The questioning voice behind him made Renault frown. He turned around and looked at it, with a slight smile on his face.

“Garp, Zephyr, I didn’t expect the Navy to send you two here.”

Garp and Zephyr are both representatives of the new generation of the Navy. Unless there are any unexpected events, they will be the future admirals of the Navy.

Of course, whether they are willing to be admirals is another matter.

“You are their captain?!”

Glancing up and down at Renault, Garp’s face became a little serious.

The two female crew members were so powerful, so the captain must be even stronger?

And the force of the opponent’s punch just now was really terrifying!

His palms were numb until now.

“That’s right, I am the captain of the Raynor Pirates, Raynor”

“You guys are probably here for the matter of Saint Rozward, right? ?”

Renault faced the two of them and chuckled.

“Humph, daring to kill the Celestial Dragons is already a capital crime. No matter who you are, you must die.”

Garp, who was attacked by surprise, glared at Reno fiercely, and was very concerned about what happened just now.

“Want to kill us?���Do you have the strength?” Renault looked at the two of them with interest.

It seems that these two guys haven’t figured out the situation yet.

“Bastard, if you hadn’t attacked me just now, would you have thought you could hurt me?!!”Kapu immediately retorted

“Brother, don’t waste your time talking to this guy, let me kill him!!” Ling Ling, still furious, immediately rolled up her sleeves and prepared to fight Garp again.

“Don’t worry, Lingling, I won’t spoil your fun, but before that, you eat this first.”

Renault pulled Lingling and took out a devil fruit with white spiral patterns all over it.

Seeing this devil fruit, Lingling was full of surprise, and the expressions on the faces of others were also different.

“”Brother, is this for me?” Lingling couldn’t let go of the Tremor Fruit.

Jace and the others were right in their guess, this devil fruit was prepared for her by her brother.

Since she turned sixteen, five, seven or eighteen, she gave her first time to Renault and became Renault’s woman.

Now she is no longer a little girl who knows nothing.

But there are several people on the ship who don’t have devil fruits, especially Helding, who is very suitable for this devil fruit.

Renault gave her priority, and Lingling was very moved.

Looking at the devil fruit in her hand, Lingling’s eyes were straight.

The superhuman Tremor Fruit is known as the most destructive superhuman devil fruit.

The user can cause the sky, the earth and the ocean to shake, and can trigger strong tsunamis and powerful shock waves.

“This is…….”The Tremor-Tremor Fruit?”

Garp and Zephyr looked at each other, their pupils full of disbelief.

As high-ranking officers in the navy, they naturally knew how powerful the devil fruit was.

Even though they specialized in physical skills and domineering, they were still very wary of certain devil fruits.

The navy had their eyes on some extremely powerful devil fruits.

One of them was the Tremor-Tremor Fruit.

But they didn’t expect that the Tremor-Tremor Fruit would appear here.

“Stop him!!!”

The two men, who were in perfect sync, attacked Lingling at almost the same time.

They absolutely could not let Lingling eat the Zhenzhen Fruit, otherwise, with her abnormal physique, the consequences would be disastrous.

“”You two damn guys, wait and see how I deal with you!!!”

Lingling, who noticed the two’s little tricks, snorted coldly and opened her mouth to bite down.

Ugh – resisting the unpleasant taste, Lingling swallowed the whole devil fruit in no time.

The next second.

Boom boom boom

Lingling felt an extremely powerful force suddenly emerge in her body.

With her iron balloon talent, Lingling now feels indestructible.

Lingling clenched her fist lightly and punched casually towards the space in front of her.


The atmosphere suddenly shattered like glass, making a crisp sound.

Seeing this scene, Garp and Zephyr stopped at the same time, their eyes full of solemnity.

If they were just guessing just now, then now, the ability of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit is really happening in front of them.

“Damn it, I don’t believe it, I just ate it, how can it be that powerful!!!”

“”Let me try out how powerful this legendary Tremor-Tremor Fruit is, Bogart!!!”

Karp, unwilling to fail in his mission, shouted.

As soon as he finished speaking, a cannonball came from behind.

“Fist Bone Meteorite!!!”

He just used this move to force Lingling back, and even blocked Lingling’s Baguo with a burst of attacks!


“Is this the power of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit? ?”

“You damned navy, it’s your turn now!!”

Lingling smiled grimly, and a transparent halo appeared on her fist.

Facing Garp’s lethal move, Lingling did not retreat but advanced, took a step forward, and threw a punch.

“Break it!!!”

The powerful shock force contained in the transparent aperture exploded, directly detonating the shell and causing an explosion on the spot.

However, the powerful impact force on his body did not allow Lingling to move at all.

“”Damn it!!!”

The scene in front of him finally made Garp change his expression.

The same move, the first time, Lingling was knocked back more than ten meters.

But this time, Lingling didn’t move at all, and still had some strength left.

It was enough to show the horror of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit.

“Garp, you bastard, you’ve had enough beatings, now it’s my turn!!!”


Lingling smiled grimly and disappeared in an instant. A transparent light circle larger than before once again enveloped her fist, with a powerful vibration force contained in it.

“”Garp, this is hopeless, leave quickly!!!”

Zephyr made a prompt decision and prepared to evacuate.

They were not fools. Judging from the current situation, they were already at a disadvantage.

Not to mention Linlin and Huoyanhua, who were close to them in strength, and several people of unknown strength were watching them covetously.

There was also the strongest captain among them, Raynor.

No matter how they analyzed it, they had no chance of winning.

Staying here would only increase casualties. Moreover, such a powerful pirate group was hidden in a small country in a remote corner. This matter was of great importance.

They must pass this news back to the Navy Headquarters as soon as possible.

“Damn it!”

Garp gritted his teeth unwillingly and finally nodded.

This was the first time he was defeated in this way.

“Bogart, retreat!!”

After years of cooperation, Bogart already knew everything about Garp’s thoughts.

Bogart, who was already prepared, gave the order decisively the moment he heard Garp calling his name.

“Fire towards the interior of the Custer Kingdom!!!”



Almost in an instant, countless shells poured out towards the Kingdom of Custer without reservation, densely packed, filling the sky.

Moreover, under Bogart’s order, the ten warships were separated by a large distance, and the shells were extremely scattered. Although they were all directed towards the Kingdom of Custer, they did not gather together.

“These bastards!!!” Renault’s face changed slightly. These guys actually used such despicable means.

“Stop them quickly, and don’t let them destroy the town of Custer Kingdom!!”

Almost instantly, Renault and the remaining crew dispersed and rushed towards the Custer Kingdom.

They must not let these shells explode in the town.

“Vice Admiral Garp!!!”

At the same time, on the main ship, Bogart personally operated a huge cannon. A real huge cannon.

The volume of a shell was more than ten times that of an ordinary shell.

Bang – accompanied by a loud bang, a shell cut through the air and flew out of the chamber, aiming directly at Garp.

“Hehehe…….You damn pirates, you won’t have such good luck next time!!!” (To read the most exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

“Extra large iron ball!!!”

Garp let out a heart-wrenching roar. With his current physical strength, it was indeed a bit difficult for him to use this move.

“Get out of my way!!!”

Garp poured all his remaining strength and domineering energy into it, and the huge iron ball was like a rocket accelerator, crushing directly towards Lingling.

After using this move, Garp was exhausted and collapsed to the ground.[]

“Let’s go!!”Zeffa performed the Moon Step and flew to the warship with Garp.

“”Retreat, retreat immediately!!!”

Bogart, who had been prepared for a long time, immediately gave the order. Amidst the roars, ten naval warships pulled full horsepower and soon left the port of the Kingdom of Custer.

On the other side, facing the huge bomb coming towards her, Lingling added the Armament Haki in the transparent light circle and punched it.


The violent vibration directly detonated the shell, and the powerful shock wave swept across the area.���The ground of the entire Custer Port quickly sank

“You guys are really fast!”

Ling Ling came out of the smoke and looked at the naval ship that had already fled, unwillingly saying

“These despicable guys!!”

Soon, the crew intercepted all the shells flying to various parts of the Kingdom of Custer and destroyed them in mid-air.

“”Captain, what should we do now?” Flame Flower frowned, a little worried.

Although the navy was driven away by them, their strength was also exposed this time. If the navy wants to deal with them next time, the lineup they send out may be even more terrifying than now.

“We’ll stay here for the time being.”

“Don’t worry, it’s not that easy to deal with us.”

Reno gave everyone a reassuring look, he was really not bragging.

With the blessing of the Thunder Fruit, his current observation Haki can cover a large island.

As long as he can sense the place with his observation Haki, he can release thunder.

So the number of people is meaningless to him.

And if it is a strong navy.

His current strength is completely comparable to the navy admiral or even better.

The same is true for Linlin who ate the Tremor-Tremor Fruit.

Flame Flower and Jess can also entangle with the navy admiral for a short time.

If the navy wants to defeat them and destroy Caster, it must pay a very painful price.

And this price is definitely something they can’t afford now.

Don’t forget, in the eyes of the navy, Reno and the Reno Pirates appeared out of thin air…..

They were enemies that should not have existed.

Who were their real enemies?

Rocks, who was causing trouble in the New World, Roger, who was a little famous,

Whitebeard, and Golden Lion…..

In short, it is definitely not Renault. At least there is no need to worry too much in the short term.

“Let’s go back first and buy two more newspapers these days.”

There are many marines in the Navy Headquarters.

As usual, the navy soldiers shouted loud slogans and trained various subjects.

During the break, some navy soldiers whispered:

“Hey, have you heard? ? Vice Admiral Garp and Vice Admiral Zephyr seem to have gone on a mission to destroy a country. That kind of scene is the first time I have seen it!!!”

“Yes, yes, I took a sneak peek this morning and saw ten naval ships!!”

Upon hearing this, everyone gathered around and became curious.

“Do you know which country it is? ? ?”Someone asked curiously

“I think it’s called Custer? I just heard the name, but I don’t know where it is.”

“Tsk tsk tsk…….If these two can go out together, the place called Custer will probably disappear forever.”

“Needless to say, Vice Admiral Garp and Vice Admiral Zephyr are no match for those guys? ?”


While everyone was talking, Garp, who was exhausted and unconscious, walked into the gate of the Navy Headquarters with the help of Zephyr.

When passing by the training ground, the whole training ground was silent, and all the soldiers had dull eyes and pupils.���Filled with disbelief.

After the two left, someone asked in a dry voice:”Those two were Vice Admiral Garp and Vice Admiral Zephyr, right?”

“good…..It seems so.” Then he shook his head and said,”It may be that I saw it wrong.”

“Holy shit, what’s going on? Did they lose?”

“Really?? They…..”

The rear admiral realized that something was wrong and quickly scolded:”Have you rested enough?”

“Get up quickly and continue practicing!!”

“”What on earth happened? Tell me everything!”

In the Admiral’s office,

Admiral Sora suppressed his anger and looked at Zephyr with a gloomy face. The unconscious Garp had been sent to the infirmary.

He also called the other admirals here at the first time.

Those who can be brought here are at least at the level of vice admirals.

Rear admirals are not qualified to be here.

Although Sora was very angry, he also understood that something unknown must have happened to make Zephyr and Garp embarrassed like this.

He originally thought it was just an ordinary act of annihilation, but who knew that something would go wrong.

The most important thing is that this matter is related to the Celestial Dragons, and the Five Elders only gave him three days.

If he fails to complete it within the deadline, he will also be severely punished.

“What happened? Even Crane, who was very careful, could not guess the reason.

Could it be that 0.2 was attacked by Rocks?

Or did he encounter other pirates?

Zephyr sighed and organized his words. Then he carefully told Steel Bone Sora and the naval commanders present the whole story.

“In other words, the Celestial Dragon Saint Rozward and the Sanders siblings eight years ago were indeed killed by the same group of people? ?”

“Raynor Pirates? ? How come I have never heard of them? ?”

One of the rough-looking admirals frowned and said

“Hehehe……Isn’t it the first time for Garp and I to deal with them, and it turned out like this?”

Zeffa showed a hint of self-mockery on his face. He is still a rookie in the navy. It would be a shame to be beaten back home by a group of unknown pirates.

“Well, their origins are no longer important.”Gang Gukong waved his hand, not wanting to dwell on this unimportant matter.

“Unexpectedly, the Tremor-Tremor Fruit and the Soul-Soul Fruit both appeared in one day.”

“And there is a woman whose physique is not inferior to Garp.”

Steelbone Kong frowned, their appearance gave him a bad premonition.

“Not only that, their captain Raynor should also be a master of taijutsu and domineering, and he has awakened the domineering color domineering. He easily blocked Garp’s fist bone impact with one punch.”

“”They are stronger than those two women!” Zefa emphasized deliberately.

Zefa’s words made Kong even more concerned.

He no longer wanted to dwell on the origins of Renault and the others, and why their strength was so���Powerful.

The point is, they have already appeared.

The sudden appearance of such a terrifying pirate group in the New World is definitely not a good thing for them.

“No, this matter is of great importance. I will report it to the Five Elders immediately.”

“Zefa, you go and rest first. Everyone, the annihilation operation against Custer is temporarily suspended.”

Kyperk Kong, realizing the seriousness of the matter, immediately gave the order.

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