The old man was very angry.

"I recognize this mask of yours. When our tribe was attacked a few years ago, you were also one of them!"

Seeing this familiar mask, the anger in Abel's heart surged like a tide, making his chest seem to burst.


With the blessing of new and old hatreds, the blazing fire behind him became more and more vigorous.

"Go to hell, you running dog of the World Government!"

With his fists wrapped in the flames of anger, Abel quickly flapped his dark wings and rushed straight towards Frodo.

"Oh, a little beast that has been blinded by anger?"

Facing Discatelli's sudden attack, Frodo's action was obviously faster!

In a moment, his strong and powerful right leg had already reacted quickly.

"Iron block, steel wood!"


Fists and feet collided, one side was a hot fire fist with strong explosive power, and the other side was a steel right leg that integrated the strongest illusion iron block!

Sparks flew, and strong whirlwinds were brought about where the fists and legs crossed.

So even though he had the talent of the "God Clan", after a stalemate for a while, Abel was still pushed back by Frodo's stronger power.

"This guy, his legs are so hard!"

Abel spread his wings in the air, trying to stabilize his body, and then began to guide the flames behind him.

"You have such strength in your teens, you are worthy of being a Lunaria!"

Frodo patted the non-existent dust on his right leg and continued in his frivolous voice:

"No wonder the government announced that you can get a reward of 50 million Baileys just for providing your information... What an enviable and jealous talent!"

Faced with Frodo's provocative words, Abel was not afraid. He skillfully wrapped the guided flames around his black wings.

Then, he gathered all his strength and flapped his wings fiercely.

The two flames and heat streams converged instantly, like two violent fire dragons entwined with each other, forming a huge and fiery red vortex.

Abel controlled this unstoppable force and rushed straight towards Frodo.

"But no matter how talented you are, you are just a teenager after all. You can only use this kind of moves to blow out candles at birthday parties!"

Frodo lightly tapped his foot and instantly rose from the ground. Then, his strong and powerful right leg drew three flying slashes in the air.

"Storm Leg·Ran·Three Kama Weasels!"

The three slashes cut the flame vortex into several sections effortlessly like cutting tofu. At this moment, Frodo's figure cleverly passed through the gap between the cut flames like a swimming fish, and quickly came to Abel's side with his superb moon steps.

Then, he gently raised the index finger of his right hand, and in Abel's astonished eyes, he knocked on Abel's chest more than ten times with lightning speed.

"Finger Gun·Gang·Dalian Gun!"

Bang Bang Bang!

Abel's chest seemed to be hit by dozens of high-speed bullets in an instant. The sudden and violent blow made it impossible for him to keep his body steady in the air.


Abel's body flew back and fell heavily beside Albert.

Fortunately, the talents of the Lunaria clan were really top-notch, so Frodo's attack did not cause much actual damage to Abel.

But the suffocating pain in his chest still made Abel temporarily lose his ability to move.


Abel, who could not move, angrily cursed at the sky.

"Even this level of finger gun could not cause any damage to you. The defense of your Lunaria clan is really terrifying..."

Frodo, who was jumping around in the air with the moon steps, exclaimed.

"However, even if your body can withstand this kind of damage, I wonder how long your consciousness can hold out in the face of pain?"

"Flying Finger Gun·Chaos·Meteor Flying Gun!"

Frodo took off the Moon Steps under his feet and landed gracefully on the ground.

At the same time, his hands danced quickly like afterimages in the wind.

In a blink of an eye, bursts of whistling sounds rang out in the air.

That was the sharp sound of countless air bullets breaking through the air. They were like whistles announcing death, swarming towards Abel with thunderous force.

At this moment, a scarlet beam of light suddenly flashed out from behind Abel, and coincidentally collided violently with the air bullets.



Seeing that his attack did not work, Frodo frowned and immediately locked his eyes on Discatelli who had entered the human-beast form.

"Wings? Animal-type ability user? You can actually release this kind of energy, so those strange high-temperature gases at the gate should also be your masterpiece... In this case, are you a fantasy beast-type ability user?"

Obviously, although Frodo guessed the process wrong, he got the right result.

He did not know Discatelli's identity, but he could still see such distinctive beast traces clearly.

Now the World Government is very interested in Dr. Vegapunk's bloodline factor plan, especially the progress of the research on the replication of the animal-type fantasy beast-type ability.

But there are still too few fantasy beast-type ability users that can be provided in the experiment. Except for Kaido who was just obtained not long ago, neither the Navy nor the CP agency has much harvest.

And now, such a person with suspected fantasy beast-type ability appeared in front of him...

This is simply a windfall!

Thinking of this, Frodo glanced at Abel, who had lost his ability to fight, and immediately changed his next target.


His right leg kicked the ground fiercely, accompanied by a dull sound of breaking through the air, and he instantly burst out with amazing speed, suddenly closing the distance between him and Albert.

While his body was moving forward at high speed and leaning slightly forward, Frodo closed his right hand, and his five fingers were slightly bent. At the same time, the blood in his palm condensed, and the whole body's strength was gathered on the fingertips.

"Six-style swimming skills·Finger gun·Flower!"

This is a relatively gentle finger gun technique, the main purpose of which is to cut off the blood flow of the target of attack and make it unconscious instantly.

Obviously, he is preparing to capture Discatelli alive!

And the man next to this girl is not a powerful character at first glance, so he can be killed at will.

As long as he confirmed that the girl was a mythical beast, he would not be blamed by his superiors this time, and his position might even be promoted, and it was not impossible for him to change the black suit into a white suit.

Just as Albert frowned slightly, protected Diskatli behind him, and was ready to attack.

Above the heads of several people, the ceiling made of special steel suddenly made a loud noise, and a giant blue dragon claw broke through the wall and directly pressed Frodo to the ground.

"What do you want to do to my vice captain and intern? Running dogs of the World Government!"

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