The truth is that the truth is that Kaido still has an impression of his capable subordinates, especially since Babanuki is the first lucky king. This impression is even deeper.

The good thing about working under the Beasts Pirates is that Kaido will not punish his subordinates who fail in their missions at will. After all, there are many factors for failure, but there is only one way to success. As long as they are capable, they can make up for their mistakes in the future.

But once you label him as "incompetent", then sorry, the mace at that time is not the highest teaching tool, but the death warrant of hell.

And the failure of this mission is obviously not Babanuki's fault, so Kaido has no intention of blaming him.

"The Felton Kingdom is a bit far away... Forget it, I'll go there myself. Babanuki, you stay there and don't let that bastard king run away!"

"Alfred, go and allocate more transport ships to prepare to receive refugees."

It takes some time to fly from the Gorsdino Islands to the Felton Kingdom, so Kaido made arrangements in advance.

Now that the navy has suffered a great defeat in the North Sea, all forces in the New World are showing signs of tension.

If Kaido makes a big move at this time, such as destroying the country, it will naturally have a good deterrent effect.

And Albert is still in the North Sea, and there is a lack of suitable people in the base camp, so this battle must be fast, accurate, and ruthless, so as to have a good effect of killing the chicken and the monkey.

As for receiving refugees, it is naturally to obtain more population!

Now the Beasts Pirates are building a lot in the Gorsdino Islands, and there is a shortage of labor everywhere. No matter how bad the Felton Kingdom is, it still has a lot of people now.

These are all future wealth!

After hanging up the phone, Kaido glanced at Alfred, whose eyes were full of relief.

"Alfred, go and complete the mission first. When you finish the work there, I will come back to give you special training!"

After Kaido finished speaking, he jumped into the air and turned into a blue dragon and soared straight up.

Alfred was frozen in place at this moment, his face was as sad as a bereaved father, and the relief in his eyes was swept away.

Damn, life is so ups and downs...

The Kingdom of Felton has a history of more than 200 years. The current king is Felton VI, who is 57 years old this year. He has a violent and cunning personality and is an out-and-out tyrant.

Felton Island has few flat lands and many hills. The population is not large, only about 100,000, and they are basically concentrated in the capital and port of the kingdom.

The island is rich in a kind of fruit called kumquat. The wine made from this fruit sells very well in the New World. It is an important fiscal revenue for the Felton Kingdom and one of the tributes to the Wang Zhi Pirates.

Originally, the people of Felton lived a pretty good life relying on the wine trade.

But since Felton VI took the throne, he has constantly made up excuses and proposed a jaw-dropping tax system in all aspects.

So far, the Felton Kingdom has gradually begun to fall into decline.

As for why Felton VI has not been overthrown, in addition to his support from Wang Zhi, the kingdom has a large army.

Although the pirate world emphasizes personal force, except for a small group of people at the top, the advantage of numbers is sometimes very useful. At least Babanuki has not reached the height of ignoring the advantage of numbers, which is one of the reasons why he called for support.

According to a spy, the defenders of the Felton Kingdom now regard what happened in the port warehouse last night as a pirate attack.

So at dawn, when the Kingdom Army discovered the Beasts Pirates not far from the sea, the artillery on the coast opened fire on Babanuki and his men without saying a word.

The escort ship is not as powerful as the warship, but it also has a certain self-protection ability, but it is still at a disadvantage when it comes to shooting at the shore defense artillery.

Babanuki's ability of the Molten Dragon cannot play a big role at sea. After all, he can't melt the ship under his feet into magma and throw it out.

But it is still feasible to enchant the fired shells with high temperature.

One side has a large number of people, and the other side has strong ships and powerful guns...

For a time, the battlefield on the sea was suddenly deadlocked.

"Damn pirates, you dare to attack our Kingdom of Felton, don't you know that this is the territory of Lord Wang Zhi?"

"Dare to ignore the flag of our Beasts Pirates, and try to rob the pirates, no matter this Felton

No matter who is behind the kingdom, it has no need to continue to exist. "

"Besides, Wang Zhi is a piece of shit. The only ones who can be called adults are our boss Kaido and brother Elbat!"

"You are looking for death, fire your guns and blow up these pirates!"

Just as the two sides were fighting each other on the sea, the report of the conflict with the Beasts Pirates was also delivered to the Felton Palace by the messenger.

"What's going on? Aren't we going to buy weapons from the Beasts Pirates? Why are they attacking us now?"

Just as the king was puzzled, a huge blue dragon appeared in the sky.

The hot flames fell from the sky, instantly dividing the palace and the Felton City outside into two worlds.

"Tell your king to come out and see me! "

The giant dragon in the sky let out a long roar, and some sparks jumped on its ferocious dragon face.

"I am the king of Felton Kingdom, Mr. Kaido, I wonder if there is any misunderstanding here..."

Felton VI himself was quite courageous, and was not frightened to the ground by Kaido's monster-like figure, but at this moment he had no intention of resisting. Compared with the familiar Wang Zhi, he knew that this group of monsters with a bounty of more than one billion was not something that he, the king, could match.

"Misunderstanding? Ignoring my flag and planning to eat my goods by robbing the robbing robbing robbing robbing robbing, it can't be erased by simply saying a misunderstanding!"

"Ignoring the flag of the Hundred Beasts? Robbing the robbing robbing robbing? I don't know about this?" Felton VI said with a confused look on his face.

"Okay, I don't care if you know it or not. Anyway, this happened in your kingdom, and your kingdom should be responsible. Don't worry, I don't have the habit of attacking civilians, I will only kill all your royal family. "

Kaido's words made Felton VI stunned.

Fuck, is this what I care about? Who cares about the lives of those untouchables!

I want to save myself!

Felton VI tried to explain, but Kaido didn't believe his nonsense at all.

Then he tried to bribe and flatter, and even brought up the banner of Wang Zhi, but Kaido ignored him.

The blue dragon in the sky had sparks at the corners of its mouth again, and the next moment, the scorching dragon flame swept down from the sky!

The strong high temperature baked the castle, and Felton VI and the palace had completely melted into one in the flames.

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