The warehouse door was kicked open, and Kaido's burly figure appeared with the sunlight.

"Hey, you escaped successfully... It seems that I have to call you Captain, Boss Kaido in the future!"

Quinn danced a hot dance and greeted Kaido enthusiastically.

"And Boss, you seem to have a few good subordinates... How about introducing my new colleagues?"

Whether he can leave the institute safely and show good strength and potential is also a test for the captain he has chosen.

The purity of seastone can be adjusted, as long as the proportion of PYROBROIN is changed.

But this technology is a unique craft of craftsmen in Wano Country.

Compared with high-purity products, low-purity seastone products are obviously much more fragile, so the loss is also very large.

In order to gain more benefits for themselves without violating the premise of "closing the country to the outside world", the suppliers in Wano who supply to the World Government naturally played a little trick in this regard.

Therefore, the purity of the seastone owned by the navy at this stage is still relatively low, and the inhibitory effect on the devil fruit ability users is naturally not that strong, so the pirates of this period are really not afraid of the navy's seastone products.

After all, with this weakness, who hasn't practiced a few hands?

In fact, even without Quinn, Kaido can get rid of his own shackles and escape.

But since you can save some trouble and accept a good little brother, why not do it?

"Okay, then let me introduce you, this is Albert, my vice captain, and this is..."

Before Kaido finished his introduction, Jin had already rushed to Quinn with a face full of anger.

In a flash, a fist wrapped in flames hit his chest fiercely.

Quinn's face was also startled, and he hastily raised his arm to defend himself.

However, at the moment of contact, several flames bursting out from behind Jin had already wrapped around his fist like a spirit snake, and suddenly collided violently with the mechanical arm that Quinn was protecting in front of his chest.


Quinn's tall body was instantly bounced away by the violent impact of the flames.

"I can't forget this face of yours! You must be one of the researchers who did the endurance test for me!"

Before the smoke dissipated, Abel continued to rush towards Quinn.

In the institute, Quinn, as a researcher, naturally participated in some research activities, so his face had been firmly remembered by Abel.

"Hey, hey!"

"I didn't participate in your experiment, at most I just observed from the side for a few days!"

The muscles of his right hand blocked Abel's fist, and the cold air from the mechanical arm of Quinn's left arm collided with the flames from Abel's back.

"Try to touch me again! I'm fighting back! Fuck, you're really hitting me!"

Bang! Bang! Bang

The two of them exchanged fists and fought each other countless times.


The solidity of steel and the enthusiasm of fire intertwined, and the power exploded at the contact point, setting off a frenzy.

The two sides fought back and forth, competing with each other, and the fists wrapped in flames and the cold and hard mechanical arms collided violently in an instant, erupting with deafening roars.


Quinn looked at Albert with an angry face, and a little dissatisfaction flashed in his small eyes.

Damn it, I didn't do anything to you. I just stood by and watched the show of Vegapunk. If you have any grudges, go to him!

"Flame Emperor·Rush!"

Relying on the impact force of the flame explosion at his elbow, Abel hit Quinn's broad chest with this thunderous blow.


The strong wind swept the gravel around, and Quinn's tall body flew out of the fire tornado.

"Asshole, I'm angry!"

Quinn's skin began to become rough, and brown began to spread. His already tall body became round, and a moment later a huge brachiosaurus appeared in front of Abel.

Dragon Dragon Fruit·Ancient Species·Brachiosaurus Form.

A very rare ancient species of animal fruit.

And unlike ordinary animal ability users, not only his left hand, but Quinn's body has obvious signs of transformation everywhere.

Although the attack just now caused him a lot of damage, the physical strength and recovery ability of animal-type ability users are quite strong, so such damage is not a big deal to him.

It doesn't pose much of a threat.

"Brachiosaurus bomb!"

Quinn's fat body jumped up at this time, and the muscles of his long brachiosaurus neck instantly tightened, and he rushed towards Jin with his head falling to the ground.

However, before Quinn and Jin had a new collision, the next second, his neck had already made close contact with a webbed palm.


The big bidou full of brute force directly resolved Quinn's attack, and a red gem in his arms was also fanned and fell beside Albert under this palm.

This unethical sneak attacker was Alfred.

As a test subject like Jin, he had the same resentment towards Quinn's identity as a researcher.

And now, he who had been looking for an opportunity finally made a move.

"I didn't expect that a big guy like you would actually sneak attack!"

Alfred's sudden attack caused some interference to Quinn, and Jin took this opportunity to sink his body suddenly, and swung his hands before Quinn reacted, heading straight for Quinn's middle door.

"It hurts!"

The scorching flames left two charred marks on Quinn's chest, and the brown-yellow brachiosaurus couldn't help but let out a painful scream.

"You two bastards!"

"Wind Fist!"

Quinn curled up his mechanical arms and the mechanical claws on his hair, and quickly swung them towards Abel and the other man.

In response, Jhin directly spread the black wings behind him and blocked himself.

In the fierce wind of Quinn's fist, Jhin's wings made a banging sound. Although the flames wrapped around them kept dissipating, they still blocked all of Quinn's attacks.

"Not good!"

Quinn's offensive was thwarted and his offensive was stagnant.

Seeing this good opportunity, Alfred behind Abel hurried forward and punched Quinn's huge body with both fists.

At the same time, Jhin also retracted his wings and kicked the mechanical claws on Quinn's head accurately with a swift kick.


The yellow brachiosaurus body struggled to resist Alfred's strange power, but as the braid-like mechanical claw on the top of the head was kicked in half by Jin, Quinn's cheek came into close contact with Jin's sole.

"You two bastards, if you don't stop, I will be really angry!"

While threatening with vicious words, Quinn also looked at Kaido who was eating an apple with a look of help.

"Don't look at me, the one who is wrestling with you now is called Alfred, the killer whale fishman, and the one who attacked you on the top of the head is called Abel, no, you should call him Jin in the future!"

Kaido took another bite of the apple with interest, "Our pirate group has a principle, that is, the strong dominate everything! Even if you can beat me, you can be the captain of the Beast Pirates!"


Brother, they are fighting two against one for "justice", okay!

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