The two of them were busy, but the two of them were busy.

Waving his hand to signal the pirates around to pull the noisy scholars away, when only himself and Olbia were left on the deck, Albert said with a smile:

"Ms. Nicole, I have to remind you that an agreement can only be reached on the basis of mutual trust between the two parties."


"According to my observation, you guys are not an expedition team of the Umier Kingdom at all..."

Olbia's pupils shrank suddenly, but in just a moment, her expression became confused again, as if she didn't quite understand what Albert was talking about.

This acting is really amazing!

Albert continued to smile and said, "O'Hara..."

Albert noticed that the moment he finished speaking, Olbia's body seemed to stiffen slightly.

But she still pretended not to understand and asked with a puzzled look, "What happened to O'Hara?"

"Do I need to say more? The historical text under the all-knowing ancient tree, and... Ms. Nicole Olbia..."

When her name appeared from Albert's mouth, the last bit of luck in Olbia's heart was shattered.

"How... how do you know my true identity?" Olbia bit her lip and asked softly.


Albert took out a cigarette from his arms, lit it and took a deep breath.

"This is our own source of information, sorry to tell you."

"Let us go, I will reward you..." Olbia frowned and said quickly.

Even if there is a person with the ability of the Door Door Fruit in their team, the current situation is completely different from that in the elevator at that time.

As the World Government knows, the distance of the Door-Door Fruit is very limited.

But this group of scholars with wild imaginations found another way.

It doesn't matter if the distance is short, can't I just open it a few more times?

So each of these people carried a wooden board on their backs and took turns to set it up on the sea, and thus escaped from the Seleucid Kingdom.

It was also thanks to the relatively calm North Sea here. If they had played like this on the Grand Line, they would have died countless times.

"Let you go? Reward? Speaking of which, do you know how much reward you have from the government?" Albert said with a smile.

"Tell me your conditions. If you really want to send us to the World Government, then there will be no such conversation." After the initial panic, Olbia was much calmer at this moment.

She also realized at this time that the person in front of her was a famous pirate.

And the most important thing for pirates is profit!

Pirates will not talk nonsense with you if there is no profit.

This woman is really calm...

Albert's thoughts gradually diverged, and he looked at Olbia and began to think.

Why is the red orb enshrined in a relic with a historical text?

Is there any connection between the two in the pirate world?

Is it possible that when I find the historical text, there will be clues about the red orb?

In this case, this group of O'Hara scholars may be of great use...

And from the perspective of Olbia, the person involved, the guy opposite was just staring at her with a pair of eyes.


After a psychological struggle, Olbia took a deep breath and tremblingly touched her collar.

Her movements were stiff, and there were tears of humiliation in the corners of her eyes.

Fortunately, the black short-sleeved shirt she was wearing still had a few buttons, so Albert reacted in time before he could feast his eyes.

"Wait, wait..."

Albat hurriedly stopped Olbia and asked in surprise: "What do you want to do?"

"Don't you just want to threaten me and force me to surrender? As long as you don't tell anyone about O'Hara, I agree..." Olbia said with tears in her eyes.

Albat? ? ?

Am I this kind of person in your eyes?

"Stop, stop, stop! When did I say I would do this? Do you have any misunderstandings about my character?" Albat said a little unhappy.

Olbia hesitated for a moment and asked back: "You stared at me straight, isn't that what you mean?"

"Aren't all you pirates this kind of people? Do I have any expectations of you?"

Do you scholars have such a deep stereotype of us pirates...

"Hey, I just want you O'Hara to help me a little,

Stop making up stories, okay?" Albert shook his head helplessly.

These scholars are really stupid because of reading.

Orbiya was slightly stunned...

It seems that Albert did not say anything. She was just a little excited because he saw through her hidden identity...


After learning that Albert did not want to use O'Hara's secret to force her to surrender, Olbia buttoned her clothes again.

"What can I, a scholar, do to help you?"

Albat took out the red orb and threw it into Olbia's hand.

"This is..."

"This is the red orb that was just found in the altar next to the historical text. Like the historical text, this orb is indestructible."

Albat pointed to the orb in Olbia's hand and continued:

"I have been looking for this kind of bead. Now that someone has put it together with the historical text, there will definitely be some connection between the two. "

"Since the scholars of O'Hara are experts in history, I wonder if your Tree of All-Knowing has any information about this kind of bead?"

"I don't know much about this kind of red bead. I need to go back to O'Hara to give you the answer." Olbia replied after thinking for a while.

"No problem, I can go to O'Hara with you then."

Albat said with a smile: "But in the near future, you must stay on my ship. I can give you the historical text for research, but the results of the research need to be shared with me."

"No problem!"


Albat coughed a few times, and a little hesitation flashed across his face.

He said with a stiff face: "That... Miss Nicole, what happened just now..."

God has mercy on me. The scene just now really had a big impact on Albat, a single dog for thousands of years.

"Just now? Didn't I just talk about the historical text with Mr. Albat? "Olbia said calmly.

As expected of Nico Robin's mother, the mother and daughter not only look alike, but their personalities are exactly the same.

"Yes, yes, we have been talking about the historical text..."

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