People Are Sailing: Intercepting Luffy! Awaken The Sun God

Chapter 140 Landing on Sky Island! Prepare to slaughter God! (Subscribe)

Aokiji are strong.

But in the face of the Blackbeard Pirates, there are so many people, everyone is a famous big pirate in the New World, and there are even many monsters who are imprisoned on the sixth floor of the Impel down underwater prison... They, even Aokiji, are under a lot of pressure.

Outside Sky Island, the lightning fluctuations gradually stopped.

Akainu took a deep breath and commanded with a solemn expression: "Kizaru Admiral, you are the first to go in and investigate and see what's going on?

Today's Akainu can be described as fearless.

No matter who is fighting on Sky Island, there is no way to escape Marine's encirclement!!

But to be on the safe side, Akainu chose to let Kizaru investigate the news.

If Marine Admiral can be used as a scout, it is estimated that only here can be seen.

Kizaru still looked casual, but the light on his body gradually lit up, and just as he was about to flash out, "Three Three Zeros" suddenly moved for a moment.

Because he saw the flares rising over Sky Island!

"Hmm~ Flare?

He frowned and whispered, showing some doubts.

"Aokiji's flare! Why did he appear inside Sky Island?" Akainu said with a sullen face, holding a cigar.

But then he still gave the order with the fastest speed,

"All Military Action!!"

"Attack Sky Island! Leave no one alone!!"

The voice fell, and under the leadership of the Vice Admiral, Marine attacked Sky Island in an orderly manner.

Akainu, Kizaru, Chagu, Momousagi are even more in the lead, rushing in the forefront.

They will rush to Aokiji's battlefield as fast as they can.

After all, having an Admiral send a flare for help?

You can imagine the urgency of the scene.

On the other side, Luo Er, who escaped all the Marines and sneaked into the Sky Island, looked up at the place where the flare had disappeared. His brows were filled with indifference, but he had guesses in his heart.

"Aokiji's flares... Nine times out of ten, they ran into Blackbeard's gang, but I just don't know the specifics.

Luo Er sighed faintly and was about to continue diving.

Suddenly, Observation Haki sensed a group of familiar people and immediately froze Luo Er,


"How did you get in??"

It turns out that what Luo Er perceives is none other than the Straw Hat Crew led by Luffy!!

After the big event, Luffy shuttled through the Grand Line, gathered his partners, and was rescued by Luo Er in Sabaody Archipelago, so they were not separated by the violent-kun bear, and there was no so-called two-year agreement.

But what Luo Er is most curious about is how they react so fast!!!!

He even entered Sky Island before him??

Besides, if you don't have Rubber Fruit, what are you doing here?

Send a head??

Luo Er thought as he rushed to Luffy's battlefield.

At this time, Straw Hat Crew met the warriors of Shandia!

The Shandora warriors, led by the war ghost Vaipa, clashed with the Straw Hat Pirates.

It has to be said that Wayipa has a strong physique, and the fighting style is matched with the special shellfish of Sky Island.

Burning shellfish, rowing shellfish, etc.

Especially the peeping shellfish, even Enel suffered a loss!

"Wow~ What a handsome attack! His palm can breathe fire!" Luffy felt a burst of curiosity when he saw the fierce flames from Wayipa's palm, and even a small cross-shaped star appeared in his eyes .

"Luffy you idiot! That's the enemy!"

Nami clenched his fists and warned loudly.

Luffy still didn't care, summoning the rice cake, resisting the opponent's attack, his eyes lit up.

Zoro, Kaji and the others also faced off against other warriors.

With the strength they have experienced after Luo Er's teaching, except the war ghost Wayipa, the rest are really not their opponents.


A slash from hell directly knocked a Shandia warrior to the ground.

The shock shell used for battle fell and was picked up by a curious Usopp, "Huh? Is this little shell capable of exerting such a strong power?"

I have to say, Usopp seems to see a way to increase combat power.

Iron Warrior, Franky said beside him: "I thought it was some modified weaponry, but this looks like a natural growth. 99

The devil's son Nico Robin watched the battle quietly, the power of Flower-Flower Fruit was ready to be activated at any time.

Wayipa was furious when he saw that his brothers were all killed.

Stepping on the cloud pry under your feet, the speed reaches the Ultimate, and you take out the platoon shell from the backpack and tie it to your hand, looking for opportunities to prepare for the attack.

The anti-shock force of the repulsion shell was the limit even for him to withstand it twice!

It can be seen that its lethality is terrible.

"Using platoons? Wayipa, your enemy is Enel, not them...

A fluttering voice came, making Wai Po's movements froze.

And Luffy listened to the familiar voice and cheered directly,

"Luo Er!! I just said you won't die!

Luffy is very happy to see Luo Er again.

When I came to get the Straw Hat Pirates, they all had smiles on their faces, and they all greeted Big Brother...

Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, they seem to have returned to the fear of being trained and dominated by Luo Er.

"Who are you! 99

Wayipa stared coldly at Luo Er and asked loudly.


"The one who liberates you."

Luo Er smiled lightly and introduced confidently.

Seeing that Wayipa still wanted to start, Luo Er didn't talk nonsense at all, and activated the Shock Fruit ability.

The oscillating force that penetrated the space directly shattered Wayipa's proud repulsion shell!

"See, there is no need to deceive you."

"Come on, everyone."

One blow shocked Wayipa, Luo Er didn't waste any time, and waved at Luffy and the others.

The group quickly left, and only Wayipa stared at the debris on the ground in a daze.

"Why did you come here?" Luo Er asked a little tired.

Luffy said with a look of joy:

"This is Sky Island! We missed it when we were on the Grand Line, and this time we finally got a chance to explore, of course we will come!""


Looking at his ignorant appearance, 1.3 Luo Er directly gave him a chestnut.

"Oh, Luo Er, why are you hitting me?" Luffy said aggrievedly, covering his head.

Luo Er reprimanded angrily: "Exploration? You are dying!"

"The entire Sky Island has been surrounded by Marine, Marshal Marine, Marine Admiral, Marine Vice Admiral are so dazzling! You can't get out if you come in!"

Luffy asked dumbly, "Nani!? But how did you get in Luo Er?

Luo Er:

Walter seems to have killed the younger brother.

Do you think our strengths are on the same level!??

"Marine surrounds this place!!??" Nami exclaimed, covering her mouth, shaking her chest.

Usopp covered his head and said desperately: "It's over, we can't run now!"

Usopp, in this case, was of course the first to stand up and be dejected.

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