The sea breeze gently caressed the face of the white clouds, and on the sea, a not-so-big pirate ship rushed past like an arrow.

On the tattered sail fluttering in the wind on the ship, there was a strange and mysterious skull pattern, which looked like a cunning fox, as if announcing to the world the cunning and insidiousness of this group of pirates.

The broken pirate flag fluttered in the wind, and the deck of the ship was surrounded by wisps of green smoke. The traces of knife and axe were clearly visible around. Obviously, the ship had just experienced a fierce battle.


The captain with a face full of flesh kicked the mast of his own ship hard, causing the wound he had just treated to burst again.

Blood oozed out of the bandage, but the captain was no longer in the mood to care about the wound. He casually took out a piece of rag to hastily clean the blood on his chest, and complained to his first mate:

"These mad dogs of the navy just stole some things, why are they chasing us so hard?"

"I don't know, Captain, but we need to find a place to resupply quickly."

The first mate looked at the navy warships that were getting farther and farther behind the ship, and continued with a long breath:

"Thanks to you for getting some Sky Island Shells from the black market as power, otherwise we would really be in trouble this time"

The first mate's condition was worse than that of the pirate captain. He held a flintlock rifle tightly in his right hand, and his left arm was broken at the shoulder. The wound was sloppily wrapped with white gauze, and blood kept dripping through the gauze, hitting the deck with a ticking sound.

On this ship, except for the two obviously injured, almost all the other members of the pirate group suffered different degrees of trauma. Some of the brothers lying on the deck even had a pool of blood under them.

"That thing is really good, but it's a pity that there are too few of them. I got it this time because of a certain amount of luck."

The pirate captain wearing a captain's hat shook his head with some regret. He also knew that Sky Island Shells were good things, but apart from the merchants in the underground world who mastered the Sky Island route, he didn't know any other channels.

"Attention! There's something going on in the sky!"

Just as the pirate captain and the first mate were discussing where to rob and recover some losses, the navigator who had been watching the wind on the lookout covered his injured left eye and shouted a warning.

"A strange cloud is floating over! There seems to be a figure on the cloud!"

The pirates lying on the deck also discovered the irregularly moving cloud in the sky at this time.

The next moment, the drunken cloud seemed to suddenly lose power and smashed straight down at the pirate ship!

"Oh no, Captain, the cloud is falling..."

The captain, who was thinking about the direction, was interrupted by the shouts of his men. Before he could get angry, a wild figure was reflected in his pupils.


Before the captain's body could react, the cloud, like a ferocious beast, slammed into their shaky pirate ship with a "bang".

The shaky hull was instantly smashed to pieces, and the strong impact force ruthlessly threw everyone into the surging sea.


"Kaido, I told you to drive... Don't drink when driving the cloud. Don't you realize that you are a capable person?"

Albat carried Diskatli on a floating wooden board and expressed his dissatisfaction to the mentally retarded captain in front of him.

"Now that this ship has been smashed to pieces by you, how can we hold a banquet? Or are you planning to hold a buffet in the sea next?"

"Don't worry, the banquet is not held here!"

Kaido continued without any shame on his face:

"As for falling down... it was purely an accident. I just... well, I fell asleep... the main reason is that the quality of this pirate ship is so poor!"

He then said some incomprehensible nonsense, saying that he could drink more than this, and that he was a little sleepy after driving for so long.

For a while, the surroundings were filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

"So what you just did was just an impromptu performance before the banquet started?"

Kaido looked around twice in the sharp complaints of Albert, and then he seemed to confirm the target, and his eyes lit up instantly.

"Hehe, I found the real owner, I will take you to a feast now!"

Kaido refocused in Albert's suspicious eyes.

A cloud of flames gathered and flew up with the two of them.


The waves hit the sides of the sailing ship, making a pleasant sound.

On the sea, a majestic warship was galloping at high speed, with its sails fluttering in the wind. On it was a pattern of a seagull spreading its wings, as if announcing its might and extraordinaryness to the sea.

At the front of the warship stood a man with a ferocious face. He wore a white navy cap, and the cigar in his mouth emitted bursts of smoke. The cloak of justice on his body made a rustling sound in the sea breeze.

This ferocious man was the temporary captain of the warship, Rear Admiral Kitchener Roy of the Navy Headquarters, nicknamed "Sickle Weasel".

But Roy was obviously in a very bad mood at this time. He asked his adjutant Gumier with a gloomy face.

"Can you calculate how long it will take to catch up with those bastards?"

"Not long ago, we received a message from the surveillance ship ahead, reporting that the Fox Hunter Pirates have fled to the waters of Noth Island in the north!"

Gumil leaned over and compared the data with the navigator next to him, and said:

"At our current speed, we will probably meet them in about ten minutes."

"Is that so..."

Roy took a deep puff of the cigar and then slowly exhaled.

"Who is the person in charge on the surveillance ship?"

"It's Major Doro of the G1 branch!" Gumil still has some impression of the young man who likes to drink milk coffee like himself.

"His strength is not bad. Even if he encounters those people from the Fox Hunter Pirates, he won't suffer a big loss."

"Also, Roy, let me ask you a question..." Gumil quietly approached Roy, his tone a little hesitant.

"Has the punishment for Kaido's escape not long ago been issued?"

"Yes, it has been issued. All officers above the colonel level on the prison ship will have their bonuses deducted for one month..."

"So light... No, I mean it's a heavy punishment!"

Gumier couldn't help but exclaimed when he heard the punishment, and then he saw Roy biting his cigar, snorted twice in dissatisfaction, and immediately shut up.

"In addition to this, we also need to cooperate with Major General Bruglas to eliminate the Bucklo Pirates who were roaming around after committing a crime in Dressrosa!"

Gumier couldn't help but frowned when he heard this new task, and his eyes were no longer relaxed as they were at the beginning.

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