Marin Fando.

The navy, which was waiting for the arrival of the Whitebeard Pirates, was invaded by Whitebeard from under the water.

The sea surface of Crescent Bay.

The huge brilliant bubble burst, and the captain of the fan team and the white-bearded Buddha-figure on the Moby Dick were instantly revealed in front of the eyes of the world.

“It’s Whitebeard!”

Someone exclaimed, frightened into a cold sweat.

Being so close to the execution table puts the Navy in a very passive position.

And when the man who claimed to be the strongest in the world and his burly body came to the bow of the ship, everyone was shocked.

did not take the initiative to release momentum, but it seemed to affect the air pressure of heaven and earth.

It made everyone feel a sense of oppression.

“Goo la la-la!”

Standing at the bow of the ship with a long knife, the white-bearded man looked up at the execution table, and the corners of his mouth raised: “Warring States, we haven’t seen each other for decades!” ”

Facing 150,000 elite naval soldiers, sixteen elite vice admirals of the naval headquarters, three admirals with the highest combat power of the navy, and a naval marshal Sengoku.

Not to mention, there is His Majesty the Seven Martial Seas not far away.

But the whitebeard is obviously calm, and the innate king momentum is even so overwhelming that everyone dares not come out.

This is the strongest man in the world!

However, his gaze became gentle at this moment.

Landing on one of the execution tables, the focus was only on the freckled Fire Fist Ace.

“My dear son, are you all right?”

Whitebeard grinned.

Words fall!

Marin Fandor quieted down.

Everyone looked incredulous.

At this time, they had not reacted, and they were all stunned.

Cold sweat broke down on Sengoku’s forehead.

With his resourcefulness, he would have thought that he would be invaded by Whitebeard to such a distance close to the execution table.

Throughout the square, Yaque was silent.

However, there was no time for everyone to react.

“Goo la la! Ace, wait for me for a while! ”

Whitebeard threw his head back and laughed, spinning his long knife into the ground.


Ace shouted with excitement.

Seeing this, Sabo from the execution table next door had a gratifying smile on his face.

Only the navy is suddenly like a great enemy.

I saw the white beard tie up his horse, his fists clenched, the cape on his shoulders flying without wind, and a majestic power like the sea suddenly erupted from the burly man’s body.

The next moment.

Click! Click! Click!

He swung his fists violently and struck the air, causing the space to shatter like a mirror, and irregular cracks appeared.

Boom boom –

At this moment, the ground shook, and the entire Marin Fandor shook.

In the horrified eyes of countless people.

The shaking caused one wave after another, climbing up continuously.

“What the hell is this?”

“Is the water rising?”

“What the hell happened…”

Countless naval soldiers exclaimed, shaking from the shaking.

“It’s a sea earthquake! He shook the sea! ”

At this time, the expression of the Warring States on the execution table changed drastically.

As a strong man in the old era, he is well aware of the terrifying nature of the man in front of him and has the power to destroy the world.

Known as the strongest superhuman Devil Fruit, the one with the ability to shock the fruit!

“Is this the true power of Whitebeard?”

With the rise of the sea surface, the naval soldiers of Crescent Bay exclaimed one after another.

But right now.

I saw that the waves that had been climbing, but at this moment, they fell with a bang, and the earth no longer shook.

Heaven and earth, calm has been restored!

A gentle breeze blew in, making the soldiers, who had palpitations, feel a chill.

But is it finally all right?

The soldiers who came into contact with Whitebeard for the first time were all stunned.

And on the execution table.

Seeing that Whitebeard took the lead, Ace’s face was full of regret and worry.

“Obviously I ignored the advice and ran out, why didn’t you abandon me?”

He gritted his teeth and yelled.

“No, I let you go, son!”

Whitebeard’s eyes softened, and he said with a smile: “Obviously I told you to go!” ”

Between the words, full of doting.

It’s like tolerating children who make mistakes, full of heavy and heavy fatherly love.

On the Moby Dick.

Marko and other captains, one by one, grinned, and the momentum was like a rainbow.

That’s their daddy.

Create a future for your sons and shelter your sons.

Even the three generals sitting under the execution table were full of emotion.

“We’ve got a bunch of guys!”

The yellow ape pouted, and said with a slight emotion in his tone.

“What are you talking about now!”

The red dog wrapped his arms around his face with a look of displeasure.

To this day, the morale of others is still growing, which will only demoralize the Navy even more.

“It’s really uncomfortable!”

Hearing Chi Dog’s words, the yellow ape scratched his head, but his tone was still careless.

Even in the face of the morale of the white-bearded pirate group, the three generals of the navy’s highest combat power all looked like a light and breezy attitude.

“What’s that?”

But at this moment, in the direction of the coast, there was an exclamation from the soldiers.

“Since just now, the water level has been rising!”

“Wait, what’s the end of the sea…”

Accompanied by panicked screams.

The earth shook again, and the heavens and the earth seemed to shake.

Boom boom –

The shaking almost threw the square into chaos.

“It’s coming, the sea quake he caused just now!”

In the area where the lieutenant general was, Karp’s face sank, and his tone was full of deep jealousy: “It turned into a tsunami and hit it.” ”

The words fell.

As far as the eye could see, the rising sea suddenly exploded, becoming violent and chaotic.

The warships waiting solemnly on the periphery, and the forty-three fleets of Whitebeard, which were facing off from afar, were out of control with the undulating waves.

“Goo la la-la!”

Seeing this, the corners of Whitebeard’s mouth raised a smile.

The next moment, the fists swung again, and the space spread out with cracks.

Boom boom –

The seismic force transmitted from the fist detonated an already huge tsunami.

That layer after layer of tsunami linked heaven and earth, swept from all directions, covering the entire Marin Fando.

The tsunami is too big to cover the sky!

No one thinks that when the devastating tsunami hits, the island of Marin Fandor can still exist.

“God, is this the power of Whitebeard?”

“Even nature’s tsunami can be triggered!”

“What the hell is this monster!”

Countless naval soldiers were shocked.

Is this still human?

Even nature’s tsunami can be created at will.

“Even if the number of personnel is superior, don’t be arrogant that you will definitely win!”

On the execution table, Warring States’ eyes sank, and he shouted: “It may be us who fail in the end.” ”

“That man, but he has the power to destroy the world!”

The voice of the Warring States spread throughout the Crescent Bay Square.


The live broadcast here has also spread to all parts of the world.

For the first time, the world has a more intuitive concept of the world’s strongest title of Whitebeard.

“It’s terrible, worthy of being the strongest in the world!”

“Does the Navy still have a chance of winning this war?”

“How can this tsunami be stopped!”

People all over the world, watching the live broadcast scene, felt a thick despair in their hearts.

Winning or losing a war is closely related to countless people.

Of course, in the eyes of the world, the heart is still inclined to the victory of the navy headquarters.

But the tsunami caused by Whitebeard made countless people feel desperate.

When the devastating tsunami overwhelmed the world.

Under the execution table.

I had been sitting upright and watching the three figures that did not move, and at this moment, they finally moved.

Ugh —

The green pheasant in a sea-blue suit suddenly popped out of the seat, and when he came to the edge of the steps, the whole person leaped.

“Ice Age!”

The man was still in the air, and he opened his hands.

A cold breath came out of the palm, and two icicles shot out, submerged into the sweeping tsunami.


In an instant, in the horrified eyes of countless people in the square.

The tsunami full of destructive power was instantly condensed into a thick iceberg surrounding the naval headquarters.


“It’s General Kuzan!”

This scene caused all the officers and men of the navy to burst into cheers.

The shot of the green pheasant represents the collision between the highest combat power of the navy and the white-bearded pirate group.

It also means that the men in the world in front of them are not really invincible.

At the very least, at the headquarters of the Navy, someone can stop his power.

“Goo la la! It turned out to be a pheasant imp! ”

The induced tsunami was frozen, and the white-bearded eyes rose and landed on the hanging figure.

On his face, he is full of confidence.

“Two spears!”

In this regard, the green pheasant’s open hands and extremely cold ability caused four spears to form in the air.


The next moment, four spears tore through the air and shot straight towards Whitebeard.

Bang –

Seeing the arrival of the ice spear, Whitebeard flipped his hand and bombarded with a punch.

The silver-white aperture covered his fist, and the terrifying shock force shattered the ice spear along the way, and then it was unabated, shaking the power of space, cutting half of the pheasant’s head.


Countless people’s eyes widened.

I saw the green pheasant fall down with a bang and fall directly towards the sea surface of Crescent Bay.

However, green pheasants with the ability to freeze fruits.

The moment it fell to the surface of the sea, it launched a freezing force, and cold qi came out, freezing the entire inner bay.

“It’s now!”

The naval soldiers, who had been waiting for a long time, saw this, and the artillery on the coast burst out in unison.

War, at the touch of a button!

The shouts of killing were heaven-shattering, and powerful firepower covered the Moby Dick of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Inside and outside the Gulf, at this moment, a full-scale war broke out.

A battlefield filled with gunfire.

The white-bearded gaze passed through the battlefield of the battle and locked on the freckled man on the travel platform.

Left to artillery fire and naval attacks, he himself stood still.

All the captains of the fan team shot at this moment, jumped off the ice, and made full contact with the navy.

Distance from public execution!

Less than two hours left!


Behind, there were hurried footsteps.

The Warring States looked at the unpredictable battlefield and couldn’t help but be shocked.

At this moment, the closer he was to execution, the less he wanted to hear about the disappearance outside the top war.

“Report Lord Marshal, advance the total fall of the city!”

Sure enough, I am afraid of what will come.

Warring States’ face changed drastically, his figure swayed, and he almost stood unsteadily.

With all the strength of his body, he slowly stabilized his figure.

The eyes became gloomy and terrifying.


Sengoku gritted his teeth with hatred.

If Blackbeard is in front of his eyes, he will definitely strike and kill immediately.

When he bypassed the naval headquarters and went to trade with the world government alone, he felt that this man was definitely not as simple as he seemed.

But, it’s too late…

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