“Ding! Open the dimensional dirt rebirth! ”

With the sound of the system falls.

In Luo Chen’s mind, a bolt of lightning suddenly streaked, and in his spiritual world, a mysterious white mist surged.

“What is it?”

Feeling the vision of the spirit world, Luo Chen asked in surprise.

“Pray to the host, this is a dimensional channel built by the system, which will help the host link the dimensional world, so that it can communicate with the souls of the reincarnated in the other world.”

“Reincarnated soul?”

When Luo Chen heard this, he couldn’t help but be stunned: “Could it be that the character reborn from the dirt must die in his original world?” ”


“Then how do you know if the other party is dead or not?”

“So from the beginning, this system is set to be random!”

Hearing this, Luo Chen completely realized.

It turned out that the soul of the deceased was summoned, and the dirt was reborn into that character.

That’s too casual, right?

No wonder it’s random!

It’s time for luck.

“System, then how do I know that I am linked to that world?”

Luo Chen asked again.

“The host can meditate on the world imagined in the mind, and the chance of the world linked by the system will be 28 greater, because this is the system as a medium, using the host’s spiritual world as a bridge to connect!”

Hear the explanation of the system.

Luo Chen completely understood.

So, it’s still up to luck.

If he is unlucky, no matter how much he meditates and imagines, it will not change.

But with a little luck, meditation will increase the probability of linking.

“Okay, I see!”

Taking a deep breath, Luo Chen said in his heart.

At the same time, he also thought about how to imagine it.

“Ding! Dimensional Filthy Earth Rebirth, Open! ”

At this moment, the system’s prompt tone came.

Luo Chen’s spiritual world shook violently, and the mysterious white mist suddenly flashed with countless electric snakes and hurricanes, rolling around what white mist swirled.

“By the way, what world did the soil rebirth come from?”

The moment his mind turned, he instantly remembered the world from which the dirt was reborn.

Hokage World!

However, imagine that this is so, but as for whether or not to connect, then you can only do your best.

Luo Chen’s mind fell into that mysterious white mist.

Vaguely, he seemed to see worlds with different rules flying by in his sight.

These worlds are both familiar and unfamiliar.

But more, is unfamiliar.

Because, there are so many.

Countless worlds fly by in sight, and finally turn into pictures that flicker past.


A thunderous loud sound suddenly sounded from Luo Chen’s spiritual world.


I saw the rotating mysterious white fog, and in an instant, a strange and extraordinary world instantly froze in Luo Chen’s sight.

“Hokage World?”

Luo Chen breathed heavily, and his mood instantly became excited.

It seems that his current luck seems to be very good.

“Ding! Congratulations to the host, link to the world of Hokage! ”

It was at this time that the system’s prompt tone came.

The words fell.

The mysterious white mist of the spirit world reappeared, covering the Hokage world in sight.

Luo Chen knew.

After linking the Hokage world, as for the soul that can be summoned from the underworld, it is still random.

Very painful rules!

“If the qi luck explodes, I hope it is Asura and Indra!”

After silently saying a word in his heart, Luo Chen’s attention returned to reality.

And right at this moment.

Buzz –

Suddenly, in the quiet jungle, there was a sudden vibration of space.

Yes, not air, but space.

I saw that above Apu’s coffin, a silent dust appeared, slowly falling towards the coffin. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

I don’t know where it came from.

It makes people feel palpitations for no reason.

It’s like, matter that doesn’t belong to this world.

“How do I feel, the captain’s summoning soul this time is different from the previous one?”

Following Luo Chen’s side from the beginning, Xiliu has seen many rebirths of filthy soil.

But the scene in front of me is the first time I have seen it.

“I feel that these dusts have made me feel a great sense of crisis!”

Barrett frowned, his expression slightly solemn.

Like Hiliu, he felt uneasy in his heart.

As for Hancock and Luqi, who saw the rebirth of dirt for the first time, their eyes were full of curiosity.

At the same time, as a newly joined member.

This kind of secret summoning, Luo Chen did not hide from them, it can be said that these guys are very grateful.

After all, summoning the souls of the dead to return from the underworld was Luo Chen’s unique ability.

If it is known, it will definitely cause waves.

However, Luo Chen still did not hide it, but took the initiative to call them to follow, and this feeling of being trusted made everyone very moved.

“It’s different from ours!”

At this time, the golden lion’s gray face was filled with surprise.

Even he could sense it clearly.

This dust that appeared out of thin air seemed to come from another world, spilling down through the transportation of space.

Moreover, it is not the same as the dead turned into dust.

From the beginning, the speed of dust falling was very slow, as if the transmission process had encountered great obstacles.

“Goo la la, there is actually a throbbing feeling in my heart!”

The corners of the whitebeard’s mouth were raised, and hearty laughter occurred.

“Is it a big guy?”

Ryoma tilted his head and looked a little expectant.

Well, expect to be the big man of kendo.

Of course, no one knows that this time the call is a figure from another world.

Luo Chen didn’t say, they broke their heads, they couldn’t imagine it.

Dirt reincarnation, you can actually reincarnate other world figures.

“This is a guy who cultivates the way of forbearance 193!”

Seeing that everyone was talking about it, Luo Chen explained with a light smile.

As for who?

To be honest, he didn’t know either.

Because, although it is connected to the Hokage world, it has not yet communicated with the souls of the dead in the underworld.

If it’s the Otsuki family, it’s even better.

You know, dimensional dirt is reborn, in addition to rebirth of dimensional characters.

Luo Chen, it’s okay, he has all the abilities of a reincarnated character.

Yes, all.

“Ding! Link the underworld is successful, and is being reborn in the soil! ”

That’s when it was there.

In my mind, there was a crisp prompt sound from the system.

In an instant, Luo Chen’s spiritual world, the rolling mysterious white mist, and a pair of scarlet pupils flashed away in Luo Chen’s sight.


Luo Chen was stunned.

The scarlet pupils were not very familiar to him.

However, as a comic fan, you must also know what this represents.

In the Hokage world, only the Uchiha clan has this kind of eyes.

Also, one of the pupil techniques of the Hokage world.



In the reality of the outside world.

The slowly sprinkling dust suddenly accelerated, like a waterfall of dust, pouring out of the void, instantly submerging the coffin.

The next moment.

A huge dust cocoon, quietly suspended in mid-air.

It’s time for the last moment of rebirth of dirt!.

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