The battle was a battle, and the battle was a battle.

Under the powerful offensive of the Beasts Pirates, all the islands in the Gorsdino Islands, including the ancient island in the west, have now fallen into the hands of the Beasts Pirates.

According to the plan discussed by Albert and Kaido, Winter Melon Island will be the base camp of the Beasts Pirates in the future. It is rich in resources, and with the captured pirates, there are a total of 60,000 people. With full support, it can ensure that the Beasts Pirates can maintain a certain stability in various materials in a short period of time.

Pumpkin Island is planned to be an industrial base.

The original guard will be ordered to disband, and its members will re-enter the factory with more than 10,000 residents on the island to contribute to the arms business that the Beasts Pirates plan to develop next.

The Beast Pirates will form a new patrol team to ensure their daily safety.

The ancient island in the west is favored by Quinn, who plans to transform it into a research base.

At the same time, due to the complex terrain of Cantaloupe Island in the north, although there are not many people on the island, Albert also plans to use it.

When he exchanged the crossbow for Graves last time, Albert found something particularly interesting.

The finished ore in the system, such as the swallow stone, is generally sold for about 3 points per piece.

And a small swallow stone vein can be exchanged in reality, and more than a thousand swallow stones can be mined, and the selling price is only a thousand points.

You should know that the system can recycle Albert's concrete items in reality at the original price...

This can earn more than 3,000 points at once.

Although not much, it is also a long-term stream!

Moreover, the mined minerals can be used to make arms, and the arms made are sold for money, and then the money is used to buy gold...

Dual-line cycle, win!

After giving the metal ores in the system to Quinn for identification, Elbart selected four ore veins that were not very expensive but could be used as raw materials for munitions.

He bought more than a dozen ore veins and buried them in Cantaloupe Island. As for the miners, of course, it was the old tradition of the Beasts Pirates, capturing prisoners for mining!

The pirates captured by the Beasts Pirates, those with bounties were exchanged for bounties, and the rest without bounties, Elbart threw them all into the mines.

At the same time, Kaido also gave the work of supervisors to some pirates with violent tendencies in the pirate group.

Evil people always need evil people to grind.

Anyway, these pirates are all scoundrels, so they are regarded as labor reform.

The cold Dislan Island has no use value, so Elbart directly transformed it into the cemetery of the Beasts Pirates, and the members of the Beasts Pirates who died in battle can rest here in the future.

On the sea, few pirate groups would care about ordinary subordinates who died in battle, let alone arrange a cemetery.

This approach also slightly improved the sense of belonging of many younger brothers of the Beast Pirates.

As for the other scattered islands, some became sentries, and some were planned as Kaido's teaching bases.

Since the first batch of students of Teacher Kai successfully completed the education course, this gold medal teacher on the sea plans to increase the difficulty of his teaching.

He even plans to invite an outstanding graduate to come and be an assistant teacher for a period of time.

After dealing with the captives, burying the dead, and treating the wounded, it is time for Kaido's long-awaited banquet and reward.

Quinn commanded the members of the second team to set up the banquet site, and then took out a microphone from somewhere and began to host the banquet.

The most basic reward is property, which is also what most pirates need most.

Kaido waved his hand generously and directly gave each combatant a reward of 100,000 Baileys.

The current Bailey has not depreciated significantly. Whether it is buying alcohol or going to the red-light district, 100,000 Baileys are enough to be free and easy for several days.

After all, most pirates have no habit of saving money, and no one knows whether they can see the sun tomorrow, so enjoying life in the moment is the consumption principle of most pirates.

Not long ago, Albert and Kaido jointly promulgated a series of rules and regulations for the territory.

For example, members of the Beast Pirates can enjoy the cost price when purchasing alcohol and other supplies in the territory, and can enjoy discounts when repairing damaged weapons, etc....

But it is absolutely not allowed to get it for free, not in any sense.

Similarly, if you want to discuss import and export business with others, you can, but you can't harass civilians and force good women into prostitution.

The red-light industry on the sea has always been

Very developed, this kind of thing can't be controlled at all, even the navy didn't prohibit it.

At first, some guys were not used to it, but after Jin dealt with two typical cases, everyone became much more honest.

After giving bonuses to everyone, the next reward was those "excellent employees".

The first to appear were the 100 pirate brothers who were particularly brave in the battle, and Kaido directly gave them a reward of 100,000 Baileys each.

Then, it was the ten pirate brothers who performed particularly well from each team.

Albert prepared a set of battlefield first aid kits for each of them, which contained three bottles of recovery medicine and two bottles of antidote.

And Kaido directly gave them the qualification for the cadre selection competition.

After Albert and several others discussed, it was decided to implement a clear promotion mechanism in the Beast Pirates.

Ordinary members-cadres-big cadres-vice captains, captains.

After each large-scale battle or mid-year selection, each team can recommend ten people from the team to participate in the cadre selection competition at the end of the year.

The future officers of the Beast Pirates will be selected through the selection.

The top ten winners of the selection will be awarded the title of pre-selected officers.

All pre-selected officers and active officers will participate in the qualifying round, and the last 10 will lose their officer qualifications and become ordinary members again.

The first place winner will have the power to challenge the senior officers.

After these people step down from the stage, the highlight of the banquet will be the reward for the heroes in the battle.

"Young men, let us welcome our captain of the third division, Alfred, with the warmest applause!"

With Quinn's howling roar, thunderous applause broke out from the audience.

He mobilized the atmosphere well, and Alfred walked onto the stage happily at the instigation of his younger brothers.

In this battle, if we talk about the first merit, it is naturally the bomber Jin who made the opponent cry for his parents, but Alfred's performance is indeed very eye-catching.

Jhin knew Alfred's desire for transformation ability, so he also planned to help his old friend.

In the audience, the envy in Jin Oga and Olive's eyes became more and more intense.

As for jealousy, there is also, but not much.

After all, it's not like there will be no chance in the future, it's just that it will come later.

Let this guy be proud for a few days!

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