The old man was born in a strange land.


His full name is Nesario Albat, and he is a time traveler.

Three years ago, he was just a college student on Blue Star who was about to graduate.

Once, after Albat inserted a second-hand game cartridge newly purchased from a shabby shop into his Switch, a white light suddenly flashed in front of his eyes.

Then, Albat fainted happily.

When he woke up again, he found that he had come to a strange island, and he had turned into the appearance of about fifteen years old.

All his belongings were a tattered black coat and a pair of washed-out shorts, and only a chain with the name "Nesario Albat" hanging around his neck.

As soon as he crossed over, Albert found that this strange island was full of ferocious beasts.

In front of these beasts, Albert, who was only about 1.7 meters tall, could only be regarded as a "third-class disabled person".

Forget about surviving in the wilderness, he was not even qualified to fight these beasts 30% to 70%.

After all, you don't need to use 30% of your strength to eat 70% full to deal with him.

Faced with this kind of sky-shattering start, Albert hesitated for a second and chose to cheat directly.

That's right, as a pure-blooded crossover, it is very reasonable for Albert to have some more standard things in his body.

[Monster Hunter System]

This is the name of his system, which sounds very ordinary.

The functions inside are also very simple. Except for a task panel and a points mall, there is nothing complicated.

Among them, there is only one task hanging on the task panel.

[Unique task: Please find the monster orbs lost by the system (0/16). For each orb found, you can get a gift package and 200,000 points]

Below the task is a specific picture of the orb. The orb in the picture is vermilion, about the size of an adult's fist, with many black lines on the surface, vaguely forming the shape of a dragon.

There is also a line of small words next to the picture, which reads-task items, cannot be destroyed.

And the items in the mall need to be traded with points.

Points can be exchanged for gold in the real world. 1 catties of gold = 100 points, but perhaps because of the incomplete functions, the maximum exchangeable amount in the system cannot exceed 10 catties of gold per day.

With simple settings and a cheap background, this system looks no different from some third-rate web games at first glance.

When Albert first saw it in his mind, he even suspected that this thing was a crudely made fake.

But when the novice gift package arrived, Albert immediately changed his view of the system in his mind.

What is tattered? What is shoddy?

This is my favorite minimalist style, do you understand!!

The things in the novice gift package are a monster template and 5,000 points.

The monster template is based on various monsters in Monster Hunter. It is a commodity formed according to the world rules of the pirate world and can be traded in the points mall with points.

Elbart can load the monster template on the designated person, and the loaded person can gradually gain all the abilities of the template.

Relying on the power in the novice gift package, Elbart slowly gained a foothold in this island.

Since points can be exchanged for various living supplies and entertainment products in the mall, Elbart was not in a hurry to leave the island.

Especially after discovering a small piece of gold vein in the center of the island, he completely lived the salted fish life he had dreamed of in his previous life in this different world.

Drink tea, read newspapers, watch TV series with eyes open, and sleep with eyes closed.

Such a happy life lasted until he found a five-year-old girl who looked like a fur tribe on the beach one day...


"This is the wild boar I killed!" Diskatli said with a pout.

"This is the meat I roasted! Eat it or not, if you want to eat it, you have to exchange it!"

In order to get the sound shell that was a "great threat" to him, Albert completely risked his face.

Damn, if he had known that this thing would become a "big worry" now, he would never have exchanged it for this little guy to relieve his boredom!

"Ah~ Hateful brother Aba! o(`ω´*)o"

Just when the two of them pushed and shoved and finally reached a deal.

In the sky outside the cave, a sharp explosion suddenly interrupted the quarrel between the two.



Hearing the terrifying sonic booms that were getting clearer and clearer above his head, Albert hurriedly picked up Diskatli and rushed out of the cave quickly.

Looking up, Albert was shocked to find that in the moonlit sky, a huge black shadow was falling rapidly.

And the target, if he was not wrong, was the island under his feet.

"What the hell is that? A meteorite?"

Looking at the black shadow that was getting closer and closer, Albert's heart seemed to be full of madness, unable to be restrained.

Am I being punished by God because of cheating?

The speed of the black shadow's fall far exceeded Albert's expectations. Just when he was about to intercept it, the black shadow had already fallen heavily in the center of the island.


The huge roar instantly resounded throughout the island.

Albat suddenly felt that the ground under his feet began to shake violently, and the surrounding rocky highlands seemed to bounce a little.

"No, my house! There are still comics I just bought in it! "

Albat watched helplessly as the stone house he had spent more than ten minutes to complete collapsed rapidly during the highland dance, burying his comics directly in the ruins.

At the same time, Diskatli, who was held in Albert's arms, looked at the collapsed cave behind her and burst into tears.

It's a pity that I haven't eaten a single bite of the wild boar meat I just exchanged for Yinbei...

But now is not the time to care about comics and barbecue, now the entire cliff has shown signs of collapse.

Albat quickly hugged Diskatli, deftly avoided the broken stones around, and quickly headed towards the forest .

That was where the shadow fell.

We must find the culprit today!

Passing by countless fleeing animals along the way, Albert, holding Diskatli, arrived at the destination soon.

The originally dense jungle here has now become a mess, with trees uprooted and flowers, plants and shrubs completely gone.

Instead, there is a pit hundreds of meters in size.

Albert stared at the center of the giant pit in amazement, which was a completely sunken human-shaped hole.

"Tear - what's going on with this inexplicable sense of déjà vu? Such a familiar feeling, as if I have seen it somewhere..."

As if he thought of something, Albat's heart suddenly sounded alarm bells.

He gently covered Diskatli's mouth that was about to collect the debt, and held her and retreated carefully.

Albat planned to leave this ghost place quickly without alarming anyone.

But things did not go as he wished-

As an extremely strong arm stretched out from the pit, a young man with strong muscles exposed on his upper body, a big red wine pot on his waist, and a sharp mace in his hand instantly appeared in Albat's sight.

"Really, can doing this really strengthen the practice of armed color domineering? Isn't that old woman fooling me?"

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