The sea near Loscuña Island in the New World.

A large turtle-shaped ship covered with green trees is moving slowly.

A W-shaped beard decoration is hung on the bow of the ship, and a black pirate flag is fluttering in the wind on the mast.

This is the flagship of the Wald Pirates - Loseiadi!

When this battleship was first built, in order to cooperate with Bondi Wald's Momo Fruit, the shipwright Gayram placed many artillery firing positions around the hull, and an extremely huge cannon was hidden between the deck and the mast.

Not long ago, a great battle broke out between the Wald Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates on the Jewel Island. In the end, it was under the cover of this cannon that the Wald Pirates were able to escape successfully.

But unfortunately, except for this giant cannon, the rest of the cannons on the Loseyadi ship were turned into a pile of scrap metal under Whitebeard's Tremor-Tremor Fruit.

So when Bondi Wald was resting on Loscuña Island, he set his sights on the island's artillery master Planck.

"Wow, hahaha, worthy of being a cannon master, the things he makes are good!"

Bondi Wald, who was about four meters tall, stroked the several giant cannons towering to the sky beside him, turned around with a big laugh, and patted the black figure beside him.

The figure wore a dark round hat, a pair of black-framed glasses on the bridge of his nose, thick hair, a long beard on his chin, and a pattern of a flintlock rifle tattooed on his right arm.

He was the artillery master that Bondi Wald had "invited" - the half-fishman Gangplank.

Gangplank's father was a ship repairman on Rozkuje Island, and his mother was an adult sea bream mermaid, both of whom have now passed away.

He had been interested in firearms since he was a child and had worked as an apprentice in a famous weapon manufacturing shop on the island for a period of time. Later, when he was in his twenties, he made a name for himself on Rozkuje Island.

Gangplank did not reject doing business with pirates, but he had never thought of going out to sea.

If Bondi Wald had not visited him in the middle of the night and had a harmonious discussion with him about "do you want to work with me, or I'll work with you", he would probably still be sleeping soundly in his little nest.

"Captain, since the new cannon has been installed, why don't you give it a try?"

Carrying a huge square hammer, wearing craftsman glasses, and combing his hair into two squares, Gayram stood beside the cannon, looking at the sea in front of him, and made a suggestion.

"It's not bad to give it a try."

Wald glanced at Planck, who was listless beside him, and waved his hand to let the sailors on the ship fill the barrel with ammunition enhanced by his own abilities.

Bang bang bang!

Accompanied by several brilliant flames, black shells the size of a human head broke through the air with a roar.

"Momo 50 times cannon!"

As Wald's ability was activated, the shells suddenly expanded out of thin air, turning into black iron balls that covered the sky and instantly covered the sky within a radius of several hundred meters!

At the same time, the speed of the shells also increased several times out of thin air, easily breaking through to supersonic speed.

Circles of blazing white "sonic booms" suddenly spread out, and the gusts of wind and deafening air-breaking sounds filled the entire sea in front of the Glossiadi!

With the blessing of the Wald Fruit's ability, these new cannons actually emitted a devastating force!

The name of the world destroyer is indeed well-deserved.


The sound of the explosion of the shrapnel enveloped the sky and the earth, and the clouds were cracked and shattered by the aftermath of the shells.

The aftermath continued to spread, and the powerful impact swept the sky and the earth, which also caused a drunk handsome guy who was moving on the clouds to step on the air and fall from the sky.

"Captain, you seem to have hit something?"

The pirate minions on the side were still immersed in the terrifying power of their captain, and a younger brother who was looking around seemed to have discovered something at this time.


As Kaido's falling figure gradually expanded, the observer on the watchtower also found something wrong. He hurriedly picked up the Den Den Mushi and warned Wald below.

"An unknown person was spotted in the sky. Warning! Warning!"

Under the vigilant eyes of the observer, Kaido's figure cut through the sky and smashed straight towards the Loseadi like a meteor.

Boom! Bang Bang Bang!

Accompanied by several deafening noises, Kaido finally stopped his falling momentum after destroying several buildings on the ship.

Thanks to the fact that the Loseadi was built large enough and the materials used were very solid, otherwise it would not be able to withstand Kaido.

After countless collisions, Kaido's brain, which was a little dizzy from alcohol, was now much clearer. "Kaido? The trainee kid on Rocks' ship?" Just as Kaido sat up while rubbing his dizzy head, Bondi Wald had already surrounded him with his pirate group members. "Why did you come to my ship alone? Are you going to surrender to me?"

"You are...Bondi Wald?"

Kaido stood up while rubbing his head, looking at the wine stains on his pants with heartache, and said angrily: "You are the one who fired into the air and ruined my wine!"

"To surrender to you?"

Kaido slowly took off the mace buckled on his waist, and said angrily: "Don't dream about it, you old immortal who is about to step into the coffin! I will not surrender to a weakling!"

"Hahaha! Did I hear it right? This guy, Lord Wald is a weakling!"

"It's really funny. If you want to challenge the king, you should pass this level first before you talk big, bastard!"

Before Bondi Wald spoke, the pirates under him had already started to clamor.

Although Kaido has his own reputation now, he is not yet known to everyone.

Not to mention that they don't know Kaido's strength, even if they know, they won't be afraid.

The power of domineering in the pirate world can be seen as a manifestation of spiritual power, and it is not an exaggeration to say that the collision of domineering is the collision of each other's beliefs.

The young Moria dared to fight the young Kaido head-on, but after all his companions died in the battle, his character changed drastically, and he became a "fat otaku" who simply relied on zombies and fruits.

When Crocodile was young, he dared to challenge Whitebeard and had a fight with Barrett, but after experiencing a huge setback, his character also changed drastically, and he began to look for the legendary Pluto, and finally lost to the Straw Hat.

The Wald Pirates that appeared in the original plot had a great decline in strength due to the long-term freezing of Captain Bondy Wald, and the cadres were also too old, so the combat power of the entire pirate group was not very strong.

In addition, Wald had a grudge against his subordinates who "abandoned him" at the beginning, so the cohesion of the entire pirate group was weakened to scum.

But even with the Wald Pirates, the World Government still summoned the Seven Warlords of the Sea, and the Navy Headquarters, led by Akainu, set out to destroy them.

This shows how much the World Government values ​​them.

Although the current Wald Pirates have not yet reached their peak, the captain, Bondy Wald, has already begun to reach the peak of his strength.

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