On the first floor of Impel Prison, the shaking gradually subsided, and the hell built under the sea became extremely quiet at this moment.

Only the cracked walls poured into the seawater made a rattling sound.

The people who had fled were now divided into two camps, hostile to each other.

However, no one acted rashly.

Because, the silent confrontation is to wait for the outcome of the hell below.

“Wow, golden lion, I didn’t expect that a character like you, who is already dead, would actually follow a little ghost!”

World Breaker, Bundy Waldo stared at the golden lion, his face full of sarcasm.

Once a strong man of an era, he couldn’t figure it out.

A big man like the golden lion, even if he is dead, if he does not sell his soul, how can he be willing to follow a little ghost who has no name on the sea.

Waldo wouldn’t have believed it, if he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes.

Similarly, as a strong contemporary, this is simply an insult to him.

“Remembering the old guys, you don’t know the pattern of our captain!”

Without waiting for the golden lion to respond, Hiliu had already retorted with an unhappy look and sneered: “Only worthy of nostalgia for the stubborn old fellow, this new era has no more of your ship.” ”


Waldo glared angrily, his fists clenched, full of endless anger.

If it weren’t for the fear of the golden lion, he would have stepped out to break this deadlock of fearless confrontation.

Although he has an advantage in numbers, as a pirate of his time, he obviously understands the horror of the golden lion.

Moreover, this scattered alliance of interests will not fight with the other party for his sake.

And as some neutral people, they had already left with the Red Count when they were already fleeing.

What is left today.

The Rochen Pirates and the prisoners who stand in line with Blackbeard, or the unruly Waldo.

“Heliu is right!”

At this time, a faint voice came from the depths of the corridor.


Golden Lion and others exclaimed.

“What, did Blackbeard fail?”

“So what to do? Offended this guy just now! ”

“There are more than ten of us, and if we really want to fight hard, they will also have to pay the price!”

“The best thing to say is to let us leave without incident!”

The sea thieves who belonged to Blackbeard’s camp couldn’t help but talk about it.

Especially the faces of people such as Waldo and Butterfly became extremely ugly.

Unexpectedly, the last person to come up was Luo Chen.

I saw Luo Chen slowly floating, with an indifferent smile on his face.

However, when his gaze fell on Waldo, it gradually became dangerous.

“Hey Hiliu!”

Landing on the broken ground, Luo Chen turned his head to look at Xi Liu and asked, “Didn’t you always want the Devil Fruit?” ”

“How is this guy’s Momo Fruit?”

Hear this.

The noisy sea quieted down in an instant.

Hiliu was stunned and didn’t react for a while.

The others were equally stunned.

Even the golden lion had a dull look and confusion in his eyes.

It seems that he is very puzzled by Luo Chen’s words.

“Little ghost, are you kidding?”

This is, Waldo was the first to react, and he couldn’t help but be angry in his heart.

“I never joke!”

Luo Chen replied very seriously, and then turned to look at Nami again, and said with a smile: “Miss Navigator, are you interested in this guy’s fruit ability?” ”

As he spoke, he raised his finger and pointed at the crescent hunter Butterfly.

It looks like you’re picking gifts for your crew.

However, these targeted people are not gifts, but vicious sea thieves who once shook the sea.

“I hate you!”

Crescent Hunter Butterfly was furious.

To this.

Luo Chen directly ignored the past, looked at Hiru and Nami, and waited for their answers.

“The ship … Captain! ”

Sensing that the captain’s attitude was not a joke, Hiliu also reacted, a little helpless, and said, “Even if I want this Devil Fruit ability, it will only reappear after the original ability dies…”

His meaning is obvious, even if he sees Waldo’s abilities.

Now kill the other party, after the rebirth of the demon fruit, I don’t know where it will fall.


Nami said the same.


But desire and reality, that’s another story.

Boom –

And this is, Barrett came up from the bottom of the sea.

Sweeping his gaze, he found that the atmosphere was a little strange, and he pointed to the sea thief of infinite hell: “Do you want to kill these guys?” ”


Luo Chen thought about it, and finally nodded: “I don’t want to waste any more time!” ”

“Since the captain ordered, then I will also strike!”

The golden lion walked out with two knives.

Two people made a move, and the Infinite Hell Pirates on the opposite side changed drastically one after another.


Luo Chen ignored it, but turned his head to look at Hiru and Nami, and said in a deep voice: “You guys can think about it, the devil fruit can allow you to improve your strength in a short time, but it will also have the side effect of not being able to swim!” ”

“But… How do I get it? ”

Hiru couldn’t help but ask, his eyes full of anticipation.

“I have a way!”

In this regard, Luo Chen said in shock.

Receiving the captain’s affirmative reply, the excitement on Hiliu’s face could not be concealed at all.

Even Nami covered her small mouth and stared at her Karansi with big eyes, looking like she couldn’t believe it.

“Little Nami, if the captain really has a way, that’s really great!”

At this time, Yamato patted Nami’s shoulder and explained, “This guy’s Devil Fruit ability is a phantom beast species that is rarer than nature!” ”

“If you develop it well, you will definitely be able to exert great power!”

As the strongest combat force in the trio, Yamato’s words made Nami’s heart move.

“Captain, then I choose this guy’s ability!”

She pointed to Butterfly Mei, who was seriously injured by the golden lion in the distance, and said with a rather firm face.

After many despairs, no one is more eager to become stronger than her.

“Bastard, even if you kill me, you can’t get my abilities!”

Crescent Hunter Butterfly said through gritted teeth.

Just one face, this female pirate contained in the sea was directly seriously injured by the golden lion.

At this time, lying on the ground, in addition to anger, there is only endless fear.

And the rest of the people, facing the golden lion and Barrett at the moment, can’t even be distracted, and naturally can’t come to the rescue.

“Nami, come here!”

Luo Chen glanced at it and walked directly towards the seriously injured Butterfly.

Behind, Nami Jiao~~ body trembled lightly, and then plucked up the courage, followed Luo Chen’s back, and walked to the near front of Butterfly.

“No, it can’t be, it’s impossible!”

Seeing Luo Chen indifferent, the crescent hunter was really afraid, and shook his head with a pale face.

In the distance, Waldo was also frightened when he saw this.

To this!

Luo Chen raised one hand, palm down, facing the crescent hunter.


He felt that the strange demonic power fluctuation in the crescent hunter’s body.

Demon power is the ability that can be used by those who have the ability.

Each kind of demonic power, just like the ability of the demon fruit, is unique.

“Little Nami, are you ready?”

Luo Chen looked at Nami and asked.

After seeing her nod, Luo Chen took her small hand, and the other hand was raised, and the palm was facing Butterfly.

Buzz –

In the horrified gaze of everyone, a dark energy suddenly emerged from Luo Chen’s shoulder, like a black flame jumping.

At the same time, his raised palm formed a dark vortex.

The vortex gradually spread, eventually wrapping the crescent hunter and completely devouring the past.

This scene shocked everyone’s eyes.

“Dark Water Transfer!”

But at this moment, Luo Chen suddenly burst into drink, and the vortex in his palm collapsed with a bang.

At the same time, he pulled Nami’s palm and burst out a dark repulsion.

Buzz –

The next moment, the air shook and the darkness dissipated.

Hiliu and the others were stunned and directly shocked.

And the golden lion and Barrett, who had just solved those sea pirates at this time, turned their heads and looked over.

The gaze is full of surprise and incredulity.

“Double Fruit Ability!”

After a long while, the golden lion exclaimed, looking unbelievable.

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