Hearing this, Ilo and Kéya instantly thought of Chloe, who had already been killed.

Those who can poison Keya will also know that Chloe is a pirate.

Thankfully, I checked this one out today.

“Doctor, can these toxins be removed from Nakoya’s body?”

Iloh reached out and took Koya’s hands to comfort her, then asked the female doctor.

“Yes. ”

Hearing this, the female doctor nodded without the slightest hesitation.

Although these toxins are a bit of a doorway, they are not a problem at all for a doctor of her level.

“Take three days of detoxification medicine first, let the toxins in this little girl’s body be squeezed out to a fixed place first, and wait until the fourth day to do surgery to take out the toxins that are crowded together. ”

After listening to the female doctor’s words, Iloh thought for a moment and asked again.

“Then I don’t know what the doctor has arranged?”

The female doctor touched her chin with her hands, counted the time, and replied.

“My suggestion is to take detoxification for three days, surgery to remove toxins on the fourth day, and then recuperate for three days, and then take ten days of nutrition medicine combined with auxiliary instruments to completely replenish the missing nutrients in her body, and finally stay here for a few days to observe, as long as there is no problem, it is basically fine. ”

When Yiluo and Keya heard this, they looked at each other and finally agreed to the female doctor’s arrangement.

After all, female doctors are professional, and following the doctor’s guidance for treatment is also for the sake of their own health.


After the diagnosis was completed, Ilo and Keya took the diagnosis slip and went to buy medicine first.

In the following days, Keya took medicine as the female doctor prescribed.

On the fourth day, the surgery was performed, and as the toxin was removed, Keya could clearly feel the feeling of relief coming from inside her body.

In the following time, with Yiluo’s company and the care of several maids, Keya’s body improved day by day.

A month later.

At this time, Keya’s body had completely returned to normal.

The complexion is ruddy, the walking steps are light, and the skin is white and red, which looks radiant.

Today’s Keya no longer has the feeling of sickness and weakness before.

Before, although she was able to walk, eat, and live normally, she could still see at a glance that her face often had a touch of sickness and weakness.

Now she has a ruddy face and a well-proportioned breath, and her whole body is full of the vitality and vigor of young people, and so many changes have also made Keya really feel what the so-called physical health is like for the first time.

Although in the female doctor’s planning, Keya’s treatment only took more than ten days, but under Iro’s arrangement, the Merry still stayed on the medical island for a full month.

“How do you feel?”.

At night, in the elegant room on the fourth floor of the Merry’s living quarters.

At this time, Keya was wearing a light gauze nightdress, standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, quietly looking at the brightly lit island.

Iro walked into the room and wrapped her arms around Kya’s waist from behind, resting her chin on the side of her head and asking softly.

“Hehe, I’ve been out of business for a long time, it’s just that you’ve been worrying. ”

Feeling the heat coming from her ears, Keya’s ears moved slightly, and her earlobes were slightly red and responded with a smile.

Turning around in Iro’s arms, facing Iloh with his whole body, Koya pushed her head against his chin.

“Hmph, the doctor said that it has been completely cured, if you hadn’t been worried, we would have left here a long time ago. ”

Ke Yajiao snorted twice, and her red little face looked particularly moving.

Yiluo couldn’t help but gently pinch Keya’s tender and flawless little face, the soft touch was excellent and fascinating, but it made Keya roll of her eyes for a while, and her pouting mouth was extremely cute.

“Well, it seems that I’m overthinking, so let’s set sail again tomorrow. ”

“The next journey is up to you, after inspecting the chamber of commerce in various places, I will arrange the rest of the journey. ”

Hearing this, Keya nodded, this was something that the two had already agreed, so there was no objection.

“It’s not too early, let’s sail tomorrow, so let’s rest early. ”

The two snuggled up to each other for a while, seeing that the time was not early, but after saying that, Keya tilted her head, kissed her soft lips on Iro’s lips, and a little snake mischievously tried it, but it was a touch.

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After kissing Iro, Khaya wanted to break away from his embrace, but found that Iro’s hands were still tightly fixed on his waist.

At this time, Yiluo looked down at Keya, who exuded a faint fragrance, lowered his head and quickly kissed back.


The protagonist took advantage of the lack of oxygen in Keya’s brain and couldn’t think, and called softly.


Keya, who was already emotional, subconsciously responded in a daze.

In the shadow of the light, faintly, the two figures slowly merged.


Early morning.

The harbor has gradually become noisy.

Ships began to set sail, and a busy day began at the docks

In the bedroom on the fourth floor of the Merry living area.

Yiluo pillows the warm sunshine, hugs Keya behind him, and the whole person is lazy under the sunlight.

It wasn’t until a maid knocked on the door that Keya slowly woke up.

Sensing the movement, Keya snorted softly and patted Iro’s hands.

Turned around and kissed the corner of Iro’s mouth: “It’s time to get up.” ”

Ilo smiled when he heard this, and picked him up in Keya’s exclamation.

lifted the quilt and walked into the bathroom with Keya in his arms to rinse it.

By the way, let the maids come in and clean up when you pass by the door.

In the bathroom, the two of them laughed and rinsed.

The maids outside the door also clicked open the door and walked in one after another.

After glancing at the messy room, these maids blushed slightly and quickly cleaned up.

Ten minutes later.

After dressing up and eating breakfast, Ilo and Koya came to the cab.

Sitting in the driver’s seat, Keya looked at the chart of the East China Sea above, and then pointed to the nearest island to the medical island.

“Then, the first stop of the inspection chamber of commerce will start with this Fenglan Island. ”

“Wind Orchid Island is the closest to us, and it just so happens that Merry told me before. ”

“Fenglan Island is also the first resident chamber of commerce island of the Hailan Chamber of Commerce. ”

Hearing this, Ilo looked in the direction of the chart and began to press the buttons and mechanisms in the cab one after another.

“No problem, let’s go. ”

“Set sail for the first stop of the inspection chamber of commerce!”.


Boom la la la ~~~~

As the Merry began to start, the waves beneath the ship began to roll in.

Circles of ripples spread out quickly, and the sails were hoisted and full horsepower was fired, and the Merry slowly sailed away from the harbor.

Iro and Khaya were in charge of the Merry’s sailing in the wheelhouse, while the maids and servants on board were busy with their own business.


Facing the wind, the Merry slowly accelerated.

In the eyeliner of some well-intentioned people, the moment they found the Merry setting sail.

Several people from all over the harbor quickly left the dock and hurried to all directions.

Some went to some of the pirate ships in the harbor, while others went to some remote hut in the harbor.

Not long after the Merry set sail, several ships with skull motifs and cages also chose to sail at the same time.

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