World Government, Holy Land Mary Joya

The meeting of the five old stars is still continuing,

“Luo Chen, this kid is getting more and more rampant!”

“He has occupied almost all the territory in the second half of the Great Route.”

“It seems that the rumors that he wants to become the king of the world are not groundless!”

“Hmph, ridiculous! I don’t even know the secret of eight hundred years ago, and I still want to become the king of the world! ”

“But his power is getting stronger and stronger now, and the naval headquarters can no longer suppress him!”

“Then shout the air together, the navy, land and air forces together!”

“But in that case, the member countries may have different intentions, and putting these uncontrolled forces together may cause hidden dangers!”

“So how much power can we use now? No enemy has ever forced the world government to be like this! A five-old star said unwillingly.

“There is only CP, take out all the hidden power of CP0…”

Hearing this, the other five old stars have been silent, CP0 has been established for too long, almost when the world government was established, CP0 has appeared, and the subsequent CP1-9, which was established later, is much worse than CP0, no one knows how much power they hide.

“What if it doesn’t work? Although the power of CP0 is very strong, it may not be able to defeat the Luo Chen Pirate Group! ”

“If that’s the case, we can only activate the ultimate alert!”

“Is it already this time?”

“That legendary last line of defense for the world government.”

“That’s what the adult meant.”


Luo Chen looked at the one below

Charlotte Katakuri

Edward Newgate

Uchiha spot







This is his most important force in conquering the world, and from now on they will lead their legions and begin the first step towards conquering the world.

Luo Chen redistributed all the strong people below the general level under him, and basically everyone became a new type of pirate group with the combat power of the four emperors!

Those combat power Luo Chen basically let them choose who they want to come with, and if whose strength is too much, he will redistribute.

In terms of the results, it was a little surprising to him, but in terms of the results, it made him feel more interesting.

The first is Charlotte Katakuri, the people who are willing to follow him are basically the original members of the BIGMOM Pirates, his two younger brothers Charlotte Daifuku and Charlotte Owen, and the very powerful Charlotte Smoogie, Charlotte Bree, Charlotte Garette, Charlotte Chiffon, Charlotte Brein, Charlotte Anana…

Then there is the white-bearded Edward Newgate, the title of the world’s number one powerhouse is not covered, there are many people who are willing to follow him, Nami, Yamato, giantess…

Nami is willing to follow Whitebeard, not because of his title as the world’s number one strongman, mainly among all the generals and powerhouses, this one feels the most gentle, although he has been arguing to make himself his daughter, but he rejected him but he also laughed and didn’t care.

Then there is the golden lion Shiji, the name of the flying pirate ship is still very famous, and there are many people who are willing to follow this strong man, especially after the close match with Charlotte Lingling a few days ago, there are more strong people willing to follow him. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

And Barrett has always been single, for him, as long as he becomes the strongest is the best, as for the kind of things under him, it’s just a burden he doesn’t need, but Luo Chen still gave him some puppets after being reborn in filthy soil, and some pirates who inexplicably adored him.

Uchiha is really not needed, he alone represents a large army, plus he awakened the eye of reincarnation, so Luo Chen is too lazy to give him his subordinates.


And those who followed Xiliu were even less pitiful, after all, in all the battles, only he lost, or Luo Chen felt that it was not easy for him, and specially matched him with his subordinates.

Then there was Ryoma, and surprisingly, the two major disasters of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group were actually willing to follow him, obviously the blood cut by him before flew everywhere, and he couldn’t afford to fall to the ground! There are also some pirates who use knives and follow him very much!

After that, there was the last ember, and needless to say, most of the cadres of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group were willing to follow him.

In this way, the personnel is fully distributed.

Luo Chen looked at the nine cadres who had all been armed.

“And then that’s our first step in navigating the world.

Although the New World is already largely in our hands, there are still many places that are not under our rule.

Then I want you to go to them one by one, if they are willing to submit to us, it is best, if they are not willing then they will not have to exist in the future’!” ”

“Whitebeard, don’t say I don’t give you face, you go and persuade your sons!” Luo Chen took a deep look at Whitebeard.

“…… Yes, Captain! Whitebeard was silent for a moment and agreed.

“Very good, next Shiki, you go to the Kingdom of Toran and have a good talk with their king.”


“Ryoma, you go to the country of mountains, if they are not willing to submit, you will cut down their protective beasts!” Luo Chen said casually.

He had long heard that the Protector Beast of the Mountain Country was a huge lion that had eaten the phantom beast species!


“Ember, you go to the Kingdom of Ida, I heard that their woods there are beautiful, if they are not willing to submit, let their beauty disappear.”

This kind of thing is too simple for someone who codenamed disaster!

“Xiliu, I heard that a group of pirates who escaped from the city and set up a criminal group, you caretaker should take good care of it!”


“Lox, it seems that you have been very interested in bullying children recently, and then all the pirates who enter the new world will be in charge of you.”

“Don’t worry, leave it to me!” Rocks laughed maniacally nonchalantly.

“Finally, Charlotte Katakuri and Barrett, you two have special missions.” Luo Chen looked at the two expressionless.

“First of all, Barrett, I want you to go to Gilder Tezzolo, that golden emperor, a guy who claims to own 20% of the world’s Bailey, wants to conquer the world, people alone are not enough, but also have money, that guy’s money is enough for us to conquer the world, rebuild a new world, talk to that guy, if necessary, even if you take the life of a Draco, you can trade with him.” Luo Chen smiled inexplicably and said.

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