The two of them were so confused that they had to wait for the next battle.

"What is this?"

While Senior and Doflamingo were still in a daze, Graves had already raised the 'Knight of the Kingdom' in his hand.

"Don't move, buddy!"

He pointed the muzzle of his gun at the group of people who suddenly appeared. After hearing Graves' voice, the people carrying the wooden boards all froze in their places.

"You are..."

Just before Graves finished speaking, the giant wolf in the field saw that no one was paying attention to him, bared his mouthful of white and sharp teeth, and let out a low roar.

It jumped up and bit Senior, who was closest to it.


Flames burst out of the muzzle, and when the bullet approached the body, the giant wolf dodged to the side with a flexibility that was inconsistent with its size.


Seeing that his shot missed, Graves' eyes flashed with interest.

Taking advantage of the gap when the giant wolf dodged and retreated, Graves quickly ran closer, and while the muzzle continued to point at these mysterious people, he kicked the giant wolf directly in the eye.

The giant wolf turned its head and opened its bloody mouth to try to resist. Doflamingo, who was not far away, even smelled a stench coming towards him.

Graves was a little surprised at the giant wolf's reaction, but his reaction was also not slow.

His left foot suddenly exerted force, and the whole person stepped on the air and bounced directly, reaching a height diagonally above the giant wolf's head.

Graves' right foot used his left foot as the axis and kicked the giant wolf's head in a roundhouse kick.

This time, the giant wolf failed to dodge and was kicked in the head by him.

It is said that wolves are strong and tough, and this time Graves saw it. This kick made him feel as if he had kicked an iron plate.

Fortunately, even though he did not use all his strength, the giant wolf's head still made a crisp sound.


The giant wolf's huge body broke several trees in a row and flew nearly ten meters before stopping.

Even if it was still trying to struggle, it was useless.

The giant wolf's head had sunk deeply, causing it a fatal injury that was difficult to heal. Even if it had strong vitality, it could not survive.

All this happened in a flash, and the battle was over before everyone present could react.

After the battle, Graves continued to point the muzzle of the gun at the mysterious people who suddenly appeared, and said:

"Next, it's time to continue our chat. Guys, who are you?"


In the sky, Albert was showing his observation Haki, directing a jet fighter cub to carry out rescue activities.

"Lily, there is a fool in the southeast who stole a dinosaur egg. He is being chased by three Allosauruses. Go and rescue him and throw him on the boat..."

"Lily, there is a poor guy at your 12 o'clock position who fell into the swamp. Go and pull him up and throw him back on the boat..."

"Lily, there is a guy at your 5 o'clock position who was kidnapped by savages. Go and rescue him and throw him on the boat..."


Albat's voice was constantly transmitted to Discatelli's ears through the Den Den Mushi.

The little girl was like a red lightning at this time, constantly shuttling around the island under the command of Albat.

Every time she appeared, it meant that a guy had lost the qualification to compete, and it also meant that several ancient trees that had lived for who knows how many years had suffered a great disaster.

Time passed quickly, and soon, the top few winners of the competition were freshly announced.

After Albert distributed prizes to everyone, he saw Graves coming over with trainee crew members, followed by a few strange people carrying wooden boards.

"Who are these people?" Albert looked at Graves in confusion and asked.

"According to them, they are an expedition team from the Kingdom of Umier in the North Sea. This is their leader, named Nicole Lina."

After speaking, Graves took out a certificate and handed it to Albert.

Albert looked at the certificate, and it did have Nicole Lina's name and occupation written on it.

Not only that, there were also explorer qualifications, various special exploration tools and other items.

But as a time traveler, Albert completely ignored this perfect disguise and saw the true face of this group of people.

Silver hair, black skin, and the surname Nicole, plus that very familiar face...

I bet a Chopper that this is definitely Nicole Robin's mother Nicole Olbia!

As for the people behind her with various shapes

Strange old man... These guys must be O'Hara's scholars.

Good guy, no wonder O'Hara has not been exposed for so many years.

These cultural people are really difficult to deal with when they get into trouble...

"Hey, fellow travelers, we are also an expedition team, from the Gorsdino Islands in the New World, I am their leader, my name is Albert!" Albert stretched out his hand and smiled.

Since you are pretending here, I will also play with you.

"Um, Mr. Albert, Mr. Graves has told us your identity..."

Orbiya, who was standing in front of the few people, was silent for a moment and spoke lightly.

Albert? ? ?

Graves, why are you so talkative?

It's really embarrassing!

"In fact, there is no difference between an expedition team and a pirate. Anyway, as long as the government does not agree to go out to sea, they are actually pirates."

After a period of training with the Beast Pirates, even though he felt embarrassed, Elbart still firmly controlled his expression.

"You are right..."

Olbia smiled and gently held Elbart's arm, "Nice to meet you, Mr. Elbart."

Graves, who didn't know that he had been recorded in someone's little notebook, said: "By the way, Brother Elbart, on the way back just now, these people also found an ancient ruins on this island. Sarah has taken a few people to see it. How is it? Are you interested in taking a look?"

Exploring ruins is a very dangerous activity. The mechanisms in the ruins can always make people hard to guard against.

But for Sarah, who has the teleportation fruit, the various dangers inside are much easier to face. The real difficulty is how to open the door to the ruins.

"Sister Sarah, this door can't be pushed open at all. If it doesn't work, let's blow it up!"

As soon as Albert and his companions arrived, they heard the complaints of the pirate brother who was tinkering with the ruins in front.

This sentence immediately touched the sensitive nerves of these scholars, and several old men hurriedly shouted loudly: "We can't blow it up!"

"What does it have to do with you? Who are you?"

The pirate brother looked at these old men impatiently, and then when he saw Albert next to them, he immediately put on a smiling face.

"Hey, you are joking. This is a relic left over from who knows how many years ago. How can we blow it up!"

The speed of changing his face made the old man who was about to give some advice stunned.

Are these pirates so easy to talk to?

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