
Seeing the two figures of the desert island in the distance, countless spectators in the outer seas exclaimed one after another.


Others were stunned.

There is no earth-shattering imagination.

Two figures flashed away.

Just stand with your back to each other.

A gentle breeze blew up, lifting a black coat and a gray kimono.

They also maintain a swinging posture.

However, for many viewers, there is some disappointment and doubt.


The decisive battle of the world’s number one swordsman should have been the supreme throne of kendo, it should have been a wonderful and colorful battle, or it should have been, an instantaneous second kill.


None at all!

Some, like two ordinary people, slash at each other.

But he didn’t even touch the other party’s clothes.

“Ah, that guy’s knife, why isn’t it as powerful as before?”

In the distance, Luffy held the pergola with his right hand, staring at the desert island with wide eyes, his face puzzled and puzzled.

To know.

When he was eyeing the war, Hawkeye swung a knife at will, and the power could split the iceberg.

It’s a completely different scenery from what you see.

“I feel abnormal!”

Ace doesn’t know kendo very well.

But he sensed the unusual air pressure of heaven and earth.

Hearing the words of the two, Renly smiled bitterly silently, with a depth of 28 places under his eyes, with solemnity and jealousy.

Solon stared into the distance, his eyes becoming horrified, and his face full of surprise.

It was as if the world of kendo had opened a door to him.

And the direction of other seas.

For different people, different realms, there are different understandings.

But more.

But it was a disappointment…

“The showdown of the world’s number one swordsman, that’s it?”

“Waste of time!”

“No, didn’t Hawkeye use his strength, just playing with each other?”

“But if you accept the challenge, you should use all your strength!”

“Hey, don’t say cut off the sea, just this knife, I’m afraid even the trees will be cut down.”

Many people who do not understand show disdain and contempt.

But right now.

On the coast of a desert island.

The two standing with their backs to each other slowly turned around.

Each armed with a black knife, autumn water and night.

The next moment.

Boom boom –

The entire huge desert island land was separated in shock, and two bottomless rift valleys spread from the coast to the end of the island.

The sea poured in, making a deafening noise.

Dust is shrouded in the sky.

If you look down from above.

The huge island appeared in the X-shaped Rift Valley spanning tens of kilometers, and the entire desert island was like a biscuit, instantly divided into four pieces, floating up and down in the sea.

This scene.

Countless doubts stopped in an instant.

Countless sea powerhouses turned a little dignified.

Ghost Island.

The closest location to the battlefield.

Compared with other onlookers, the people on the island felt more clearly the terrifying sword qi that silently cut the island.

A wisp of sword qi condensed to the extreme.

Cut out of two black knives, they flew away in intertwining.

The ultimate kendo release!

“Goo la la, the supreme throne of kendo, is not worthy of any ability at all!”

Whitebeard laughed as he carried the wine barrel.

“This protracted battle of kendo should be no less than the duel between redhead and hawkeye back then, right?”

Luo Chen said with a faint smile.

“A pure kendo master has always been a direct and brutal sword!”

Golden Lion commented.

Just now Ryoma and Hawkeye, there are no bells and whistles.

Yes, direct and brutal and very simple chopping.

“Whether they can compare with that decisive battle depends on how serious they are!” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The white-bearded man sitting next to Luo Chen raised his head and poured a few mouthfuls, and said nonchalantly.

The words fell.

Behind him, Hiliu and Jinping, as well as the newly joined Luqi and others, all changed their faces drastically.

The eyes appeared incredulous and shocked.

The contact of the fractured island is actually just a trial, and it has not yet begun to be serious?

Everyone was thrilled and shocked!

“Standing on the supreme throne of kendo, hundreds of years apart, it is really exciting to watch!”

Barrett folded his hands, his smile maniac, and his eyes boiling with fighting intent.

Such a showdown between such masters is rare in the world.

Whether it was the war on top or the war of thieves who had been on Roger’s ship, it was not as good as the battle between the two people and two swords in front of him.

“Your Excellency is the first person to excite Qiu Shui!”

Ryoma holds a black knife.

The pitch-black sword blade released wisps of sword intent, causing the air to shake, like a joyful sword sound.

“If you are tempted, it is not necessary!” He said.

“When I stood on the throne of the number one in the world, I was waiting for someone to surpass me to appear!”

Hawkeye’s face was indifferent, not the slightest wave, but his eyes became sharper, and he said in a deep voice:

“Unexpectedly, spanning hundreds of years, I met you!”

Speaking of this, Hawkeye’s eyes turned, passed over the dragon horse, and landed on Luo Chen in the distance.

“Thank you for allowing me to cross the ages to fight the Sword God of Wano Country!”

“However, it is still me who wins in the end!”

“Your kendo is dead after all!”

Cold words do not contain regret.


This is the disadvantage of soil rebirth.

Even if it returns to the subversive state in front of him, he is still not a living person, and lacks the spirit of a living person!

“I can fight with you across the times, and I am satisfied in the next!”

In this regard, Ryoma looked calm, and his dark eyes did not wave.



The words were not finished.

But the two figures facing each other swung the swords in their hands at this moment.

The black knife autumn water, and the black knife fell in the night, releasing two huge sword qi that was enough to split the heavens and the earth.

Boom –

The two collided, forming countless awe-inspiring wind blades, like thousands of sword lights, tearing the air and smoothing the ground of the island.

I saw that thousands of meters away from where the two were standing, the rocks and trees were broken, and the cut was smooth and smooth, like a mirror.

But weirdly.

The coast where Ryoma and Hawkeye stood, but unharmed. 457

The sword qi that was swung out all flew away and avoided the range of two kilometers.


The pleasant sound of jingo, for swordsmen, is the most moving note, stimulating their sword intent, stimulating their senses and the strength of the sword.

No dazzling moves, no bells and whistles to dodge…

Yes, it is the most primitive, primitive, and purest killing!

The shot of the two is directly rough and simple, and fast as lightning.

The staggered blades, the slightest step that does not retreat, the killing that does not retreat and dodge, is full of heavy killing.


On the sea surface in the distance, sword qi flew over, and the sea water was difficult to calm down, forming unfathomable sword marks.

The high mountains on the island have huge canyons.

The jungle is smoothed, the mountains and rivers are cut off, the sea is flowing backwards, and the air and space seem to be cut through the layers of squares.

The two shot faster and faster, turning into an afterimage.

The sword light and shadow of each other were staggered, and finally formed a blazing ball of light, bursting out one after another, enough to tear the heavens and the earth.

This picture!

It has attracted the attention of countless people.

Everyone’s hearts were drawn to the past.

Countless strong people with swords all looked solemnly and solemnly, as if on pilgrimage, their expressions were full of awe and shock.

Supreme Kendo Throne Showdown!

Give countless swordsmen and open a whole new door.

Sword, it turns out that it can be done to this extent!

Where the edge goes, heaven and earth can be cut….

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