Mankind is officially in a sad cloud.

Heads of state of the world are also holding video talks.

John Bull: "There are still weirdness constantly coming out of the copy, ordinary level weirdness is easy to solve, but those white weird and dark weird, we don't know much about these strange weirdness, let alone have time to understand his rule limits, these weirdness caused us a lot of casualties." "

"Those people have been lost in their minds by extraordinary power, and the base is too large to eradicate from the source."

Gallic Chicken: "The copy key can only enter the Ghost and White Trick level dungeons, which is already a blessing in misfortune." "

"If you enter a weird copy above the powerful level, it will be a disaster!"

Eagle Sauce: "Census of the whole people, led by the tricksters, the weirdness they harness can sense the copy key..."

Mao Xiong: "No, if the people think that the official wants to control them, it is likely to cause an unstoppable situation!" "

Da Xia: "I have a proposal, it's better to block than to loosen!" "

"Since the situation is no longer under control, then wait and see what happens, and withdraw the power of the Zheng Dungeon."

Gallic Chicken: "But in this case, let the weirdness come out of the copy, what will the ordinary people do?" They are innocent."

Eagle Sauce: "I agree with the physique of Daxia, only in this way can those hot-headed people wake up..."

"In addition, an announcement will be issued that anyone who strangely walks out of the copy and causes casualties to the public will be held accountable!!"

John Bull: "How can people be held accountable when they are dead??" "

Eagle Sauce: "He died, but his family, his relatives and friends are still there, sitting together!! "

An hour later, there was no official voice.

The soldiers who guarded the replica were directly withdrawn.

One by one, strange people came out of the copy, and innocent humans became victims.

On various social platforms, they have been covered with bloody photos.

Fear began to spread.

At 12 midnight, the official announcements of countries around the world were made at the same time.

[Due to the selfish behavior of some people, countless people have been killed! ] 】

[Official release notice! ] 】

[All cities, towns, and villages have fully turned on thermal imaging scanner monitoring, and anyone who enters the weird copy privately, resulting in the weird walkout, will face criminal punishment, and there will be joint and several responsibility within the five services, and the household registration separation will also be investigated normally. ] 】

[Criminal punishment starts from ten years, and deprivation of political rights for life, the maximum death penalty! ] 】

[Ask some selfish people to consider, because of your private behavior, you don't say anything, but also cause your relatives and friends to accept criminal punishment, is it worth it?] 】

The official announcement of the world, which can be called bloody, is like a depth charge, setting off a terrifying wave in the human world.

The boycott of official hegemony was strongly condemned.

There are also people who applaud, and in troubled times, they should do this.

Then contact your relatives and friends as soon as possible, and you must not face criminal responsibility because of the willfulness of a relative or friend...

Transcendent Incubation Base.

"You've finished visualizing?" The principal stared at Mu Yao with some disbelief.

But then I took it for granted.

Visualization needs to be guided, with Mu Yao's family background, looking for a superpower to guide her, don't be too simple.

"What is the model of your visualization?" The headmaster then asked.

This is very important, the official is to integrate the forces of all mankind to fight the weird.

If there are any new visualizations, they must be included officially.

But as the principals of the incubation bases, if there is a new blueprint for the official visualization, they will notify the principals of these bases as soon as possible.

But so far he has not received any news, which is obviously abnormal?

With Mu Yao's family, he should not make such a low-level mistake.

"Sun Factor!" Mu Yao said softly.

Principal: "?? "

Mu Yao explained: "At that time, I was also a sudden inspiration, since I can't directly visualize the sun, moon, and stars, then it may be feasible to retreat and visualize the most basic components that make up the sun!" "

The principal's mouth opened slightly, and the Adam's apple couldn't help but move up and down, and said with some difficulty: "You succeeded?" "

After speaking, he felt that he had said a nonsense, and everyone was standing in front of him alive, and it must have been successful...

The principal was not embarrassed, but stood up with some excitement: "Mu Yao, how did you do it?!" "

"The sun factor is not that no one has tried, but also because of insufficient mental power, it is impossible to complete the sketch, and forcibly sketching will only lead to mental collapse, and even the eyeballs are directly burned to ashes..."

The solar factor was tried years ago, but there was no way to do it.

Mu Yao pursed her red lips: "It may be me.." I've had the privilege of watching the Spirit Bomb test explosion, getting up close and personal with the formation of nuclear fusion, and then deducing the proton cycle from the theory of nuclear fusion."

"I'm just a little unwilling, so I wanted to try it, but I didn't expect it to really work .." Mu Yao said, a little weak-hearted, and also a little proud.

"Genius: Genius...," the headmaster murmured excitedly.

"Reported, yes, I will report to the official immediately!!"

"If this method really works, then Mu Yao, you are a hero of mankind!!"

If Mu Yao's theory works, it is to create a good road for mankind, which is definitely worthy of the merits of mankind! !

Watching the principal run out of the office excitedly, the simplicity in Mu Yao's eyes was covered with smiles.

If she wants to enter the center of power quickly, she must show absolute talent and potential.

Times have changed, and the era of the strong has arrived.

The solar factor as an excuse is more acceptable than the microscopic sun.

In the future, even if the power beyond the sun factor is revealed, it is better explained.

As for her doing this, will it cause others to visualize the sun factor?

Human intelligence is impeccable, and no one can deny this.

Maybe someone else will be able to create the right approach.

But so what?

In the face of the real supreme terror, what is the sun, moon and stars?

Haven't you seen that the moon has been transformed into a blood moon by some unspeakable existence?

Even if someone visualizes the solar factor, how to develop the ability of the solar factor is another matter.

This was also ordered by Bai Yue.

Mu Yao needed a petition so that she could enter the sight of those big people.

At this moment, hurried footsteps sounded in the corridor, and Mu Yao's eyes were once again covered with innocence and unease.

The principal hurriedly ran back: "I almost forgot about you, Mu Yao, I'll take you to the Weird Bureau, the people from the headquarters are already on the way!" "

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)

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