The battle was over, and the enemy was in chaos.

However, as fast as he rushed up, he flew back as fast. After exchanging a punch with Jin, the huge impact force directly knocked him back to the ground.

When he stood up again, his right hand had obviously drooped down.

Jin's power at this time was no joke. With the blood of the Lunaria clan and the blessing of the Explosive Scale Dragon template, he has now completely exceeded his original growth trajectory.

The previous punch did not affect Jin's plan. He shook his body and quickly spread his scales around the turret.

Boom boom boom boom!

When the pirates below had not yet had time to run away, with countless red lights blooming, the terrifying explosion appeared again.

The first line of defense of Donggua Island, the most important coastal defense gun in Guaren Port, was lost in an instant.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Taking advantage of this opportunity, countless shells from the Beasts Pirates fleet were directly fired into the port under the operation of the gunners.

The pirates who were holding on to the port saw that the situation was not good, and while calling for reinforcements through Den Den Mushi, they slowly retreated to the center of the island.

Seeing that there was no resistance in the port, the Beasts Pirates drove the ship and began to slowly enter the port.

Da da da da!

The pirates on the ship got off the ship one by one. After the small cadres in the squad organized the staff to arrange simple defenses, they continued to charge at the retreating pirates under the leadership of Quinn.

The Jin in the sky also quickly flew behind the pirates, and the scale bombs fell, and the crowd below was immediately thrown to the ground.


"Everyone, follow me!"

Quinn roared, and directly transformed into a human-beast form, rushing to the front.

We can't just let that bastard Jin take the limelight in this battle. If I dare to slack off, I will definitely be taken to a small classroom by Kaido.

Thinking of this, Quinn's pace has quickened a lot.

The pirates of the Beast Pirates roared one by one and followed Quinn's footsteps frantically.

"Quick! They are coming, fight back!"


The pirates who were forced into a desperate situation had to turn around and fight back. One of the middle-aged men wearing a captain's hat turned into a huge frog, roared, and rushed towards Quinn.

"So you are actually an animal-type fruit ability user... Do I need to spare your life... It's so troublesome!"

Quinn frowned as he looked at the huge frog rushing over.

He knew his boss's preferences, and the identity of an animal-type ability user made Quinn subconsciously lighten his strength.

But the middle-aged man did not appreciate it. His speed increased suddenly. When the two approached, he jumped up, and his fat body unexpectedly rushed into the sky.

The middle-aged man tightened his muscles and concentrated all his strength on his hands. When he flew to the highest point, he fell upside down like a falling meteor!

"Frog fall!"


A burst of thunder sounded, and the land around Quinn suddenly sank downward, stirring up gusts of wind and sand.

Quinn stood in the deep pit, with his legs slightly bent in front and behind, holding up the middle-aged man who fell from the sky with his hands.

The huge air wave caused by the violent collision pushed the pirates behind him back a few steps.

The middle-aged man turned over and jumped from Quinn's head, kicking Quinn's chest in mid-air.

"Frog print hoof!"

Although Quinn was prepared, he was still knocked back a few steps by this powerful blow, and the dragon claws under his feet left several large footprints on the ground.

Quinn rubbed the slightly red and swollen area on his chest, took a puff of the cigar in his mouth, and shouted: "You guy, I'm going to kill you!"

Although this series of attacks did not leave any scars on Quinn, if his performance was heard by Kaido, he would definitely have to take a few more private lessons.

When he thought that he might suffer several passionate beatings from his boss because of this guy in front of him, Quinn's eyes were full of murderous intent when he looked at Horn.

Jin also fell back to the ground at this moment.

After all, the range of his ability was too uncertain, and such a chaotic battle would easily hurt his teammates.

Since he couldn't be an aerial bomber, he would be an indestructible ground Tyrannosaurus.

The flames behind him were blazing. Jin ignored all the attacks on him and rushed into the crowd to start mowing the grass.

The overall situation on the battlefield began to slowly take control.

into the hands of the Beast Pirates.

At the same time, Kingoga, Olive and Alfred, who were attacking the northern Cantaloupe Island, were much more relaxed.

On the sea outside the island, Alfred, with a ferocious smile on his face, untied the meteor hammer from his waist with his backhand.

"Little guys, shoot with all your strength!"

As he spoke, he swung the meteor hammer in his hand into a full moon.

The next second, Alfred loosened his palm and the meteor hammer was thrown out directly.

The heavy and ferocious hammer head pulled the long iron chain through the air, instantly hammering a cannon on the dock into scrap iron.

With a flick of his wrist, the force was transmitted to the hammer head through the iron chain, and the sharp iron spikes tightly grasped the hard rock next to the cannon.

Alfred pulled the iron chain and pulled his body forward. The whole person jumped directly from the deck and quickly fell into the port.

He pulled the meteor hammer out of the ruins, looked at the pirates surrounding him, hooked his fingers, and a arrogant grin appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Try this trick!"

Alfred raised his sturdy arms high, threw the meteor hammer to knock down one person, and a Fishman Karate·Karakuwa straight punch came out.

Bang bang bang!

Several pirates were knocked to the ground by the swift shock wave of Fishman Karate.

"Come on, I'm going to beat a hundred of them!"

Just as Alfred was shouting wildly, the members of the third squad on the pirate ship behind him also successfully landed on the shore, and followed Alfred's footsteps to the port.

Discatelli, the violent little loli, also mixed in the battle team. She didn't rush to the front like Alfred, but practiced with those minions at the grassroots level of the Beast Pirates with those ordinary pirates.

Jin Oga led the Fourth Division to attack from the east and west of the island.

Due to the complex terrain of the northern Cantaloupe Island, there are not many people on the island.

Most of the forces on the island are newcomers who have just entered the New World.

These pirate groups dare to fight and are full of recklessness.

But newcomers also have a fatal flaw, that is, their combat experience is too shallow.

If they meet Alfred, a player who fights them head-on, they can resist for a while, but if they meet Jin Oga, an old hand who has been in the New World for many years, they will be found out soon and pressed to the ground.

Not long after, the pirates on Cantaloupe Island collectively made a French military salute under the earnest teachings of the old predecessors of the Beast Pirates.

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