The battle was over, and the battle was over.

Marine Headquarters, Marinford

In the office of Sora's Marshal, Admiral Sengoku, Zefa and Vice Admiral Tsuru of the Navy Headquarters were sitting on the sofa, chatting with Sora.

"The war that broke out on Telberlin Island a few days ago has come to an end. Perga, the "human butcher" with a bounty of 260 million berries, was killed by Kaido himself, and his pirate group was also defeated by Kaido's First Team..." Sengoku said in a deep voice.

"According to intelligence, there are now several people with abilities suspected to be mythical beasts in the Hundred Beasts Pirates. We have to increase our observation of the Hundred Beasts Pirates!" Tsuru added.

"Mythical beasts... Where did Kaido find so many powerful fruits? Did this guy quietly get Rocks' treasure?"

Zhan Guo said with some doubt: "It shouldn't be, Rocks is not that rich..."

"Why bother so much? We have a headache, and someone will have a bigger headache than us." Zefa shook his head and said

There is only so much territory in the New World. If there is one more person who can eat at the table, the other ambitious people will have to eat less.

Kaido is obviously qualified to share a piece of the pie. Now many pirates in the New World have not realized his ambition, so the Navy is ready to add fuel to the fire on this issue.

At that time, because of the issue of interests, Kaido will definitely fight with others a few times. No matter who wins or loses, it consumes the power of the pirates. This is a good thing for the Navy at this stage.

"How much is Kaido's bounty? Hundreds of millions?" Kong asked suddenly.

There are too many pirates on the sea, and it is normal to not remember someone's bounty for a while.

"Five hundred million Baileys!" Zephyr, who had recently crossed paths with Kaido, blurted out.

"Then round it up to a billion Baileys!" Kong said in a deep voice.

"Marshal, do you mean to praise the Beasts Pirates? In that case, why not add a little more..."

Zhan Guo understood Kong's intention at once and immediately proposed:

"Define the Beasts Pirates as the strongest pirate group in the new era, and then raise the bounties of Kaido's mythical beast cadres."

"At the same time, announce to the outside world that the Beasts Pirates have obtained the treasure of the Rocks Pirates. At that time, whether for profit or to gain fame, many pirate groups in the New World will be unable to resist attacking the Beasts Pirates."

Praising and killing is an old trick of the Navy. When the Shiki and Whitebeard pirate groups expanded wildly, the Navy used this trick.

The Flying Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates were exhausted from dealing with the pirates who came to challenge them every day, which led to the rapid development of second-tier players such as John, Silver Axe and Charlotte Linlin, and the New World suddenly entered an era of heroes.

"But this method is also easy to be backfired. If Kaido and the Beasts Pirates survive, then the incident with Shiki may happen again..." Staff Officer Crane frowned, obviously disagreeing with this decision.

Shiki and Whitebeard were promoted by the Navy as candidates for the Pirate Overlord, but Whitebeard was not interested in this title at all. He only wanted to wander around the world and get a son. As a result, Shiki won the public opinion dispute directly and was recognized as the Pirate Overlord by many pirates.

He was also given a very cool nickname - Pirate Admiral.

So, this plan is a double-edged sword. If it is not used well, it is easy to hurt yourself.

"What are you afraid of? Although Shiki is a jerk, he is a very capable jerk. What level is Kaido? Can he be compared with Shiki?"

"I don't believe it. This strategy can fail on a man like Kaido!"

Zhan Guo's words really touched the other people.

Who is Kaido?

He is a mentally retarded man who was arrested when he ran to a navy warship when he was drunk.

If such a person can be promoted, it is not the navy that is wrong, but this world.

North Sea, Seleucid Kingdom.

In the Barley Hotel, a group of visitors from the West Sea are registering their identities at the front desk of the hotel.

These people are the O'Hara scholars invited by Doflamingo's tutor to study ancient characters together.


The hotel front desk clerk asked eagerly.

In front of him was a silver-haired girl with a delicate face. The girl had an excellent temperament, but it seemed that because she often traveled on the sea, her skin was slightly red.


"Lina." The girl said as she handed her ID to the registrar at the front desk.

"How many people? How long will you stay?"

The registrar took a quick look and registered Lina's identity information.

"There are seven people in total. Let's stay for... three days."

"How many rooms do you want?"


"Chenghui, a total of 12,000 Baileys!"

The girl took out 12,000 Baileys in banknotes and handed them to the registrar.

The registrar checked and handed the girl four room cards.

"Four rooms on the right after going upstairs on the 4th floor."

The girl nodded, took the room card, and called everyone to the elevator of the hotel.

Soon, the elevator came down, and the female attendant in the elevator smiled sweetly at the girl and the others.

The girl and her group walked into the elevator naturally, and just as the elevator door was about to close, a hand suddenly rested on the elevator.

"Sorry, please wait for me."

A man in a black suit came in, and he showed a slightly guilty smile to everyone.

No one raised any objections, and squeezed in a little to make room for the man in the suit.

After the elevator door closed, the man in the suit straightened his clothes, turned to look at the scholars, and said:

"Good afternoon, everyone. Let me introduce myself. I am Spandine. I just served as the leader of the CIPHER POL North Sea Operations Group not long ago..."

When these words came out, all the scholars in the elevator were shocked.

But as old hands who have been in the sea for many years, their expression control ability is definitely top-notch.

"Nice to meet you, the head of the CP agency. We are merchants from the Kingdom of Melvis. My name is Nicole Lina. Please take care of me..."

The girl seemed to be in a panic and stretched out her hand to say hello, and quietly looked at Spandine with a suspicious look. The worry in her eyes was well concealed.

Spandine smiled and nodded, revealing a meaningful smile.

"Are you a merchant? Do you have the goods I like?"

"Excuse me, sir. We sell toys for children. For a powerful person like you, our things are not worthy of your attention."

Nicole Lina smiled awkwardly, with a little fear in her words.

"Children's toys? Oh, that's a pity."

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