People Are Sailing: Intercepting Luffy! Awaken The Sun God

Chapter 108 The Empress Baths! Seen By Luo Er! (Subscribe)

Facing the only four humans on the Calm Belt, the Sea Kings attacked as if they were indistinguishable from enemy and me.

As the Five Elders, Kong, and Kizaru dodged, Luo Er subconsciously distanced himself from them.

The two sides were immediately separated by a huge body.

Soon both sides lost sight of each other.

The bald-headed old man in the kimono in the Five Elders, his expression became colder and colder, the First Generation slashed out ruthlessly, the blade galloped, and even the strong defensive power of the Sea Kings extended a huge scar on his body.

The one who was hit was a Sea Kings with a yellow body that looked like a giant ray.

The huge body swayed and went down, which allowed the old man to see the situation on the opposite side.

I thought it was the same attack, but Luo Er was different.

A blue-hued Sea Kings with two horns twisted and passed through the sea with a huge body.

When passing by Luo Er, the latter stretched his arms around the tentacles of the Sea Kings.

"Damn it! Stop for the old man! 99

Seeing this scene, the bald-headed old man in kimono immediately shot even more fiercely.

I saw Dao Dao slashing and swinging out, and a thick and strange aura lingered around.

However, the blue Sea Kings rolled directly into the sea.

Generally speaking, as a person of ability, they are very afraid of sea water.

When exposed to sea water, the whole body becomes weak and weak.

But Luo Er is different, he has the restraining effect of 50% saving throws.

So at this time in the sea, he didn't feel very well, and the wound was a little uncomfortable, but he could still persevere on the whole.

As the Sea Kings swayed and shuttled quickly in the sea, Luo Er only felt that the currents all over his body were passing along him, and the flow was so fast that he couldn't even open his eyes.

And even now, he has not figured out what it is to listen to the voice of all things.

What's up with these Sea Kings??

The only better outcome was for him to escape from the Marine siege.

The army commander Kong led Marine Admiral Kizaru, Seven Warlords of the Sea tyrannical-kun bears, and besieged him. In the end, even one of the Five Elders was dispatched, and the First Generation Ghost couldn't keep Luo Er!

At the same time, a soft and cute system prompt sounded in my mind——


Mission 3 is completed and successfully escaped from the pursuit. Reward: Can contain a third Devil Fruit. (must be Logia)]

The completion of this task also successfully enabled Luo Er to open up unprecedented achievements in the sea.

Coming soon, three Devil Fruits together!

It was rumored that Blackbeard could do it, but he only absorbed two Devil Fruits, especially after meeting Luo Er, the second Shock Fruit that belonged to him was cut off.

This makes Luo Er now the only dual-fruit capable person in the ocean!


It is destined to be a rare species.

And after getting the prompt, Luo Er was relieved.

Although he couldn't see anything, and he didn't know what happened to the group of Sea Kings, the old swordsmen, and Kong, he could know that he was temporarily safe.

The final tip, let Luo Er thoroughly verify his conjecture.

Paramecia, Zoan have both, then naturally Logia is the next.

If three fruits and three lines gather together, Luo Er doesn't know what will happen, and is full of yearning.

However, the main question now is, where is this Sea Kings going to take him?

Listen to the voice of all things, but he has not yet reached the point of controlling the Sea Kings... The rumored Poseidon Poseidon, the mermaid princess Shirahoshi, is one in ten thousand.

The legendary three ancient weapons are super scarce!

A level of scarcity that even Conqueror's Haki can't match...

As the knowledge and color continued to perceive the surroundings, it didn't take long for an island to appear in the perception.


Luo Er was wondering in his heart when the ocean current around him suddenly changed, as if the Sea Kings under him had changed direction.

In the next instant, Luo Er was driven out of the sea.

As he got out of the sea, Luo Er's sense of weakness gradually disappeared, and his deep eyes looked at the island in the distance.

But suddenly, I felt empty.

That cold touch disappeared.

The huge Sea Kings threw Luo Er heavily and then sank back into the sea.

Luo Er was full of question marks. Just when he was about to use Moonwalk, the Sea Kings rushed out of the sea again...

The huge body twisted and the tail pulled out.


It's like playing golf, Luo Er is the ball.

With a stunned face, he was pumped away and rushed to the island.


Feeling the sea breeze blowing around his face, Luo Er said that he didn't need it at all.

Although he didn't know why Sea Kings acted so strangely, Luo Er could also feel that the other party was helping him.

Also, he seemed a little anxious.

This made Luo Er very puzzled, his body was flying in the air, he was not worried about the landing position, but what worried him was the wound on his left abdomen.

The phoenix's self-healing ability can't heal...

Although it can play a weak role, if you want to fully recover, it is conservatively estimated that the bottom line will be in ten years.

During this period, you can't fight, and the wound will be hurt again.


In the sea breeze, Luo Er's helpless murmur could be heard.

And just after Luo Er left, the swordsman Five Elders went on a killing spree.

In the sea, the huge Sea Kings were killed and injured.

The surrounding sea water was mixed with the blood of a large amount of Sea Kings, and the air was full of blood.

The bald-headed kimono old man stood floating in the air, and the ghost of the First Generation in his hand exuded a cold light.

The blade is still black, and the blade is sharp, not contaminated with any Bloodline.

The clothes were swaying in the wind, but he still couldn't shake the strong murderous intent around him.

Originally, Luo Er, Rubber Fruit has already been hit hard, and it is bound to win!

But unfortunately, the cooked duck flew away.

So full of anger poured out on the Sea Kings.

Now the Calm Belt waters are silent, and there are a large number of Sea Kings hidden in the depths of the sea.

Perhaps it is already fearful, and has not dared to continue to come out.

Seeing one of the Five Elders in person, slaughtering, and displaying terrifying prowess, both Kong and Kizaru were somewhat silent.

Looking around the entire silent sea, the old swordsman slightly restrained his breath.

"I don't know what to do!""

He did not pay attention to the Sea Kings that the world feared.

After swearing in a low voice, the First Generation ghost retracted into the sheath, turned around and commanded:

"Remember, don't tell anyone about today's events! Especially the secrets about Rubber Fruit! 39

If it weren't for the importance of these two people, they were almost indispensable figures for the World Government and Marine, and it is estimated that the swordsmen Five Elders were all ready to kill people.

Kong and Kizaru are both extremely smart, so naturally I won't say much about this situation.

On the contrary, Kong couldn't help but ask:

"But what about that kid? Did you just let him run away?"

To be honest, let Luo Er run away, he has a sense of frustration.

Swordsman Five Elders said indifferently:


"Being pierced by a ghost, no one can live.

A very ordinary sentence, but it contains a strong sense of self-confidence.

Kong's expression froze, and he didn't say anything.

It's just that Kizaru felt a little pity in his heart.

Although he was injured by Luo Er, knowing that Luo Er died, his mood inevitably fluctuated.

Then, the Five Elders left first, and neither Kizaru nor the seriously injured Kong stayed.

Calm Belt once again regained its serenity.

Only the strong bloody smell persisted for a long time.

Daughters Island, also known as Amazon Lily.

It is the country of the female fighting nation ""[Nine Snakes".

This island is located in the Calm Belt next to the Grand Line, because there are huge Sea Kings in the Calm Belt, so ordinary ships cannot enter the waters around the daughter island.

Nine Snakes City.

The guards put down their guards to cover the entire city, and it is strictly forbidden for anyone to enter or leave!

Boa Marigold and Boa Sandersonia are the two younger sisters of Boa Hancock, and they are on duty personally at this time, and the defense is quite tight.

But the guards, paying attention to the surroundings, no one pays attention to the sky.

A laid-back, but topless man fell from the sky.

The impact force made him rush in directly from the roof.


"Is this building a tofu dregs project that collapses as soon as it settles down?

In his heart, he complained about Luo Er, and fell into the water with a plop.

"Huh?? Dropped into the sea again?"

Luo Er was puzzled, but soon found out that it was not, his head was already exposed while sitting.

And the water is still warm... with a fragrance that is refreshing.

Much like a hot spring.

kind of bath.

Because Luo Er took off the petals that splashed on his face.

"Yes, it's really comfortable to have a hot spring as soon as you come down~~"

Luo Er let out a comfortable moan and started to enjoy it.

Just then, there was a sound of water behind him.

Luo Er was taken aback, and he was so careless that he forgot to investigate!

(So ​​good Zhao) He didn't care about touching the wound, he turned around and looked.

Just five or six meters in front of him, there was a curtain that was opened, and through the curling water mist, a graceful figure who was bathing could still be clearly seen.

As if frightened, the tall and slender figure stood up from the water, with her back to Luo Er, her black hair poured down her smooth back and fell into the water.

But it can only cover part of it.

On the white and smooth beautiful back, there is a mark like a seal.

However, this is not enough to attract Luo Er's attention.

Precisely because he was on his side, his hazy figure was looming in the mist.

However, this equidistant, for Luo Er's eyesight, is no different from watching closely in front of him.

White skin, rolling water droplets.

This scene made Luo Er look dull.

A hot blood rushed to the top of his head, and he finally remembered.

In Calm Belt, there are only Daughters Island and Impel down prison where people live!

This is obviously not a big prison, there is only Daughters Island!

Then the woman in front of me... the traces on her back...


"Boa Hancock!!

Luo Er lost his voice and exclaimed, mainly because he did not travel through time, nor did he experience such a looming scene, ah Ji!

It wasn't until the answer appeared in his mind that Luo Er looked up and met those clear, somewhat panicked eyes.

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