The sword forced Garp back, and Shiki waved his hand, and the stone ball quickly landed on Kuner Island.


Garp roared with anger in his eyes.

He exerted force on his feet, and his figure shot out through the air like a cannonball, and instantly appeared in front of Shiki.

"Bone Fist·Sinking to the Seabed!"

Garp's burst was so fast that Shiki almost didn't react.

He crossed the two swords in his hands to block his chest, but he was still hit directly from the air to the ground by Garp's swift punch, and a big hole was smashed into the ground.

"Boss Shiki!"

Just when Garp was about to seize the opportunity and smash the stone ball that trapped Sengoku with one punch, a pair of towering giant hands quickly appeared on his left and right sides.

"Stop getting in the way, bastard!"

Red and black lightning suddenly appeared, and an overbearing aura gushed out.

The Overlord Haki quickly wrapped around Garp's fist.

Then, a punch was thrown!


The giant hand shattered, and rocks fell to the ground.

The powerful shock wave rushed straight to the stone ball that trapped Sengoku with an unstoppable attitude.

"Lion's Might·Goshoji Scroll!"

The huge stone lion wrapped in armed Haki rose from the ground, roaring and colliding with the shock wave.

"How could I let you succeed so easily, Garp!" Shiki wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said with a gloomy look.

Although Shiki is extremely powerful, he does not have the physical fitness of a monster like Kaido and Charlotte Linlin.

Without the blessing of domineering, he would still be injured if he was hit by a knife, otherwise there would not be a joke of "the supreme rudder" in the future.

But his physical fitness has indeed reached an inhuman level. Although Garp's attack made him a little uncomfortable, it did not cause him any serious damage.

"Gaia, Pers, keep an eye on this stone ball, don't let Sengoku run out!"

Shiki shouted in a low voice, waved his hands forward, and two stone lions rushed towards Garp.

"Bone Fist·Galaxy Impact!" Garp shouted in mid-air.

The fist wind wrapped in domineering domineering burst out from his hand, and the brutal force directly shattered the two stone lions in an instant.

Garp stepped on the moon step and quickly approached Shiki.

The shattered rocks filled the sky with smoke and dust, blocking the view around the battlefield.

But for strong men of Shiki and Garp's level, the obstruction of vision is just a small matter. What is being competed now is the attainment of the two sides' observation Haki.

Garp, who was diving down, seemed to sense something. His arms were suddenly covered with a layer of dark Armament Haki, and his right foot kicked to the side.


Two sharp swords slashed hard on Garp's dark arms. The impact of Haki instantly blew away the smoke and dust around the two.

Bang bang bang bang!

The two fought from the sky to the ground. The fierce collisions again and again hit the island with holes of different sizes.

At the same time, the navy fleet also regrouped under the command of Vice Admiral Tsuru.

The navy soldiers on the warships acted quickly and loaded the shells with the power of the Wash Wash Fruit into the dark gun barrels.

In the battle between Garp and Shiki, ordinary navy soldiers could not participate at all. Under the influence of the Haki, the number of people had lost its meaning.

But people can't, but shells can!

After all the artillery reported that they were ready, He immediately ordered:


Accompanied by bursts of roars, hundreds of shiny shells rushed towards the stone ball that trapped the Warring States.

"Gaia, you continue to put pressure on the stone ball, I will block these shells!"

A huge stone head with the same appearance as Perls appeared on the ground, and in a moment, a towering stone giant rose from the ground.

Boom boom boom!

The explosion of the giant warship's shells was extremely powerful, and several large pits of tens of meters were instantly blasted on the stone giant. For a time, thick black smoke enveloped the entire battlefield.

"It hurts a little, you navy bastards!"

Perls let out a loud roar, and the next second, the stone on his chest gradually squirmed, and groups of dark iron blocks appeared on the stone giant's skin like armor.

The stone giant opened his arms, and two huge rock hands slapped towards the navy fleet like a falling sky.

Vice Admiral Tsuru, who was standing on the deck, jumped up, stepped on the air and ran to the bottom of the giant hand, and gently touched it.

Wash the fruit in his hand

The real ability was activated, and the heavy rock hand began to flutter in the wind like a piece of paper.

Then, Vice Admiral Tsuru kicked his left leg to the side, and his body flew straight to the other rock hand.

Seeing this, the stone giant immediately retracted his hands, and after pulling off his right hand that was affected by the ability, a series of "tiny" holes suddenly appeared on his body.

In the holes were black cannons.

Vice Admiral Tsuru landed on the deck again, took out the Den Den Mushi and commanded the fleet again.

"The stone giant in front is Pers, the captain of the second squad of the Flying Pirates, and the user of the superhuman Island-Island Fruit."

"It's just a target after becoming so big. Keep bombing! Don't stop!"

The superhuman Island-Island Fruit can integrate itself into the island, thereby controlling all non-living objects on the island.

This fruit combines the characteristics of the Fortress Fruit, the Fusion Fruit and the Stone-Stone Fruit, and is a very powerful ability.

Pers, who merged the pirate ship of the Hiku Pirates into his body through the power of the fruit, also ordered the pirate brothers in his body to start fighting back with artillery fire.

The two sides fought back and forth, and the fight was very lively.

The sea was filled with thick smoke and artillery fire.

At this moment, above the clouds in the distance, Albert held a telescope and looked at the giant rock ball behind the stone giant's body, smacking his lips and exclaimed: "Fuck, this guy Golden Lion actually has a unique skill of Chibaku Tensei?"

"Who are those two people? Graves, do you know them?"

Graves stood in Albert, blowing smoke rings and said: "The tall guy is Adams Gaia, the captain of the first team of the Hiku Pirates, and the user of the natural earth-earth fruit... and the short guy should be the captain of the second team of the Hiku Pirates, the user of the superhuman island-island fruit, Pers."

As the famous Hiku Pirates, the appearance and abilities of each captain are no secret.

In front of the two stood Discatelli, a little girl who liked to watch the fun.

And in order to watch the show more conveniently, under Discatelli's entanglement, Elbart equipped each of them with a pair of telescopes.

At this time, the three of them were in the new move developed by Elbart based on Kaido's ultimate move "Flame Cloud" - Thunder Cloud.

As for the other personnel and the Nether, they were all moved to a safer sea area farther away by Elbart.

"Now that Sengoku is trapped, Garp alone may not be a match for Shiki..."

Elbart held the telescope and rubbed his chin, as if thinking about something.

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