He was tall, muscular, with a scar on his left eye and short gray hair that looked very strong.

The cloak on his shoulder flew in the wind, and the inky word justice declared his navy identity.

Vice Admiral, Munchi S. D. Karp, also known as a naval hero.

At this moment, he clenched his fists and glared angrily at Luo Chen, surrounded by special shells arranged neatly.

The barometric shell that defeated the confrontation between the two top powerhouses just now was caused by Karp’s shot.

“Ahhh… It’s Luffy’s grandfather! ”

Above the sky, little Nami, lying on the side of the ship, covered her mouth in surprise.


Gelz widened her big Karan eyes, looking puzzled.

“It’s my former partner!”

In this regard, Nami explained, her heart was shocked beyond words.


Hiliu’s face changed suddenly, and he exclaimed in a lost voice.

This time the development of the war was completely beyond his imagination.

First another redhead of the Four Emperors arrived, and now there are more naval heroes.

“How did he show up here?”

Xi was shocked.

No one knows better than him how terrifying this outlier in the navy really is.

It can be said that before the three major generals are born.

If the Warring States represent the wisdom of the Navy.

And Karp is the fist that represents the navy, and he has overwhelming power in the navy.

Even the five old stars of the Holy Land did not dare to attribute the threat to their sons and grandsons to Karp.

As for the reason, apart from the strength, Hiliu does not know in detail.

But there is no doubt about it.

At this time, the appearance of Karp made the battlefield that almost ran away just now instantly fall into a strange state.


Marko and the other captains returned to the Moby Dick one after another, surrounded Whitebeard, and did not dare to take half a step away.

Forty-three fleets, once again arched the capital ship in the center, protected from the wind.

This tight defensive formation, in naval battles, can be said to cause headaches for any enemy.

“There’s no chance to shoot!”

The golden lion glanced at it and said with some regret in his tone.

Moreover, there are more rifts in his body, and it is impossible to continue a stronger battle.

Special opponents are top powerhouses like Whitebeard and Karp.

Sacrifices need to be refound to contain souls!

“Huh~~ Although the ending is not satisfactory, it seems to be unexpected!”

Luo Chen glanced obliquely at Karp of the dog-headed warship, and scoffed: “I caught the little one at the beginning, but now the old one is coming to take revenge!” ”

He was not much surprised by the appearance of redhead.

When I first asked Kaido to cooperate, it was to guard against the redhead’s hand.

Only, I didn’t expect anything other than redhead!

Karp, representing the Navy, also appeared.

I don’t know if this is an accident or some kind of coincidental arrangement.

After all, the redhead of one of the four emperors of the pirates secretly had an ambiguous relationship with the five old stars.

But after confirming Karp’s eyes, Luo Chen knew.

This is to get yourself in trouble!


“Luo Chen!”

At this time, Kapu, who was standing on the dog-headed warship, roared at Luo Chen, and the anger in his eyes almost spewed out.


Luo Chen glanced at the past obliquely and said with a faint smile: “The contradiction between our pirates, the navy also wants to mix in?” ”

It can be heard that the two men have hatred.


The fleet of the Whitebeard Pirates began to withdraw very wisely, even if they passed by the side of the dog-headed warship, the other party did not react.

The red-haired pirate group stood in front of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group and blocked all support.

Only Luo Chen and the golden lion were left suspended in the air, and in front of the vast and boundless sea, the two looked very small and helpless.

“I correct what I just said!”

Luo Chen looked around and said with a faint smile: “Are you trying to trouble me?” ”

The meaning is obvious, directly dissociating the relationship between Karp and the Navy.

This is just a non-stop commanding navy in revenge for personal vendetta!

“Hmph, if you tie up your hands, the old man will naturally have time to chase after the other pirates!”

Karp hugged his hands, his expression slightly struggling, and he still retorted hard: “Justice does not allow evil people like you to slander!” ”


As soon as he finished speaking, Luo Chen couldn’t help but laugh.

That laughter, which fell on the ears of the navy on the dog-headed warship, was particularly harsh.

“This guy is so arrogant!”

On the deck, a tall Gion wearing a pink tights, a justice cape on his shoulders, and a spider tattoo on the outside of his thighs.

Her angry silver teeth clenched, and she wanted to carry the knife and cut it over.

Vice Admiral Peach Rabbit.

After being instructed by the crane staff officer, after coming to the new world, he kept an eye on Karp and did not let him mess around.

But alas, in the end, there was no way to stop it.

However, this is not a reason for pirates to laugh at the Navy.

“With the ability to resurrect the golden lion of the sea thief, what an awesome young man!”

Next to him, the short tea dolphin said with a sigh on his face.

It has only been a long time since he appeared, and now he already has the qualifications to match the four emperors.

If it were changed to the past, it would surely shock the whole world.

But unfortunately, when encountering a war on top, it will make the reputation slightly less visible.

This time.

The laughter stopped.

Whether it was the white-bearded pirate group that had been far away, or the redhead who stopped the hundred beast pirate group, even Kaido was rarely quiet.

They always felt that behind that maniacal smile, there seemed to be something abnormal.

“Did you just say justice? Mr. Karp? ”

Luo Chen raised his finger to point at the dog-headed warship’s Karp, looking like he saw something funny, and said, “Is it justice stained with innocent blood?” ”

“Have you forgotten the evil deeds you have created?”

“Twenty years ago, thousands of pregnant women …”


The loud noise shook, breaking Luo Chen’s words.

I saw the dog-headed warship shook suddenly, and the white-haired old man standing at the bow of the ship suddenly pulled a thick iron cable with both hands, fished out a huge iron ball from the depths of the sea, and threw it directly towards Luo Chen and the golden lion.

“Shut up the old man!”

The endless roar turned into a killing intent that rushed into the sky in an instant.

PS: Ask for flower ticket support!

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