The old man was very happy.

As a scientist specializing in human transformation and virus research, Quinn's technical level is still online.

He has seen pterosaurs many times, and they can be found alive on some ancient islands.

But this species of Jin is the first time he has seen it.

"Didn't you say it's a fantasy beast? What is your special ability?"

Quinn regretted it immediately, because Jin's eyes had begun to show a very dangerous look, and even a smile could be seen at the corner of his mouth.

"Hey, you guys are not serious..."

Quinn swallowed his saliva, and the next moment, Jin waved his wings, and the scales on his neck fell off, and suddenly a burst of fire burst out around Quinn.

Quinn stood up with a dusty face and roared:

"Shouldn't you look like a pterosaur? Why would a pterosaur use the ability to explode? The mythical beast species should also have a scientific basis, okay!"

Jin glanced at the chattering fat man beside him and said sarcastically: "Are you an idiot? Isn't it because the mythical beast species have unreasonable abilities that they are called mythical beast species?"

The truth is often the best weapon for silence.

Quinn didn't say anything. He looked at the teardrop-shaped dragon scale in his hand and fell into deep self-doubt.

The ancient species is also a rare animal system, and the increase in the body is not small.

But compared with the mythical beast species, it was directly turned into slag in seconds.

Who doesn't want their fruit ability to be stronger? Anyway, they are all landlubbers, so the stronger the ability, the better.

People are afraid of comparison. Quinn knows that Kaido is a mythical beast species ability user, and the little girl Discatelli next to him is also.

Now the bastard Jin has also become a mythical beast, plus Albert, whose ability is unknown but definitely very strong.

Just after I finished showing off my face in the matter of the ability user, God hurriedly gave me a big bag?

The clown turned out to be me?

"Okay, you fat guy, stop crying."

Alfred patted Quinn's shoulder and said nonchalantly: "Look, I don't even have any ability. What's the use of devil fruit? I can't swim after eating it..."

"No, I can swim!"

Discatelli raised her hand and shouted.

"Well, I can too. To be precise, as long as the ability is transformed by me, I can basically swim."

Albert also echoed and said, which directly silenced Alfred.

"Well, although I can't fight underwater for a long time, it's still no problem to swim a few laps in the sea."

Kaido saw that they were discussing so happily and added a knife at the right time.

"Kaido, you can swim too?"

After hearing what Kaido said, it was Albert's turn to be shocked.

"That's right, I am the user of the Fish-Fish Fruit, isn't it normal to be able to breathe in water? As long as I increase my resistance to the curse of the sea, I can swim naturally!"

Damn, this answer is very reasonable, but I always feel that something is wrong.

You are really worthy of it, Kaido!

"Okay, Quinn, since you helped me find a gem, there will naturally be a reward."

Albert didn't tease Quinn anymore. No matter what, this guy has made a contribution.

When Quinn heard what Albert said, he immediately came up with a flattering and pleasing smile.

"Hehe, Brother Albert, a small gift, not a respect, just if you like it."

Human body modification is one of his favorite things to do, and in this regard, Albert's ability has subverted his cognition.

As a scientist, he understood how perverted this method of genetic modification was. If he could study this power clearly and put it into practice, then his reputation would definitely surpass that bastard Vegapunk.

"Okay, don't be polite. Although you have small eyes, I can see all the envy in Jin's eyes."

Albert waved his hand and enveloped Quinn with dragon energy.

He asked the system, and if the template is loaded on some animal fruit ability users, the power of the template will be integrated into the devil fruit ability.

Although the points consumed will be less, the curse of the sea on the devil fruit ability users will not be eliminated.

The template that Albert prepared for Quinn was the system reward he had just obtained - the black eclipse dragon.

The black eclipse dragon has no eyes.

The visual organ, the eye, mainly relies on the scale powder spread by the wing membrane to grasp the position of the organism.

The scale powder of the black dragon is an organic matter. When it reacts with the blood of the organism, it will be transformed into an active molecular group and transform the biological body of the organism, making it ferocious and bloodthirsty, and even crazy and dead.

Therefore, the scale powder of the black dragon has another special name-the mad dragon virus.

The scarlet dragon spirit dissipated, and Quinn's figure reappeared in front of everyone.

He did not enter the human-beast form directly like Jin, but chose a larger beast form.

Among the three major types of devil fruits, compared with the complicated superhuman system and the difficult-to-master nature, the use of animal-type fruits is the simplest, and it does not take too long to master the transformation of the three-stage form.

Quinn's original yellow brachiosaurus has disappeared at this time, replaced by a four-legged, two-winged black dragon.

The wings behind the dragon drooped down, as if wearing a huge cloak.

"Brother Elbat, I can't see!"

Quinn, who was still feeling the strange power in his body the previous second, immediately panicked the next second.

Although Quinn was a ruthless person who could transform himself in a strange way, he had never thought of turning himself into a blind man!

"Don't be so nervous! This is the characteristic of the Black Eclipse Dragon. You can restore your vision by canceling the transformation. Now you can try to use the scale powder on your body to perceive... Stop, stop, stop! Don't use this scale powder indiscriminately, it is a highly infectious biochemical weapon."

Quinn immediately canceled the transformation after hearing this. After feeling his vision restored, he quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Huh... I almost thought the transformation failed...

"Brother Elbat, you said the scale powder on my body is a biochemical weapon?"

Feeling the body that is stronger than ever, and the powder with violent power quietly lurking under the skin, the curious baby Quinn immediately aroused great curiosity.

"That's right, the Black Dragon is a juvenile form of an ancient dragon. Its scale powder will mix with certain components in the blood of organisms, and the inanimate organic matter will crystallize into an infectious virus. The infected organism will become ill immediately or after a certain incubation period. When the disease occurs, the eyes will be bloodshot, the mouth will spit black air, and the mind will lose. In the end, it will die in a crazy fight or be corroded to death by the virus."

Everyone - so scary?

Quinn - such a good thing?

Quinn is so satisfied with his new ability. Love it. Is this the mythical beast?

After loading the template, Jin and Discatelli don't know, but Quinn, who is already a capable person, keenly discovered that the physical strength consumed by maintaining his transformation is much lower than before.

Isn't this another kind of enhancement!

To be honest, the more perverted the things that Albert showed, the happier Quinn was.

After all, since he released Kaido and indirectly caused the destruction of the research institute, he has no way back. The stronger the Beast Pirates, the safer he will be.

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