The two of them were very close, and the two of them were very close.

With the tearful farewell of the kind-hearted John, Albert and Sarah returned to the Netherworld.

Kaido, who was holding a mace and ready to wait for the opportunity at any time, immediately captured the figures of the two with his observation Haki.

Although John's fruit ability is very powerful, it also has a fatal flaw.

The range of the bag space is limited, and John cannot appear too far away from where it disappeared.

And in this vast ocean, if John appears in the real world again, then his foothold must be on the Netherworld.

"Did you get the things?" Kaido looked at the two people who could not find any traces of fighting on their bodies, and asked in confusion.

At the same time, the huge golden ball behind Albert also came into his sight.

Albert nodded gently and said, "Well, I got it. I have to say that your old friend really has a lot of good things. In addition to the gem mentioned by Budios, I also got an extra new gem."

It must be said that John is really good at treasure hunting. Well, he is a good material for a high-level worker.

It is just that his system is not powerful. There is not even a storage space. Otherwise, the life card sub-card pointing to John's "bag space" must be thrown in and kept well.

"Well, two? That's really good news, but what's behind you..." Kaido laughed and pointed to the huge golden ball behind Albert, and asked happily.

"This is a small gift from your rich old friend, specially used to help our pirate group to have sufficient funds. When it runs out in the future, I will ask him to borrow some."

"Anyway, the life card is now buried in his 'bag space', we can go and get some at any time."

While speaking, Albert waved his hand to activate the dragon energy to heat the golden ball again. In a short while, the huge golden ball melted into a pool of golden water, and gradually turned into gold bricks of the same size under the influence of Albert's dragon energy.

"Tsk tsk tsk tsk, Captain John never dreamed that his treasure place would become the backup bank of our Beasts Pirates... This world is really wonderful!"

Watching the pirates move the gold bricks into the cabin swiftly, Graves on the side couldn't help but exclaimed.

Although this approach is a bit shameless, I like it!

"Remember to treat John well in the future. We must ensure that nothing happens to our big money sponsor. You know, every penny he earns will be used by the Beast Pirates!"

"Oh, oh, oh!"

Albert's words were unanimously recognized by everyone, and the Netherworld was suddenly filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

People's joys and sorrows are different. Some people pick up watermelons, while others lose sesame seeds.

Grand Line, near the Impelton Sea.

A huge navy headquarters warship is slowly sinking.

Around the warship, there are a lot of ship wreckage floating, and many navy soldiers are floating on the sea holding the wreckage.

Soon, two huge warships came over on the sea in the distance.

Vice Admiral Sauro of the Navy Headquarters was standing on the bow of his special warship at this time. After looking at the navy soldiers who fell into the water in front of him, he immediately looked around and said:

"Quick, organize rescue!"

His mission this time was to escort a group of criminals to Impelton. As a result, just after leaving the Gate of Justice, he unexpectedly found that a warship fell from the sky in the distance and hit the sea not far away.

You know, this is near Impelton. How dare someone provoke the navy here?

After a while, the officers and soldiers who were wet all over boarded the warship with the rescue of the navy.

These are the lucky ones who survived after the warship fell into the sea and grabbed the wreckage while they were awake. More people have been swallowed by the ruthless sea.

Among these rescued navy soldiers, one general was particularly seriously injured. His chest was cut with several large incisions, and the wounds had been soaked in sea water and turned white.

The medical staff on the warship carefully lifted this person onto a stretcher and quickly sent him to the emergency room on the ship.

"Is this...Rear Admiral Kitchener?"

There were only so many generals in the Navy Headquarters, and Sauro and Kitchener Roy were familiar with each other.

Sauro frowned at the figure on the stretcher, and walked to the panting Gumier, "What happened to you?"

Seeing Sauro, Gumier immediately

He immediately stood up and saluted.

"Thank you, Vice Admiral Sauro!"

"It's nothing. Let's talk about your situation. Who did it?"

It's not something that ordinary people can do to launch such an attack near Impelton.

"It's Shiki..."

Gumier looked around and whispered, "He came to rescue the captured Flying Pirates cadres Adams Gaia and Pers."


Hearing this name, Sauro was shocked at first, but then asked in confusion, "How did that guy know the departure time of the escort ship?"

"It's a life card. I saw Golden Lion Shiki took out a life card for comparison after landing on the deck." Gumier continued to explain.

"Didn't you search the wanted criminal before escorting him? You actually made such a low-level mistake!" Sauro's tone revealed a hint of blame.

Since life cards are not afraid of water and fire and are very easy to carry, the navy usually conducts a large-scale inspection of the prisoners' bodies before escorting them, just to prevent someone from locating the prisoners through life cards.

"We naturally checked carefully before departure..." Kitchener Roy shook his head and said, "But Adams Gaia is a natural earth-earth fruit ability user. He should have hidden the life card in his body in advance, so we can't check it out at all."

"Well, forget it, if he was robbed, he was robbed. It's useless to think so much now... You two continue to heal your wounds, I will report this news to the Navy Headquarters."

Sauro was also a little helpless at this time. What if he knew that it was the Golden Lion Shiki who did it? Did he run after him?

Let's not talk about whether you can win or not. He is flying in the sky, and whether you can find him is a problem.

So this breath can only be endured for now.

Marine Headquarters Marinford also responded immediately after receiving Sauro's report.

They immediately cancelled the publicity campaign for the "capture of a high-ranking executive of the Flying Pirates" and also downplayed the prison break incident.

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