The money was so much that it was not worth it.

In fact, it didn't take two hours at all. In less than an hour, the pirate groups of all sizes immediately collected 100 million Baileys and handed them over to the Beasts Pirates.

As for those who really have no money, I'm sorry, your pirate ship and various items on the ship will belong to our Beasts Pirates from now on.

And once the situation of insolvency occurs, I'm sorry, please use your bounty to pay off the debt!

The Beasts Pirates directly looted more than 2 billion Baileys from more than a dozen pirate groups, which really opened Elbart's eyes to the wealth of the New World pirates.

The Beasts Pirates stayed here for a week, and finally gained 17 warships and a wealth of about 4 billion Baileys, and expanded the pirate group to about 3,000 people.

At the beginning, some pirates who didn't know the situation came here to buy ships. After being welcomed in by the Beasts Pirates with a smile, they all walked out crying.

Kaido is very skilled in being a bad person.


Sitting cross-legged on the bow of the newly painted "Beast King", Kaido drank a little wine happily.


A lighter sound came from behind him.

With a cigarette in his mouth, Albert walked to Kaido's side.

"Is today's class over?"

Albert had graduated early from Kaido. After all, if he didn't graduate, a certain teacher would be driven crazy by him.

"Well, let Quinn and the others have a good rest today, and I can also take this opportunity to drink more."

Facing his student who has already graduated, Kaido has been more pleasing to his eyes recently.

"There are fewer pirates coming today. I guess those guys who paid and ran away have spread what we did. There is no point in guarding here. What are you going to do next?"

Albat exhaled a puff of smoke and asked Kaido beside him.

"Next, of course, we will find a piece of land that we like. We have recruited so many people, we can't support them for nothing."

The fleet of 3,000 people is not the same as before. The maintenance of the ships, the purchase of weapons, and the eating, drinking, and defecation of so many people are all huge expenses.

The windfall of 4 billion Baileys may be enough for them to support them for a while, but in the long run, without a stable income, it is not a long-term thing after all.

"In this case, it seems that we will encounter a lot of troubles next..."

Albat laughed and said, "I just hope you can hold on when the time comes."

"If we don't cause trouble, are we waiting for trouble to come and cause us?"

Kaido took two sips of wine and said with a smile, "If you are afraid of causing trouble, you are not a pirate. It is not my style to keep hiding and develop!"

"You are a reckless man!"

Albat cursed with a smile.

"By the way, is there no news from Charlotte Linlin?"

Albat remembered a proposal made by Kaido not long ago.

Unlike other pirate groups, the BIG·MOM Pirates have woven a huge intelligence network through marriage, and at the same time they have maintained a very close connection with the underground world. Their intelligence can be said to be the best in the world.

So, when Albat said that he needed people to find the red orb, Kaido immediately thought of this former big sister.

"Not yet. I heard from the liaison officer of the Big Mom Pirates that the old woman is expecting a baby and won't answer any calls."

The two smoked, drank and chatted for a while. Kaido felt bored and invited Albert to go out and commit suicide together.

Albert didn't even bother to pay attention to this psychopath.

Isn't it easy to commit suicide? Just eat another devil fruit.


Seeing that Albert was not very interested in his proposal, Kaido didn't force anything. He turned into a giant dragon and flew into the sky.

While the Beast Pirates were expanding, the Navy, the most powerful violent agency under the World Government, had not been doing well recently.

The Navy originally thought that after the death of Rocks, the bastard, the pirate forces would fight for the hegemony of the New World and beat their brains out.

When the time comes, we will make a concerted effort to defeat them one by one. Then, we may be able to sweep the holes and plow the court directly, and flatten all the pirate forces in the New World in one fell swoop.

The script was written, the stage was set, and the actors began to perform to the best of their ability. Even the first half of the play was

The development was the same as the Navy expected.

But when the Navy began to exert its strength in the New World with full confidence, they suddenly found that the next script was wrong!

What they faced was not a situation of disunity, but a strong resistance from the entire New World Pirate Union.

Navy Headquarters, Marinford

The current Navy Admiral Sengoku was reporting the situation to Marshal Ganggu Kong.

"Those bastards in the New World, as long as our Navy takes action, they can temporarily put aside their disputes and deal with us together..."

Sengoku said, shaking his head helplessly.

"There are not many fools who can become great pirates. They still know the truth that the lips and teeth are cold." Ganggu Kong comforted Sengoku.

Although I don't want to admit it, the situation in the New World has really deteriorated to a very serious degree.

The Navy wanted to take advantage of the east wind of getting rid of Rocks to forcefully enter the New World. Although it has achieved considerable results in the early stage, throwing a few bastards into the Impel Down City and building many new naval bases, the resistance is now getting bigger and bigger.

Due to historical issues, many countries in the New World have defected to the pirates, including some member states of the World Government.

These member states are special. Because they are far away from the Navy Headquarters and the surrounding pirate forces are rampant, they only need to pay some symbolic gold to the World Government every year to continue to maintain the title of member states.

There is no way around it. Who told you that the World Government is unable to protect them?

As for the significance of the existence of these countries, it is only because the World Government needs to establish a flag, a flag that says "the government will not forget the New World".

These member states are the nails embedded in the pirate forces by the World Government, and they are also a good bridge for the secret connection with the pirate forces.

The special political environment has created the characteristics of these countries as fence-sitters.

Now the Navy feels a bit like a spent force in the New World, and these member states naturally become hypocritical.

Without the help of the member states, the Navy will naturally have no way to establish a naval base around it.

Without the foothold of the naval base, the supply of the navy will become extremely difficult, let alone the elimination of pirates.

The more the navy's power in the New World declines, some countries that favor the World Government are forced to turn to the pirates.

It's a vicious cycle!

To break this unfavorable situation, the navy needs to seize the opportunity to do something.

But every time this happens, those damn pirates will show amazing tacit understanding.

These people don't need to form any alliances, they just put aside their disputes with each other, fight back against the navy together, and then solve their internal conflicts behind closed doors.

This operation makes the navy very helpless. Often, I have the advantage before the action, but I am beaten up by others during the action, and I can't get a tiger-headed and snake-tailed ending.

The navy admiral Sengoku, who is responsible for formulating the action plan, began to doubt his ability.

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