People Are Sailing: Intercepting Luffy! Awaken The Sun God

Chapter 122 Op Op Fruit Appears! (Subscribe)

The sudden appearance of Luo Er was a bolt from the blue for Kinemon.

Don't know what to do next.

Fortunately, Luo Er started to fool again,

"I was an old friend with Kozuki, and I was entrusted by Oden and Kozuki. I came here to find Momonosuke, so don't be nervous. 35

And then... Luo Er started telling what he knew.

What Kozuki Oden, Kozuki, and even the Nine Heroes of the Red Cloud were swung by them, and where they were, they were all clearly stated.

Realizing that Luo Er was not hostile and that he knew so many secrets, Kinemon actually believed it!

"So, you really are the one that Kozuki-sama invited to protect the young master?

"It was abrupt just now."

Kinemon apologized sincerely and was ashamed.

Luo Er waved his hand and moved on: "Okay, let's go and rescue Momo nosuke next."

"Can you hold on?"

Looking at Jin'emon looking tired, Luo Er asked lightly.

Jin'emon immediately said with a serious face: "Until you save the young master, I will never fall down!"

With a firm tone, Luo Er nodded slightly.

Not bad, the head is a little silly, but this heartfelt is worthy of appreciation.

When the time comes, I will lead Momonosuke to operate, and at the same time to recover Wanokuni, it will be a great help!

This is Luo Er's plan.

That is to own Wanokuni behind himself.

Although Wanokuni is now under the control of Kurozumi Orochi, the strength of Chixiao Jiuxia, as well as the fur tribe of Zou, are also a group of ruthless guys.

More importantly, like the Lord!

The largest creature ever!

An existence that swiped his nose until Jack... Counting it down, it has a very promising future.

Under the leadership of Luo Er, Jin'emon also became swaggering, no longer hiding his figure, and soon, he met an acquaintance,


Luo Er's figure flashed and appeared in front of the Heart Pirates.

It was the pirate group led by Luo who, judging from the situation, should have come to contact Guysa.

I couldn't help sighing in my heart: "It seems that everything is just right, and it's so lucky to be in time for all the events to happen. 々."

He wears a furry winter fur hat with leopard Madara dots, special black eye bags, two small gold earrings on each ear, and a mustache on the chin.

Who else is Trafalgar Law?

The moment he saw Luo Er, his face changed suddenly, and he shouted in disbelief,

“Luo Er!!?”

"Aren't you dead??"

In the ocean, the news about Luo Er's death has been circulating, and it is still the news released by Marine, which is very likely to be true!

After Sabaody Archipelago saw Luo Er's horror, Luo has always had lingering fears.

After leaving Sabaody Archipelago, he began to prepare his own revenge plan. He did not expect that, just after taking the first step, he would meet Luo Er??

That monster!

"Run! 99

Luo roared loudly, and released a special field from his palm.

Only in this field can he use the ability of Op-Op Fruit to replace and cut various skills.

"Captain, we..."

Bebo of the polar bear race looked puzzled and was ready to ask questions.

Luo had already shouted loudly: "Retreat! He is Luo Er with a reward of 4 billion! He is not dead! 35

He knew very clearly in his heart that no one was Luo Er's opponent.

But for the sake of the rest of the Pirates, he had to stay and delay time.

"Well... I don't think you need to struggle." Luo Er touched his chin and said with a serious expression.

Still not forgetting to add: "Or, having a good talk is also a good choice.

But in this case, how could Luo still be in the mood to listen to Luo Er's advice?


Luo Er shook his head helplessly and laughed, the white light ball in his left hand vibrated, and the Shock Fruit ability was activated, which directly changed the surrounding terrain!

Stop all the pirates who are about to leave.

Immediately after, a flash came behind Luo, and the palm of his hand was lightly placed on his shoulder.


Luo moved his fingers, trying to move Luo Er away.

However, with the rapid exhaustion of physical strength, Luo Er did not move at all!!

"How is this possible?! You are not controlled by the power of the fruit??

Luo was stunned.

This also shows the shortcomings of Op-Op Fruit. The ability cannot be used until the special space is created, and the physical strength will be consumed when using the ability. The more intense the use of the ability, the faster the physical strength will be consumed. It will even directly reduce the lifespan.

Also, Haki is too powerful an enemy!

For example: the current Luo Er!

"Haki was born to deal with Demon fruit power, you underestimate me too? 99

"Trafalgar D. Water Law.

A light and fluttering voice entered Luo's ears, making his body inevitably stiff.

Cold sweat dripped from his forehead, and he murmured in his mouth: "How do you know..."

Trafalgar·D·Water Law!

That's all his name.

But now, he just hides the middle name and "D", and the purpose is to hide his own life experience.

But how did Luo Er know??

Luo Er smiled lightly: "You don't have any secrets in front of me, for example, you want to get rid of Doflamingo to avenge Krasson? 99


Like five thunders!

Luo is completely stupid!

The biggest secret in my heart has all been revealed!

Kin'emon watched Luo's face change from a distance, the extreme shock and disappointment were not expressed at all.

"Who is this person? Could it be that he really came from the future, so he knows all kinds of secrets?? The owner of the fruit of time??"

He was suspicious.

At this time, Luo Er said again: "Now it seems that your life, the Master, is in my hands, but it is a pity that your life is not worth as much as your fruit.

"In this case, the fraction will be wiped out, even if you spend 5 billion to buy your life, be a thug by my side, and let you go if you pay back 5 billion."

Luo Er just finished speaking, Luo gritted his teeth and said angrily: "Then you still kill me!

"I won't do anything for you!

Luo Er clenched his fist and knocked Luo flying, hitting several ancient trees.

Looking extremely regretful, he said, "Isn't it a pity to kill you (so good Zhao)?"

"I'll let you watch what happens to your mates... That bear's bounty isn't high, but the fur should be suitable for clothing, especially when you're alive, it's interesting.

"Tsk tsk, other people, just chop off their limbs first, and see how you, the captain called the 'Death Surgeon', can save them?

Luo Er said with a chuckle.

Bebo was cold from head to toe, watching Luo Er approaching with a look of horror.

The people around, looking at Luo Er, are full of fear!

One by one is terrifying!

Defeating their captain in one move, but also mutilating them, this is too scary!!!

On the edge of their limit, Luo Er suddenly stopped and turned his head to look at Luo with interest: "Or, are you willing to sacrifice your life for me for them?

Luo gritted his teeth, unable to sense that the other party was joking at all.

He, the fear in his heart, spread uncontrollably.

It even made him feel hopeless!.

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