At this point of time that Bai Yue was delayed, more than a dozen humans had already died tragically at the hands of the students.

In one class, a group of students were snatching the corpses on the ground, one by one, looking greedy, and it only took a moment to divide the corpses clean.

At this moment, the students who were greedily eating the flesh and blood in their hands suddenly quieted down, and their eyes became empty.

One by one, they silently stood up and wiped the blood stains on their hands.

Walked in line to the podium and placed the money neatly on the podium table.

And, of course, trickery.

Bai Yue walked in, didn't count, directly put away the trick money on the table, and then walked to the next class.

Although Bai Yue also covets the weird puzzles of these students, she can't act rashly, it may be okay to die one or two students, and if she dies more, I am afraid that a strong person similar to the hole card of the Red Moon Group will appear to suppress her.

Bai Yue's main purpose this time is to explore, not to kill.

As for the tricks:

How can students put money on them, with money there will be comparison, and with comparison, they will become impetuous and unable to focus on learning.

Bai Yue is thinking about them, after all, they are the mainstay of the future weird circle, how can they be abandoned here!

One by one, the classes walked over, Bai Yue drew the gourd like this, covered by the power of the heart, blinded all the students' mysterious perception, and became a puppet.

After Bai Yue left, a group of students all put their minds on the flesh and blood that was about to reach their mouths, who would pay attention to whether the money in their pockets was less?

Cold 490 blood?

Not to mention the grudge between the human official and her, since she chose to enter the weird copy, it means that she is ready to face death.

The path he chose, why should Bai Yue sympathize, or even help out of pity?

And then train a few future elites of humanity to hunt her?

Bai Yue's current creed is one, if anyone does not offend me, I will not offend, if anyone offends me, he must return the momentum of thunder!

The school was very large, and it took Bai Yue two hours to end his banditry.

(Bai Yue: How can you call a robber with the money you earn by yourself? Little feet kick you ang: )

"These students are really rich..." Bai Yue looked at the mountains of money piled up in the spatial trick.

Bai Yue, who possessed the power of the heart and the fire of wisdom, had reached a new height in computing power.

There are 8,600 students in the Fierce School.

Total revenue 2,198,305.

It seems to be a lot, after all, human beings have only collected millions of tricky bills with all their strength.

It's a question of opportunity and strength.

At least in this time period, Baiyue's success story cannot be replicated.

(Well, to say robbery so fresh and vulgar, it is worthy of you..) )

This is still the case when the students here can't leave the school.

Otherwise, it should quadruple.

There are also those tricks, which are generally D-class.

A total of 139 pieces.

And the quality is still high, it seems that the difference between the rich and the poor in the strange circle is quite large, either there is none, or it is the D-grade superlative.

And the owner of these 139 tricks is also the richest.

Other students had at most 100 bills on their bodies, and the minimum face value of the bills on their bodies was 10,000.

Of the 2.19 million bills, they contributed nearly half.

Fierce School Library.

Bai Yue stood in the doorway and looked at the open door, a flash of color in her eyes.

Although she is weird, she doesn't know much about weird circles.

A lot of it is half-understood.

Moreover, this school also teaches cultivation methods, which are more advanced than the cultivation methods created by Baiyue Caocao.

The library was quiet, only two strange sitting behind the counter, and there was no hidden powerhouse.

Bai Yue walked in without anyone and looked at the rows of bookshelves in front of him, and the power of his soul spread out.

Whether it is useful to her or not, more knowledge is always good.

Two blinded managers sat quietly behind the counter, and on the shelves, books flew out, suspended in the air and quickly turned pages.

The spark of the collision of ideas turned into fuel at this moment, and the flame of wisdom jumped, burned, and grew at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the beginning, Bai Yue read fifty books at the same time was a bit of a snack, but as time went on, Bai Yue's speed became faster and faster, and he could read more and more books at the same time.

Sixty books:

One hundred copies

Time passes. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

As everyone knows, the fierce school has been messed up.

School has thieves:

I don't know which class to start with, many students don't care at first, but when they touch their pockets, each face (CFFD) color becomes ugly.

The trickery on their bodies also disappeared without a trace:

Not only the tricks, but also the treasure-like tricks disappeared.

Messed up:

The whole school was in chaos, all the students walked out of the class to reveal their hideous and hateful faces, and the whole school was covered in churning swindling.

"It must be those humans who appeared today!!"

"Apart from them, there has never been any trickery or humans in the school!"

"Damn humans, I'm going to devour them alive!!"

Tens of thousands of students rushed to the faculty dormitory building with a gloomy and cold aura on their bodies.

Such a large-scale amount of dark tricks makes people's scalps numb.

The rich sophistication surrounded the entire faculty dormitory building, and it looked like a mysterious domain from a distance.

At this moment, it was the end of class, all the humans were given respite, and in just two classes, 100 people had already plummeted by 50.

The staff dormitory building has permission to set up, and students can't get in, giving them some respite.

At this moment, everyone is gathered in the activity area of a staff dormitory, and they are passing on the intelligence information they control to each other.

It's so horrible here that a whole half died in less than a day.

They're going to be here for three days.

If you don't unite together, even if you don't die, I'm afraid you can count the copies on one hand.

"It's not good..."

Suddenly, the woman standing next to her who was secretly hurting herself turned pale and pointed out the window.

"What's wrong girl?" The woman is still good, barely able to score seven points, plus the figure adds a lot of points, naturally there is no shortage of people with the brain of rice worms.

The stout man leaned over and looked in the direction of the woman's finger.

"I'm blanching..." The man's pupils instantly dilated, and his face turned pale.

A sound I blanched attracted everyone's attention, some people's faces rose a trace of dissatisfaction, when is it, don't hurry up to exchange information, there are classes in the afternoon..

However, most of the people were still a little curious and stood up to take a look.


"What is that?" said a man with the size of a bean-sprout.

When everyone saw that everything was strange outside, the strange aura pervaded the sky and quickly approached.

Until the faculty dormitory building was completely shrouded.

The faculty dormitory building instantly darkened:

Looking at the students flying in the air, the hideous original form roared angrily at them in the window, and their blood-red eyes were full of anger and killing intent.

Everyone was stunned and didn't understand what was happening.

"This: It wouldn't be a late welcome ceremony, would it? A woman swallowed and said.

"They can't get in, can they? I remember that it was written in the regulations that students could not enter the faculty building! "

No one answered her.

It was too noisy outside, the ghosts were crying wolves howling, and it was impossible to hear what the students were roaring.

I can only vaguely hear some trickery, tearing you up and so on.

They didn't understand what was going on, but they knew that surviving for three days was a luxury:

In the afternoon, they will be forcibly sent out of the faculty dormitory building...

There is a haze over everyone's hearts.

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