People Are Sailing: Intercepting Luffy! Awaken The Sun God

Chapter 156 The 3 major LogiaVS 3 Devil Fruit community! (Subscription required)

Facing the speculation of Thunder Fruit's awakening, Luo Er was shocked.

Because, never heard of Logia being able to awaken??

This is too bullshit.

Of the three major series of Devil Fruit, only Paramecia can awaken, Zoan is proud of its endurance and resilience!

Logia capable person, can do or the most advantageous place, that is elementalization.

Thinking of this, Luo Er immediately reacted, not awakening!

The way of using it just now is not Awakening!

That's how Logia is used!

However, the elementalization of Logia is indeed the same as the Paramecia fruit's ability to change all the substances around it after awakening.

"Used to it."

He comforted himself in his heart, and then Luo Er controlled Thunder Dragon in his mind, rushing down with a terrifying might.

Akainu's expression became colder.

The lava on his body was even hotter.

"Great Eruption!!

The lava on the arm quickly ballooned, spread to form a more massive shape, and collided with the 60 million volt troreosaur.

Another shocking 27 collision!

Vaguely, it is already a trend of mutual balance.

However, Akainu is not alone!

A flash of yellow flashed through the air, and Kizaru shot.

Light flickered in both hands, and Tiancong Yunjian appeared.

Sharp sword glow, murderous aura!


The sound of the air being split rang in his ears, Luo Er squinted his eyes subconsciously, and there were no waves in his deep eyes.

Stab it!

The current is aggressive and makes a harsh sound.

However, Luo Er saw a long sword in the shape of a thunder arc appearing in his hand, but then, without controlling it with his hand, he suddenly let go and threw it at Kizaru.

Of course, I didn't want to repel Kizaru with such a lightning arc blade.

This is just an introduction!

After throwing the lightning arc knife, Luo Er looked at Kizaru with a smile on his face.

Kizaru, who was going to be surprised, was a little flabbergasted by this smile.

On the battlefield, who has seen such a brilliant smile at the enemy??

Although there was a bad idea in my heart, the arrow had to be sent on the string. The yellow light on Kizaru's body skyrocketed, and a trace of yellow light and shadow was formed in the sky in an instant. The speed was like a real light across the sky, even the appearance It's already unreal.

At this time, Kizaru completely ignored the air resistance, and it seemed that only the medium existing in space could affect his speed!

All eyes are filled with dazzling light.

And that seemingly fluttering thunder arc electric blade suddenly caused the surrounding thunder to riot.

It's like in a stable crater, a stone is dropped, and then a volcanic eruption is triggered!

Thunderbolt, which was originally in static equilibrium, suddenly found a vent, or the balance system was broken, and was unconsciously attracted by the lightning arc and electric blade, condensing and converging at a speed no less than Kizaru!

There is a feeling of "a cloud-piercing arrow, thousands of troops meet each other".

However, the cloud-piercing arrow here is a lightning arc electric blade.

And thousands of horses are howling thunder.

Thunder in the sky, brainless gathering.

It is like a thick thunder spear that can penetrate the sky and the earth, but it gives the feeling that countless thunders form a group that makes it impossible to break through the thunder city wall.




Kizaru, therefore, is isolated from Luo Er.

If he had to deal with it, it was the thunderous formation carefully arranged by Luo Er in front of him.

In fact, Luo Er just seemed to be attacking at will, but he mobilized the thunder force that could be mobilized, which means that he was shooting with all his strength, and Thunder Fruit exploded with all his strength.

Otherwise, if it sounds good, it is a thunder arc and electric blade. In other words, it is a thunder arc, surrounded by thunder and lightning, and the most important thing is the electric arc. Why is this arc the only one that caused the riot of Thunder Wang Yang??

Not the result of Luo Er's full control!

This was done because another enemy was approaching.

Admiral, Aokiji!

Since then, facing Luo Er, the former Marine three Admiral have all shot.

Three to one!

In a rare battle, the three of them joined forces to deal with one person. It seems that no one in this sea has enjoyed this honor.

"Akainu, Aokiji, and Kizaru have all shot?" Garp, with his arms crossed, looked down at the battlefield below with a cold eye.

Moreover, there is a look of nostalgia on his face.

There aren't many chances for Admiral to be worth the Marine's three simultaneous shots.

Let alone dealing with a person?

The most recent Admiral teamed up was with Sengoku and Garp many years ago against the Golden Lion that invaded the Naval Headquarters.

Sengoku, who was still Admiral at the time, and Garp, who could become Admiral but refused, joined forces to end the great pirate, Golden Lion Shiki, who could keep pace with Roger.

And now, it can be said that the real Marine ex-three Admiral team up!

Three Logia Demon fruit power!


Burn and melt enemy lava!


Frozen frozen for thousands of miles!


The rapid flash of Mingyao time!

The most luxurious lineup!

And their enemy is Luo Er.

A guy who owns three Devil Fruits by himself!

Incognito Rubber Fruit, it is actually Zoan·Renren Fruit·Huawei·Nika form!

Shock Fruit called the strongest Paramecia!

There is also Thunder Fruit with the ability to be called "invincible"!

It can be called the most pervert collocation and combination!

As soon as the screen turned, Aokiji, who was radiating cold air, had come to Luo Er.

The temperature in the air plummeted to below zero in an instant!

Even 347 made Luo Er feel the slowdown in action, this is the power of Frozen Fruit!

Immediately after that, Luo Er started the second gear.

Accelerates blood flow and relieves the surrounding cold intrusion.

Of course, the most important thing is to attack.

Sitting still, let Aokiji play Frozen Fruit to Ultimate to create a chance.

In the second gear state, Luo Er's breath also increased a lot.

Suddenly changing hands and feet, internal agitation, as much as possible to eliminate the influence from the ability of Frozen Fruit.

Immediately afterwards, a white ball of light flashed on his fist, and he punched out.

The violent fist wind oppressed the surrounding air and sent out bursts of screeching noises, which turned out to be directly producing sonic booms!

Aokiji's icy face did not change at all.

However, the momentum was even colder.

The cold air that spreads from the body easily freezes the weak water vapor in the air, forming frost, which looks like a white mist from a distance.

If ordinary people approached, they would have been frozen into ice cubes.

But Luo Er, like a god of war, ignored the cold breath.

The surging wind forced Aokiji to narrow his eyes slightly.

The icy aura in his hand condensed, and a snow-blue ice ball almost like a solid body appeared.

It looked like it was made by imitating the white energy ball formed by the Shock Fruit in Luo Er's hands.

"Ice storm!

His lips moved slightly, and the cold words that were exactly the same as those of Han Bing rang in Luo Er's ears.

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