The two of them were so excited that they had to face each other.


The sound of the laboratory door opening interrupted Abel's rebuttal. As the door closed, a sharp voice came from behind the two of them.

"I heard you screaming at the door early in the morning. It's just two experimental samples. Why are you talking so much!"

A middle-aged man wearing glasses and a white coat arrived beside the two of them along with the voice. His face was full of fatigue, and he was holding a pile of research materials in his hands.


The middle-aged man threw the information in his hand hard on the laboratory table, and complained in a displeased voice:

"What Vegapunk, what brain that is 500 years ahead of the world in knowledge, I think he is useless except that his head is a little big!"


As the middle-aged man complained, a sound of metal burning suddenly sounded under the laboratory floor, but the sound was too small, so it did not attract everyone's attention at this time.

"Why should he be the director of the Punk Hazard Research Institute, why should I only help him! I don't know what Saint Satan thinks!"


As his complaints gradually increased, the sound of metal burning became clearer...

The middle-aged man who was looking through the information in his hand also noticed something wrong.

He put down the information, walked to the glass jars of Abel and Alfred, and asked sternly:

"What's that sound? Are you two doing something?"

Just when the middle-aged man was about to say something, he suddenly found that the ground under his feet began to glow faintly.

"This is..."

Before he finished speaking, a roar of explosion suddenly sounded.


In an instant, the fire flashed, and the temperature in the cold room rose sharply.

A stream of hot magma broke through several layers of extremely thick steel plates and burst out from the floor of the laboratory. The flying fireballs directly melted several large gaps in the surrounding valuable experimental instruments.

The magma column mixed with flames that soared into the sky did not decrease, directly breaking through the ceiling of the laboratory and continued to rise, rising to a bright fire meteor in the air.

Alfred and Abel were very lucky. The extremely strong glass jar and the emerald green solution inside the jar blocked the flames and heat waves from the explosion in front.

But the middle-aged man was in bad luck. When the magma gushed out, half of his body was ruthlessly swallowed up, and the precious white coat on his body turned into a pool of ashes in the blink of an eye.

Beep beep!

The warning light on the top of the laboratory gate flashed red at this moment.

Red-hot iron dripped, and in the piercing alarm, two vague shadows jumped out of the red hole.

These two people were Albert and Diskatli!

"I told you, we are lurking! Enter the village quietly, don't shoot, but you made such a big scene!"

Albat slapped Discatli's blue head with a slap, and scolded her harshly:

"I told you not to move around, little girl. If you are bored, why don't you lie on my back and take a nap? Why do you have to make trouble at this time!"

"It's obviously you who showed off, and then you used too much force, and you blame me..."

After being glared at by Albat, Discatli pouted and lowered her head.

Looking at the corpse under her feet, half of the body turned into a ball of charcoal, and the other half became a bloody mess, Discatli kicked it twice in disgust and kicked it in front of Albat.

You set the fire, you deal with it.


After crossing, perhaps because of the fusion of the Huangheilong template, Albat has been very different from his previous life.

He didn't reject the act of killing, but what disgusted him was the indiscriminate killing like a psychopath.

So he didn't feel uncomfortable in such a scene.

After kicking the unknown object kicked by Discatelli aside, Albert flicked the magma splashed on his face, and then took out Kaido's life card from his arms.

Looking at the small piece of paper shaking left and right in his hand, his face changed slightly.

"Oh my god, I didn't look for a while, and I actually dug it in the wrong direction!"

Albert turned slightly in the direction indicated by the life card, and when he was about to continue on his way, several emerald green glass jars appeared in his field of vision.

And when he caught a glimpse of Abel "soaked" in the glass jar, his eyes were slightly startled.

This unique physical appearance is special.

Zheng... Could it be the Lunaria clan?

Punk Hazard... Lunaria clan... Could this person be the future senior employee of our Beasts Pirates... Pah, the pillar - 'Flame Disaster' Jin?

Beep beep!


After punching the alarm that was still making a noisy sound, Albert scratched his head and walked straight to the glass jar that locked Abel.

Feeling the gaze in the glass jar, he curiously circled the glass jar and pressed his palm on the hard glass jar.

Scarlet dragon energy surged and instantly penetrated into the glass and solution.

The next second, both the special glass and the cold shackles that locked Abel's body melted like snow, and the emerald green solution suddenly surged out.

Elbart spread his wings, looked at Abel who was standing there and was a little bit at a loss, flew directly behind him, stretched out his hand to grab the back of his collar, and lifted him out of the glass jar.

After hesitating in the air for a moment, Elbart shook Abel, and then gently put him on the ground.

The green solution gently wrapped the soles of Abel's feet. Facing the ground that he had not stepped on for a long time, the moment Abel landed, his legs shook slightly, but he stood up stubbornly.

"Who are you? Why did you save me?"

"I'm just a passing masked rider... Bah, my name is Nesario Elbart, the current vice captain of the Beasts Pirates. Young man, I see that you have amazing bones and extraordinary talents. You are a good material for being a pirate. Do you want to join... join our pirate group?"

Realizing that his brain seemed to have done something stupid just now, Elbart forced a smile on his face and tried to make amends.

"Can you... change the world?"

Abel raised his head and said something puzzling with a serious face.

The Lunaria clan was the original inhabitants of the "Kingdom of God" in the Red Earth Continent before the Celestial Dragons. There are very few survivors left in the world now. It is said that reporting their whereabouts to the World Government will directly receive a bonus of 100 million berries.

So this guy grew up in a life of hunting and hiding from childhood to adulthood. It is not surprising that he has a bit of a world-weary personality.

"Well, Kaido is better at changing the world. You can ask him when you see him."


"Yes, he is the captain of our Beasts Pirates. This guy is a famous gold medal teacher on the sea. He will definitely be able to resolve your doubts!"

When you are in doubt, throw it to Kaido first. Anyway, this guy has done things that go against common sense more than once or twice.

As smart as me!

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