People Are Sailing: Intercepting Luffy! Awaken The Sun God

Chapter 105 Fierce Battle! 5 Elders Take Action! (Subscribe)

Kong, who had cultivated to Ultimate's physical skills, rushed up so abruptly.

The hardness of fists, legs and feet is not weaker than the rubber covered by the armed color.

Not to mention, there are Kizaru, Kuro-kun bears!

The three of them joined forces, even in fifth gear, Luo Er still felt it was very difficult.

The assimilation of rubber to Ultimate not only changed the surrounding land, but also wanted to make these three people become rubber under his control.

Storm-kun bear stretched out his palm, and the meat ball fruit ability bounced off the rubber in front of him again and again.

Luo Er suddenly concentrated his attention, and a ball of white light burst out.

It actually appeared from the rubber under the foot of the storm-kun bear!

Just as Whitebeard can give the ability of Shock Fruit to the cloud cut, Luo Er can also use the ability to extend the rubber.

It spreads out like a great power.


Space shatters.

In the blink of an eye, the cracks visible to the naked eye spread all over the storm-kun bear.

After the transformation, the human weapon, almost every part of the body is made of metal, but now there is a "crunch-crunch" sound.

It's like a machine under rapid motion. After the parts are loosened, the sound of hitting and rubbing against each other is normal.

"Hey, bear, are you all right?"

Seeing this scene, Kizaru couldn't help but ask.

No one thought that Luo Er would be caught off guard by using the power of the two fruits to such an extent.

Kong stood there, like a mountain, with a heavy, deep breath.

Not even a rubber attack can shake it.

He exerted force under his feet, and a deep pit was stepped on the ground. His figure was like a mountain falling from the sky, pressing down on Luo Er.

The power of Shock Fruit will shake the entire sky.

Boundless power, collided with Kong.


At that moment, it was like a thunderous explosion in the sky!

Under the clear sky, there was a sudden thunderstorm.

A terrifying breath came out, filling the entire Sabaody Archipelago!

"What a powerful force, worthy of being the marine genius of all time."

Such a powerful talent made Kong unable to help but sigh.

But since you can't become a Marine, then this kind of evildoer should be killed to avoid future troubles!

Thinking of this, Kong's killing intent was even stronger.

The body twisted, a fist was slowly swung, and the body was pulled up like a full moon bow.

Terrifying power gathered in his fists.

As if that is the power that can truly destroy everything.

On the other hand, after the transformation of the violent-kun bear, the shortcomings were exposed, and even the power of the fruit was not exerted, and the body was damaged, and it was smoking. Obviously, it was difficult to participate in the battle.

Beside him, a yellow flash suddenly appeared.

After just one look at Bao-kun Xiong, he didn't say anything, just looked up and quietly watched the fight between Kong and Luo Er.

Common name: 1V1SOO!

Facing Kong with a punch that could destroy the entire island, Luo Er's expression restrained and he became serious.

The same is twisting the body, the fist is slowly pulled apart.

Emission Haki Covered!

Dark red lightning flashed all over his body.

The strange lines on the fist appeared, the momentum suddenly increased, and the Conqueror's Haki was entangled!

At the same time, the good physical skills, coupled with the increase in the body after the awakening of the rubber, almost all the power is condensed into this punch.

A wave that was no weaker than Kong's aura slowly spread from Luo Er.

The originally clear sky, suddenly the wind was blowing violently, and the clouds were dense... It was as if the end of the world had come.

At the tavern, Rayleigh just brought Luffy and others in, facing this near-destructive fluctuation, not only frowned:

"Not at all? Are these two lunatics really going to destroy the Sabaody Archipelago?"

Shakky looked relaxed, took a puff of cigarette, and said in a good mood:

"Are these new customers? How many, what do you need?"

I don't know why she seems so calm.

Is it really just a habit of ripping things off and thinking that the store is just a decoration?

"Huh? Is there any meat?"

Luffy suddenly asked a heartless question, and then said nervously to Rayleigh:

"Can Luo Er beat that old man? 99

In front of the meat, I can still think of Luo Er. If Luo Er knew, it would be very gratifying to die.

"Of course... I can't even see through that kid."

Under the glasses, Rayleigh's eyes sparkled.

There was one sentence he didn't say - "It would be more interesting to be born in Roger's time than it is now.

"Ah! Die for the old man!

Kong roared, his fists slammed down.

Luo Er clearly felt that his body was sinking gradually without the overwhelming momentum bursting out.

The power of that punch turned out to be that the directly oppressed ground began to collapse!

How terrifying!

Kizaru's pupils dilated slightly, and he muttered in disbelief: "Hey, terrifying aura~ But it's a bit too much, isn't it?

Sabaody Archipelago seems to be really unable to hold on if these two fight so desperately.

Kizaru is sighing, is this Luo Er a disaster star who can bring destruction to any island wherever he goes?

So Marineford, now it's Sabaody Archipelago's turn??

Even if Kong knew the consequences, he couldn't stop.

It's just that the arrow has to be sent on the string.

Luo Er suddenly raised his head, his black eyes shrouded in a faint silver glow, making him look even more sacred!

A punch that condensed the strength of the whole body, slammed it out!

The space around him was wrinkled with the naked eye, and it was obviously unbearable for such a powerful force to break through common sense.

Around the two of them, there were no spectators at all.

Kizaru took Kuro-kun and Zhan Taomaru and left at the speed of light.

Zhan Taomaru reluctantly wanted to take away the pacifist, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he was shocked by what happened in front of him.

The pacifist closest to the two was actually collided by two momentums, and finally exploded directly, forming a mass of scrap metal!

"This... old man, what kind of strength are they?"

Zhan Taomaru has always regarded himself as a genius of Marine, and being able to command a scientific force is not something that ordinary people can do.

But this time, facing Luo Er, who was younger than him, for the first time, he felt a sense of frustration.

It's as if the huge gap between the two cannot be bridged!

"Old man! 39

Luo Er replied with bad words.

The next moment, the two fists that contained the power of destroying the sky and the earth collided.

The two forces collided with each other, and the resulting fluctuations seemed to form a small sun, emitting a dazzling light.

The terrifying air wave once again centered on the two of them and swept all around.

In an instant, 12GR was moved to a flat ground!

All the numbers were broken and crushed into the ground by the flying dirt!

Looking around, it is a mess, and there is no life at all!

Meanwhile, the entire Sabaody Archipelago is in a state of shock.

Even this force rushed into the depths of the sea, stirring the sea.

A huge wave was born, bombarding the shore.

The scene, scene by scene, makes people feel heart palpitations.

Countless residents ran to the square, thinking that an earthquake or a tsunami was coming.

Pieces of buildings collapsed, forming ruins in the blink of an eye.

Inside the slapstick tavern.


Luffy, under the command of Rayleigh, summoned rice cakes to prop up the house, which saved the pub.

Kizaru shook his head helplessly, and said tiredly: "It seems that I'm busy again."

Looking around, almost half of the building collapsed.

It was as if it had been devastated by the power of Shock Fruit.

The two who were the initiators slowly emerged from the storm.

Luo Er has already released his fifth gear, and is moving in the air with Moonwalk. Behind him, Kong, who also uses Moonwalk, is chasing after him.

Both sides may also be aware of the destruction just now, and they are ready to switch the battlefield.

And Luo Er, who has been released from the fifth gear, is not without a fight against Kong!

Just now, the two sides collided with all their strength, but Luo Er had the upper hand!

Because Kong has cultivated to the pinnacle of physical skills, he actually felt a strong tearing pain from the impact just now!

With the power exerted by the fist wrapped by Emission Haki and entangled by Armament Haki, Kong's internal organs were throbbing faintly.

"Boy, what's going on!?

"He was able to hurt the old man!! 55

A storm surged in Kong's heart.

It's been so many years and I haven't been hurt!

Now, he was injured by a very evil kid, how could he swallow this breath.

So in the sky, two figures fought against each other out of thin air. You punched me and kicked me.

At the same time, Luo Er also used the power of Shock Fruit from time to time, knocking Kong off guard.

In addition, the power of Shock Fruit is more convenient to apply than the fifth gear.

Two figures like human-shaped beasts left the Sabaody Archipelago all the way.

The yellow flash followed closely.

However, the battle of the strong does not happen overnight.

The battle between Akainu and Aokiji lasted for ten days.

What's more, the current confrontation between Luo Er and Kong, two superpowers?

From the clear sky, fighting until the moon rises and the sun sinks.

Under the lonely starry sky, terrifying fluctuations oscillated on the sea.

The fight between Luo Er and Kong, without a moment's pause, one shot more fiercely than the other, even Kizaru was dumbfounded.

While fighting, keep moving through the Moonwalk, otherwise there is no place to stay.

The whole sea is a deadly poison for Luo Er!

Devil Fruit ability, but the sea can not tolerate.

Once Luo Er enters the water, not only will he not be able to exert his Devil Fruit's abilities, but he will also become weak.

Therefore, Kong has always tried to bring Luo Er into the sea, but Luo Er calmly resolved everything.

Today, the two sides are entangled, and if there is no winner or loser, it may be difficult to separate the battlefield.

Luo Er has something to think about.

Now the competition is a war of attrition.

If the fifth gear breaks out, coupled with Shock Fruit, Luo Er will be able to attack with all his strength.

But that kind of consumption is quite huge.

Only he and Kong, maybe Luo Er will still have the heart to decide the winner.

But Nai He has always been beside Kizaru, once the consumption is huge, then it will reveal flaws to Kizaru.

At the same time, if they want to retreat, they are bound to be blocked by Kizaru.

"It's hard to get it done..."

Luo Er pouted his lips and muttered to himself.

The more the situation develops, the more unfavorable it will be for him.

Although the strength is very strong, it has not yet reached the point where it can decide the outcome, which is really difficult.

At the same time, a bald old man wearing a kimono and holding a samurai sword is rapidly approaching following the battle traces!

That is.

Five Elders!!!ㄏ.

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