

Just as Ilo was thinking slightly, he saw that the pterosaurs surrounding the tiger at this time could not wait to attack.

Between the instigation of the flesh wings, the three pterosaurs each thought of the tiger and launched a charge.

Sharp claws, looming and stretching.


Seeing that he was being attacked, the tiger raised his head to the sky and roared angrily.

Under Iro’s surprised gaze, the tiger’s teeth grew in an instant.

The long, sharp canine teeth reflected a blinding glow in the sunlight like two sharp swords.


Take to the skies.

Completely ignoring the claws of the other two pterosaurs, the tiger hugged one of the pterosaurs straight.

Desperately wounded, both saber teeth were about to be stabbed into the skull of the hapless pterosaur.


The powerful bite force bit the hapless pterosaur to the death.

Even though the claws of the other two pterosaurs pierced its body with several blood holes, it still gnawed at the skull of this unlucky pterosaur.


Amid the wailing, the frequency of the other two pterodactyls became more frequent.


The tiger let out a low roar of pain, but the bloody jaw still didn’t let go of the hapless pterodactyl’s skull.

The tiger began to swing, trying to dodge the attacks of the other two pterosaurs.

Behind the tree, Iloh let the shadow slowly retreat.

The reason why I walked towards the roar was to find out about the ferocious creatures on the island.

Now that he saw it, Iloh also made the shadow turn away.

There is nothing to see about the beast hunting, and the priority is to explore the island.

As the shadow turned into a shadow and sank into the ground, it was not long before the figure resurfaced 10,000 meters away from the place where the beasts were fighting.

Shadow Escape is the innate ability of shadows to turn into shadows and move, and the whole process seems silent.

However, this ability is still very useful in the situation just now, but it is not good to use in front of the domineering powerhouse.

Without dwelling on this, Iroh once again let the shadow explore.

Along the way, every now and then, a shadow will insert a made-made logo into the trunk or crevices of the tree.

The sign is also to prevent yourself from getting lost.


The days passed.

Since that day of stepping into the forest, Iloh has shared a shadow vision to explore the interior of the forest every day.

In the course of his exploration, Ilo also discovered the presence of freshwater streams and some open-pit salt mines in the forest.

With no salt and fresh water to worry about, Iloh has more time to make bacon as a reserve food.


A month later.

Iloh had found a slope in the middle of the forest and re-established a shelter.

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Protected from wind, rain, and wild beasts, Ilo is very satisfied with this shelter.

Not only that, but in addition to exercising every day, Ilo would start looking for a large number of sturdy vines and start drying them to make vine hemp rope.

As Iroh said before, it is impossible for Iroh to live on this island for the rest of his life, so whenever he has free time, he will start preparing for the future voyage.


Half a year later.

In Iro’s sanctuary, there are plenty of dried seafood, coconuts, and fresh water that have been prepared.

Not only that, but during this half a year, Ilo also spent a lot of time making a sturdy wooden boat.

In order to go to sea later, Ilo made a lot of preparations.

In addition, while making small wooden boats and stockpiling food for the sea, Ilo did not give up exploring the island.

After half a year of exploration, the entire island has basically been shadowed except for the most central area.

As expected, the island is very large and rich in biological resources.

On this island, there are not only all kinds of small animals, but also a large number of medium-sized beasts and large beasts, and even ancient fierce beasts such as pterosaurs and saber-toothed tigers.

Fortunately, Ilo has the ability of shadows, otherwise, if Ilo himself was exploring the island, I am afraid that something would have happened long ago.

For most of the past half a year, Ilo’s body has never left the shelter or the seaside too far, and all the outings are done by the shadows.

Now that the food, fresh water, and wooden boats needed to go to sea were ready, Iroh planned to explore the heart of the island before heading out.


Three days later, Iro’s body was in the shelter, and his own consciousness had begun to direct the shadow into the center of the island, and the shadow seemed very cautious along the way.

In the center of the island, you can see the traces of large beasts and ancient fierce beasts everywhere.

After Ilo’s observations, the animals of this island have a very clear division of power.

In the center of the island, powerful beasts and fierce beasts live.

The inner part of the island is inhabited by a large number of wild animals and some small animals.

This area is also a predatory area for those fierce beasts and fierce beasts.

As you walk deeper and deeper into the forest, you will be surrounded by various obstacles such as tree branches, vines, and weeds.

The stone axe swung, and with a slight cracking sound, the vines and weeds blocking the shadow were also cut apart by the stone axe.

In the blink of an eye, more than half an hour passed quietly.

Along the way, the shadow deliberately avoided the lair of the beasts and fierce beasts, and headed straight for the center of the island.

Intuition told Ilo that there must be something unusual in the heart of the island.

According to the habits of animals, it is impossible for all ferocious beasts and fierce beasts to live in this central area without interfering with each other on such a large island.

You must know that the ferocity of animals is deep-rooted, and the consciousness of territory is deeply rooted in the soul.

And now these fierce beasts and fierce beasts can live together in peace and security, and if there is no special reason, Ilo does not believe it at all.

Through long-term observation, Ilo found that although these fierce beasts and fierce beasts all lived in the central area, none of the fierce beasts and fierce beasts dared to enter the core area of the central area.

Even the winged dragons and other birds of prey that can fly subconsciously bypass when they pass through the sky in the core area.

It was also because of this that Ilo was sure that there must be something special or something, or a creature in the heart of the central area.


The stone axe slashed through it, slicing a vine that was blocking the way.

Iro, who shared his vision with the shadow, found himself unconsciously deep into the central area through the shadow’s gaze.

At this moment, in front of the shadow, a large clearing came into view.

Everything seemed so quiet around the clearing.

The shadow crouched down, quietly hiding his figure, and began to slowly observe.

As I looked around, I could see that there were indeed no traces of fierce beasts or beasts around, and not only that, but when I looked up, I didn’t find any birds flying in the sky in this area.

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