineering boss's resonance transfer science is very practical."

Chen Twilight put what he learned into practice.

Resonant transfer.

In the game, it is also a blessing for the survival of the simulated universe.

In the world of the Star Dome Railway, there is a related professional knowledge that can be learned

Resonant transfer, which is a physical resonance reaction.

Simply put, it is a means of increasing the amplitude of an object.

Don't underestimate the impact of resonance.

On a larger scale, when the range of resonance frequencies is large to a certain extent, it is not a problem to destroy a planet from the inside.

In the history of the builders of Beloberg, there is a very famous construction accident.

A 2,200-meter-long bridge that took months to build was blown down by a gust of wind.

Later, the builders learned that the speed of the wind at that time was similar to the frequency of the bridge, so a resonance phenomenon occurred, causing the internal structure to collapse instantly.

The phenomenon of resonance is also an important reason why earthquakes can destroy many buildings.

Like the rock law of civilization before the collapse of the world, it can sink the entire continent, and it also has its resonance principle.

At a small scale, resonance can also kill invisible.

Because human organs also have natural frequencies.

For example, emitting sound waves of similar frequencies into the human body may cause internal organs to rupture.

The infrasonic weapons manufactured by certain scientific and technological civilizations are studied in this way.

If you think about it, as the star god of [Protection], I am afraid that the concept of resonant transmission is also one of the very few means by which it can cause attacks.

"I'll go, it seems that even Beloberg's guards are not Chen Twilight's opponents at all!"

March Seven saw Chen Twilight's hand put on the ice wall containing the power of protection, and it was directly shattered.

She is also a life-saving walker.

When he was on the snowy plains before, Jeppard almost had little effort to block his attacks.

From this, March 7 can fully infer how strong Dipard's survival power is.

But despite this, his solid protection was still brittle as paper in front of Chen Twilight.

"I remember he said he was about the same age as us, which is really shocking."

March 7 was full of emotion.

Xing and Danheng were already numb.

I can only try my best to get used to Chen Twilight's strength.

"Jepard, you calm down first, we really have to talk calmly now."

In Bronia's view, at least the other party did not use force from beginning to end.

She has always been cultivated as the next great guardian, and she still has extraordinary judgment and decisiveness in the overall situation.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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