This accident caused Akainu to frown in the distance, gnashing his teeth and leading Marine's top management to kill him.

The people of the Blackbeard Pirates responded extremely quickly, and began to gather around Blackbeard!

The goal of their trip -

Thunder Fruit is here!

What power can Dark Fruit match with the strongest Thunder Fruit?

With anticipation in his heart, Badgers couldn't help laughing out loud, "Hahahaha, Marines, you failed!"

With merciless laughter, it was Akainu's "dog eats red lotus".

"Laozi killed you first!""

Akainu roared, and the dignified Marshal Marine shot himself, and was posed by Blackbeard??


Then kill them all!!

Badgers laughed loudly, his fists wrapped in armed color and punched hard.

His expression was even more cheerful.

As we get closer to Blackbeard, the "three-three-zero" battle between everyone begins!

Shiryu of the Rain, the King of Evil, Van Oka, and the others also all took action one after another, preventing Marine from approaching.

On the other side, Ace, who sensed that something was wrong, gave an order:

"All captains attack!"

"The rest stand by! Be ready to respond at any time!

The order given by Ace is very sensible.

The next battle is a battle of top combat power!

Marine's marshals, Admiral are already veterans, and even the Blackbeard Pirates are all captains, and there is no ordinary pirate crew at all.

After all, the terrifying lethality of these people is not something that ordinary pirate crew members can resist.

The voice fell, and Marco rushed out first.

The Phoenix has become the most obvious symbol of the current Whitebeard Pirates!

Immediately after, Ace and the captains rushed out at the same time.

But there are still variables... Ace's orders are useful to the members of the Whitebeard Pirates, but there is still a group of people, that is, Luffy's Straw Hat Pirates. This group is not afraid of big things, and they are more courageous than each other. The ability to kill each other is stronger than the other, how can this kind of excitement miss them?

So they also returned to the battlefield again...

However, it is said that it is a battlefield, and now it is impossible to see the original appearance.

This island is torn apart!

Completely destroyed by Lei Ying just now, the sea water roared out from below without control, as if it would not take long to completely drown this uninvited guest from the sky.

This is the destructive power of Thunder Fruit!

Destroyed an island easily!

Let everyone see his horror!

But no one can be shocked because Blackbeard is about to get Thunder Fruit.

Since the big event, not only is Luo Er able to absorb the second Devil Fruit shocking, everyone also knows that Blackbeard can do it too!

In addition, I just witnessed the power of Thunder Fruit, how could I just watch Blackbeard gain such a powerful power?

Blackbeard with Dark Fruit is terrifying enough, if combined with Thunder Fruit... Could there really be a new Four Emperors ascending the throne?

This idea could not help but arise in the minds of the people.

Suddenly, Aokiji's forward figure suddenly stopped, his palms inserted into the sea water, and he shouted:

"Ice Age!

The majestic power of ice radiated along his palm.

Frozen Fruit ability activated!

In just a few breaths, the entire island was completely wrapped in frost!

The fragmented Sky Island was glued together again with sea ice, freezing the sea water, and creating a place for everyone.

In an instant, it was as if Aokiji used the power of Frozen Fruit to create a continent of ice!

Logia Fruit!

Terrible so!

Ace took a deep look at Aokiji, and still went forward without saying a word.

Now, Blackbeard has become the common enemy of Marine and Whitebeard Pirates!

But Ace is most worried about Luo Er.

After the storm ended, Blackbeard got Enel's body, but Luo Er disappeared??

Where did Luo Er go?

Was it badly injured??

The imperceptible mood became irritable.

At the same time, Marco, who was flying high in the sky, looked down at the entire battlefield below, and did not find any traces related to Luo Er, and shook his head at Ace.

While showing a worried look, there was also a hint of helplessness.

Really can't find it.

And if Luo Er is really injured, or is bombarded into the sea by lightning, then Aokiji's actions just now can be described as murderous...

He wants to trap Luo Er in the sea??

This thought flashed through his mind, and his eyes glanced at Aokiji coldly.

At the same time, Luo Er, who was hiding in the dark, completely restrained his breath.

This kind of ability seems to be difficult for even Observation Haki to notice.

At his feet, there was a Devil Fruit that was bitten.

Thunder Fruit - Taken!

At this moment, Luo Er closed his eyes tightly, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and his expression more came from Devil Fruit's unpalatable taste.

You know, this kind of thing, everyone has only one chance to experience it once in a lifetime.

But Luo Er, experienced it three times!

However, compared with the three abilities, it is indeed insignificant.

The next moment, a weak current flowed out from Luo Er's body, wrapped around him, and an invisible force released arcs, which looked like flying Razers, and made him feel light and playful.

Luo Er's brows became more and more frowning, as if a fire was ignited in his body, it was extremely hot.

There are three forces that blend and collide within his body.

Rubber Fruit.

Shock Fruit.

Thunder Fruit.

The powers of the three Devil Fruits converge in one body!

like never before!

However, it was not like the legend that it burst a person's body, because Luo Er clearly felt that these three forces were slowly merging, and the restlessness gradually subsided.

"Sure enough, the system is awesome! 39

With a sigh in his heart, Luo Er couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Slowly feel the changes in your body.

At the same time, the body surface is completely wrapped by a layer of fine lightning, like a set of tight, indestructible azure armor!

Wrapped in it is Luo Er's body with three Devil Fruit powers.

Feeling that the power was completely silent, Luo Er suddenly opened his eyes.

In the deep eyes, cyan electric light flashed, full of 1.3 sharp feeling.

The azure electric arcs on his body melted into his body extremely obediently.

With the palm of your hand, a ball of lightning appears!

stab, stab, stab

The arc was still flickering, but it did no harm to Luo Er.

This proves that Luo Er already has the power of Thunder Fruit!

Really make three powerful Devil Fruits together!

This also made Luo Er very happy.

However, what made him look ecstatic the most was because of the next system prompt—


It is detected that the Host has three Devil Fruits. Reward: The development level of all fruits reaches: 90%! 】

90% development level!!

What is this concept?

When Rubber Fruit reaches 80%, it has reached the fifth gear!

Now, what a powerful force it can exert!!.

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