The order was quickly transmitted from the Holy Land Marijoa to the Marine Headquarters in Marinford.

After the meeting against the Beasts Pirates, Sengoku received this strange battle order in his office.

"Someone in the Seleucid Kingdom openly slandered the Celestial Dragons in public? How come I have never heard of any reports about this?"

And five top battleships, five thousand soldiers, five major generals, one lieutenant general, and one general!

Such a military configuration plus the intelligence support of the CP agency...

Do the government leaders want to completely destroy the Seleucid Kingdom?

You know, the Demon Slayer Order dispatched only 10 top-level warships...

Could it be——

Zhan Guo thought of the information about some scholars who studied ancient characters that Fuz Carl had talked to him about not long ago.

The World Government has already noticed the traces of those scholars. If they have really cracked the secret of the historical text, then it is not surprising that the government leaders reacted in this way.

"This kind of thing is really a headache!"

Zhan Guo had already vaguely guessed the World Government's plan at this time. Even if he felt a little reluctant, as a navy admiral, there were some things he could not do if he wanted to.

The closer you are to the position of the navy's top leaders, the more restrictions you will be subject to the World Government, and the greater the possibility of being assigned or assisted by the World Government to do things you are unwilling to do.

Ancient weapons are a powerful weight that can subvert the existing order. No matter who gets them, even if the World Government itself gets them, it is not a good thing.

Order is a hundred times better than chaos!

If those scholars really find the code to open Pandora's Box, the order on the sea will be gone!

"Eliminating all hidden dangers with artillery fire is cruel, but... it is indeed the simplest and most efficient way."

Thinking of this, the reluctance in Zhan Guo's eyes gradually dissipated, replaced by a look of determination.

Just as Zhan Guo began to make preparations for the subsequent trip to the North Sea, the plan to kill the Beast Pirates on the sea officially began.

[Kaido, Captain of the Beasts Pirates, bounty of 1 billion berries, life or death]

[Dragon, Elbart, Vice Captain of the Beasts Pirates, bounty of 870 million berries, life or death]

[Flame Maniac, Jin, Officer of the Beasts Pirates, bounty of 500 million berries, life or death]

[Mad Scientist, Quinn, Officer of the Beasts Pirates, bounty of 460 million berries, life or death]

[Green Tyrannosaurus, Alfred, Officer of the Beasts Pirates, bounty of 430 million berries, life or death]

King Oga, Olive and others who had bounties on their bodies were not left behind, and their bounties increased by tens of millions to 100 million berries.

At the same time, the Navy also placed a bounty worth tens of millions on the pirates who performed slightly well in the battle. Among them, the outstanding ones like Babaruki and Scourge had an initial bounty of more than 30 million.

Even Discatri, who had not made many moves and had only appeared with Kaido a few times, was generously rewarded by the Navy.

[Ghost Face Girl - Discatri, bounty of 400 Baileys, life or death]

This made the total bounty of the Beasts Pirates easily break through the 5 billion mark, becoming a new major force in the New World.

For a time, the name of the strongest pirate group in the new era spread across the sea in an instant with the help of the Navy.

Totland Sea, Cake Island.

"Well, well, well... Kaido did a good job, the mythical beast species... Rocks doesn't have such a thing, the Navy's trick can only fool those idiots."

Charlotte Linlin looked at the newspaper in front of her, with a contemptuous smile on her lips.

"However, the Gorsdino Islands... well, I didn't expect that Monskara's territory would fall into Kaido's hands. If so, Kaido must have a lot of arms in his hands..."


"Yes, Mom!" A slender, heavily made-up young man responded.

"Last time I asked you to keep an eye on John, how is it going now?" Charlotte Lingling turned to look at her eldest son.


"According to the information provided by Mr. Umans, his people tracked John's whereabouts in the North Sea and are still following up."

Perospero's tongue, which was as long as his chest, licked

Holding a giant lollipop in her hand, she said slowly.

"North Sea? Did that guy go to hide treasure again?" Charlotte Linlin frowned.

Now that Kaido has risen strongly, the pressure she faces from the Golden Lion will be reduced a lot.

She had originally thought about joining forces with Kaido to deal with John, but she didn't expect that guy to run so far away now.

"Give the information we collected this time to the Beast Pirates, and talk to them about the arms trade... By the way, charge me a higher consulting fee for this information!"

"Yes, Mom!"


"Seleucid Kingdom?"

Albat looked at the information Kaido handed him and frowned slightly.

"This is a non-member country in the North Sea, what is John doing there?"

Charlotte Linlin's information about John was delivered, and Kaido also arranged for Jin to talk to Perospero about the arms trade.

Now there are wars everywhere in the New World, and the BIG MOM Pirates have suffered a great loss in arms and are in urgent need of replenishment.

So they directly exchanged Kaido's 10 million Baileys consulting fee into four ships of arms and shipped them back.

"What else can we do? Hide the treasure!" Kaido answered casually.

Although John's whereabouts are strange, he still can't escape the eyes of those who are interested.

The wealth behind him is too huge, and there are many people in the New World who are tempted by this money.

"That guy was very afraid of death when he was on the ship before, and he was very greedy for money. He always thought that someone would come to rob him of his things, so he developed a habit of going out alone to hide treasure."

Kaido drank a glass of wine, and a disdainful smile flashed across his face.

"After Rocks died, his legacy disappeared. Many people suspected that it was John who did it. After all, he was the user of the Bag-in-the-Bag Fruit, and he could have taken the treasure left by Rocks without anyone noticing. So more and more people in the New World are eyeing him now."

"The Four Seas is not like the Grand Line, especially in the non-member countries of the World Government. Not many people can track him, so the treasure is naturally much safer."

After hearing what Kaido said, Albert nodded in understanding.

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