Soon, the two found the recruitment information of the Red Moon Group on a large screen in a square.

A whole big screen is it, it's hard to see.

At the bottom of the screen, there is also a temporary recruitment office.

Cleaner: responsible for toilets, corridor cleaning, salary negotiable, provide accommodation.

Requirements: good looks, no bad habits, conscientious.

Salesman: responsible for the external sales of Red Moon Group products.

Requirements: articulate, flexible mind, strong ability to withstand pressure

Jobs that look normal are not different from the modern world.

But soon, they extinguished the idea that had just risen.

In their line of sight, a thin and pale-skinned man walked to the temporary recruitment office.

In their stunned eyes, they opened their blood basins and mouths, their fangs were sharp and uneven, and their scarlet tongues were unusually flexible, and they would make up a flower and a hand...

"Good, in line with the point of being articulate .." The interviewer said with a smile, and then drew a √ on the form in his hand.


As if encouraged by the interviewer, the male trickster became more durable, holding his chin and clicking his head three or four times, and then turning it back like a rubber band.

"Barely a nimble mind .." The interviewer nodded slightly.

Next, the male trickster immediately showed the flexibility of his body, folding his body four times, still a cube.

"Not bad, congratulations on passing the preliminary review, now please go to the group building for the final review!!"

Jin Feng: "..."

Mu Yao: "..."

So your side is full of fangs, and your tongue can play with flowers?

Can you turn your head a few times called flexible mind?

Folding the body a few times is called strong stress resistance?

Very novel way of understanding, you understand the interview...

Most importantly, it seems to be quite reasonable?

Even if it is Xiao BT Mu Yao, at this time, I have to say a word...

Other recruitment information, what secretary, clerk do not have to think, definitely and recruitment requirements are completely different.


"This Red Moon Group, it's a little interesting!" Bai Yue observed this strange copy that was different through Mu Yao's gaze.

Most of the weird copies she encountered were from ancient times, or the Republican period.

This is really the first time I have seen a weird copy of a modern class like this.

Moreover, it is suspected that there is an existence above the level of powerful ghosts?

If it was true, this kind of copy actually appeared in this period to open up, making Bai Yue smell a trace of unusual asking.

Red Moon Group, the blood moon will turn into blood tricks when it comes.

Is there any connection with the Blood Moon in the sky?

As soon as his mind moved, he recovered some of his spiritual power and entered the copy along the bond of the divine law.

The power of the soul condensed into an illusory seed and flew out from Mu Yao's consciousness space.

Without anyone noticing, the seed of illusory fused into the male trickster who had just passed the preliminary trial.

The power of the soul burst out, instantly obliterating the male sophistry consciousness that was only a white trick.

I only saw that the male trickster paused slightly, and continued to walk towards the Red Moon Mansion, but the fanaticism and excitement in his eyes had disappeared.

In the Red Moon Group Building, Bai Yue took out the preliminary examination form given by the interviewer, and was not hindered.

A few little girls at the front desk even kept throwing her winks.

After all, it's articulate


The elevator stopped on the third floor.

There was no response when she pressed the elevator again, and the preliminary examination form in her hand was also pulling her, and Bai Yue came out.

There were already more than a dozen weird standing in the corridor, both male and female.

Two dark tricky levels, the others are white tricky levels.

These weirdness of the interview alone can form a small copy...

After looking around, Bai Yue walked to the side of the safe passage.

Can't open...

There was an enchantment on the door, and Bai Yue felt that he should be able to break it, but it was likely to cause unnecessary trouble.

She came to get information...

The interview speed of the final review is very fast, and new interviews are sent from time to time in the elevator, and there is no communication between the weirdness throughout the process.

Push the door into the room, a very formal conference room.

The interviewers of two men and one woman are all dark peaks.

"Why did you join the Red Moon Group?" The man on the far left asked.

Bai Yue said with some curiosity: "Eh, isn't it because you are recruiting?" "


All three interviewers seemed stunned for a moment.

The man asked with some surprise, "That's all?" "

Bai Yue said seriously: "Otherwise? You recruit, I apply, is there anything wrong? "

"Your answer, very interesting.." The female trickster sitting in the middle raised her head for the first time, her legs wrapped in black silk were folded together, and a smile rose on her delicate face.

Bai Yue smiled shyly: "Thank you, your question is also quite interesting." "

The smile on the black silk woman's face froze obviously, God, our question is also quite interesting, you really came to the interview?

Who wants to join the Red Moon Group, which one either comes up or praises the Red Moon Group, longs for it, and admires the greatness of the Red Moon Group?

"This white trick, the spirit has been opened, a little interesting.." The man who had never spoken said faintly.

The other two interviewers did not react, they have already found out from the conversation just now, can you use an afterthought?

"Boy, I don't think you're very suitable for sales, it's better to follow me to the logistics department!"

A dangerous light flashed in the eyes of the man sitting on the left: "Don't break the rules!" "

The man on the right shrugged his shoulders: "Just kidding." "

But there are some regrets in my heart, if you open the white trick of spiritual wisdom, you will definitely be able to break through to the dark trick level, which is equivalent to one more dark trick level subordinate...

Unfortunately, unless the other party does not meet the requirements of the salesman, he cannot rob it, which is the rule set by the president.

The man on the left then asked, "If you become a member of the group, what difference can you bring to the group?" "

The other weirdness is the same answer: "Take the group as your home, bow down to the Red Moon Group, and shine!" "

Bai Yue pondered a little: "I will lead the group to become bigger and stronger, and create brilliance again!" "

"Poof..." The three interviewers almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood.

God is special to become bigger and stronger, and create brilliance again...

You are a small salesman, no, you haven't passed the interview yet, and you still lead the group to become bigger and stronger?

Why don't you go to heaven and stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun?

Dragon Boat reading discount! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)

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