The wine was collected, and the Beasts Pirates were ready to set sail.

Under Sarah's command, the Nether slowly raised the sails, and the pirates pulled the heavy anchor out of the port.

Albert stood on the deck and looked not far from the dock.

Sure enough, the ship of Roger's pirate group had been packed up and was now slowly leaving the port.

Roger was standing at the bow with a bruised face. After feeling Albert's sight, he happily waved to Albert, muttering something.

Because of the strong wind, Albert couldn't hear clearly, but it must be some good words of blessing.

So he also waved to Roger as a farewell.

On Roger's pirate group, Roger looked at the Netherworld slowly sailing out of the port and shrugged helplessly.

"Hey, Albert is really confident. I had to remind him that there was a navy coming from the direction he was heading... This guy is really like his captain Kaido, a tough guy!"

"What a pity, I wanted to recruit this guy on board..."

Rayleigh looked at Roger, and then at Albert who was waving at Roger in the distance.

He suddenly felt his hands itchy again.

Or find a reason one day to beat this bastard together with Jabba?

On the sea not far from Haiyan Island, a large warship with a dog's head on it quickly broke through the incoming waves.

Behind this warship were more than a dozen smaller branch navy warships.

"Vice Admiral Garp, we have clearly discovered that the Roger Pirates are indeed at the port of Haiyan Island and are preparing to set sail." A major from the North Sea 226th Branch stood behind Garp and reported loudly.

"Hahahaha, we finally caught this guy's whereabouts again."

Garp laughed a few times and ordered the people around him: "When you see the pirate ship of the Roger Pirates later, don't get close. Suppress the fire from a distance. Bogart, you will command."

"Okay, Vice Admiral!" Bogart responded quickly.

"Report! A three-masted sailing ship without a flag was found ahead!"

"According to observation, we found the figure of the deputy captain of the Beast Pirates, 'Evil Dragon' Albert, on the deck of the ship!" The soldier on the top of the ship's watchtower reported urgently.

Since the navy began to build momentum, the appearance and specific information of the Beast Pirates have gradually become known to people all over the world.

"The Beasts Pirates? 'Evil Dragon' Albert?"

Garp frowned slightly and whispered softly: "Why is this guy not in the New World and running to the North Sea?"

"Don't worry about him first, arrest that bastard Roger first!"


On the Nether, Albert had already told everyone to prepare for battle, but unexpectedly, the navy ship ignored them and went around them directly.

He even saw Garp calmly smear a booger on a huge cannonball.

What do these navy... mean?

Albert saw that the navy didn't intend to play with him, so he wouldn't go and make himself bored.

At the same time, in the Roger Pirates' watchtower, Buggy, who was on guard duty, also discovered the navy's abnormality.

"Captain, the navy directly ignored the Beasts Pirates' ships and came towards us!"

Baki's voice reached the deck, and Roger and others were all stunned after hearing it.

"Why is that mad dog Garp chasing me and biting me alone!!"

Roger gnashed his teeth and looked at the navy warships that were closing in from all directions, and his heart was immediately like a dog.

"And that guy Albert, we were drinking together last night, and today he doesn't know how to help us? I've been brothers with him for so long, he's really disloyal!"

"Roger, we are all pirates, it would be a miracle if that guy could come to help, and you have the nerve to say that about others, didn't you want to take advantage of him at first?" Rayleigh said with a smile.

"Haha, Rayleigh, what you said makes sense!"

Roger laughed and pulled out Ace from his waist and pointed at the Netherworld.

"Good brothers should share the same hardships, since that bastard Albert doesn't want to help us, then we'll drag that bastard into the water with us, guys, set sail!"

At this time on the Netherworld, Albert shuddered inexplicably.

He turned his head and looked at Sha who was planning the route.

Pull, said:

"Sarah, speed up the progress, since the navy doesn't intend to pay attention to us, then quickly leave this damn place, I always have a bad feeling in my heart..."

But before he finished speaking, he heard the younger brother on the watchtower suddenly shouted:

"Brother Elbart is not good!"

"The Roger Pirates are coming towards us with the navy!"

Elbart? ? ?

I knew that meeting Roger was not a good thing! ! !

Looking at the Roger Pirates approaching behind him, Elbart walked directly from the bow to the stern and cursed at Roger on the rear deck:

"Roger, you bastard! It was you who led Garp here. If you want to deal with it, do it yourself, don't involve me!"

"Hahaha, Elbart, aren't we brothers? We drank together yesterday, and today you just turned your face and didn't recognize you?" Roger laughed.

"Don't come over here! Bastard! Guys, step on the outer wheel and go full speed ahead!" Albert cursed Roger the bastard loudly, and immediately asked the pirates to enter the bottom of the cabin to step on the outer wheel.

You two old bastards love and hate each other, don't involve me!

The Nether is indeed a ship customized by Kaido on Loscune Island, and its performance is really good.

The pirate ship under Roger chased for a long time, but couldn't touch the tail of the Nether, and the distance was getting farther and farther.

At the same time, Garp's dog-headed warship also slowly approached.

"Wahahaha, Roger, I see where you are going now!"

Garp laughed and took out the Den Den Mushi, shouting: "All warships, aim at Roger's pirate group, and shoot with all your strength!"

Bang bang bang bang bang!

Accompanied by bursts of fire, shells exploded around Roger's pirate group, causing bursts of water.

The members of Roger's pirate group also began to use various means to resist the cannonballs that rained down like raindrops.

"Hahaha, I'm going to sink you to the bottom of the sea today, Roger!"

"Bone Fist·Meteorite!"

Garp laughed and grabbed the cannonball on the ship and threw it at Roger's pirate group like a baseball!


The cannonball appeared in front of Roger quickly with the sound of the whistling wind.


Roger jumped up and picked up the swift missile with a knife, causing another column of water to explode on the sea.

A strong airflow broke out instantly, and the pirate ship was blown several meters away under the influence of the airflow.

Such a change made Roger's eyes suddenly brighten.

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