"Konoha White Fang's version of the Thousand Years of Death?"

Senju Chiyu studied the secrets of this attached physical technique and understood it very easily.

This so-called Thousand Years of Death is not just what it looks like, a simple butt-stabbing ninjutsu.

In fact, it is very sophisticated!

The first necessary condition for launching the Thousand Years of Death on the enemy is speed!

Only when the speed is fast enough can you appear behind the enemy when he is unprepared!

And this move emphasizes the point, so it is necessary to cause local penetrating damage to the enemy while having fine control!

Of course, the coordination of the body is also very important.

Kakashi actually knows this move, and he did it for the first time. When snatching the bell, he was very cruel to the young Naruto!

However, this move of Konoha White Fang is more powerful!

The reason is very simple, he usually uses kunai to poke...

Senju Chiyu also showed an embarrassed look, the dignified Konoha White Fang actually used this move?

If you use kunai to poke, why don't you just tie a detonating tag on it?

Wouldn't it be better this way!

Senju Chiyu shook his head, this move was still too damaging to his image.

It can't be used easily unless it is necessary.

Of course, it is impossible to use it on Hinata!

If it's Tenten... then it's not...

Senju Chiyu hurriedly shook his head and said in self-denial

"Damn, this is such an evil ninjutsu!"

"I never expected that someone as excellent and pure as me would have such thoughts. I feel like my psychology has been corroded!"

【I must seal this extremely evil ninjutsu!】

【Well, I swear!】


At this time, there are still some female ninjas who are not asleep and are checking Senju Chiyu's diary.

Staying up all night and reading the diary seems to have become a part of their life!

"Extremely evil ninjutsu? How evil can it be?"

The female ninjas who were staying up late to read the new contents of the diary all frowned.

It was especially the first time that they saw Senju Chiyu so serious, and even gave three exclamation marks at the end of this paragraph!

It seems that it is really a terrifying and evil ninjutsu!

The Land of Lightning, the Hidden Cloud Village.

A blonde and blue-eyed female ninja with a figure comparable to Tsunade is reading the contents of Senju Chiyu's diary.

Her name is Samui, and she is now the senior ninja of the Hidden Cloud Village and one of the right-hand men of the Raikage!

Samui is not interested in Senju Chiyu.

After all, Konoha and the Hidden Cloud Village are in a hostile relationship.

The Senju clan is one of the founders of Konoha,

Naturally, he would not join the Hidden Cloud Village for other reasons. What

Samui is worried about is that this descendant of the Senju clan who suddenly appeared always mentions Hyuga Hinata in his diary from time to time.

You know... the Raikage coveted the Byakugan... and ordered people to sneak into Konoha and kidnap Hyuga Hinata!

Even now, the Raikage still wants to get more people from the main family of the Hyuga clan!

If it was before, it would be nothing. After all , Konoha is now on the decline with the death of the Fourth Hokage Yellow Flash. But for this Senju Chiyu who has a mysterious diary... Samui is very worried. Senju Chiyu, who knows all this, may become a big threat to the Hidden Cloud Village!

"Maybe I should find a way to get rid of this guy in advance?"

Samui had some ideas and calculations in his mind.

For the sake of the Hidden Cloud Village, it is normal to sacrifice oneself.

Just as Samui was thinking this, the original diary changed again.

All the women who were not sleeping and were reading the diary had the voice of the system in their minds.

【Diary copy bonus feature unlocked】

【1. The woman who is mentioned most times in her diary every day will have her chakra increased by 1%!】

"One percent?"

All the girls who hadn't slept yet were surprised.

This diary has this function?

One percent may not seem like much, but the problem is that it is a percentage!

It means that the more chakra you have, the more rewards you will get!

Even if you are still very weak now, in less than three months, the chakra in your body will double!

You should know that chakra is basically innate, because of bloodline limits, physique and other factors, the chakra in every ninja's body is almost predetermined!

In the later stage, it is just to refine all the chakra in the body and make it available to you!

For example, chakra is like water.

Some people have a bowl of water, some have a tank of water, and some are vast oceans. The sea!

The container that holds water is destined from the moment of birth.

No matter how hard you work in the later period, there will not be much improvement! If you put all the water in a bowl, it will naturally overflow! By the same token, the vast ocean cannot be put into a tank.

This is why birth is very important in the ninja world!

Because it often determines your upper limit!

However, at this moment, because of the appearance of the diary copy, this argument was completely broken!

As long as Senju Qianyu repeatedly mentions it in the diary, your chakra can increase by one percent.

It's not just adding water, but also increasing the container for holding water!

The female ninjas with a little strength in the ninja world reacted quickly!

This... This is probably... The fastest way to improve yourself!

"Shizune, it seems you need to communicate more with this bastard named Senju Qianyu"

"It would be best to attract his attention and let him write more for you!"

After reading the diary, Tsunade immediately spoke to Shizune beside her. Shizune has been with her for so many years, and

Tsunade really wants to give her the Yin Seal!

But the Yin Seal not only requires talent, but also requires a huge amount of chakra!

This is equivalent to having a pool in the body to store chakra, but the Yin Seal can turn the pool into two!

Within three years, each time you use it, you can only use the chakra in one of the pools, and the other pool cannot be used.

It is used to maintain the foundation of achieving the Yin Seal!

It sounds simple, but this is also the most difficult step, which often requires a lot of chakra!

As a member of the Senju clan, Tsunade naturally has no problem.

But Shizune is very difficult. Due to her natural physical limitations, her chakra is not enough to perform the Yin Seal!

"But Lady Tsunade... What can I do if you don't come back to the village?"

Shizune seemed helpless.

Tsunade was planning to go back to Konoha yesterday.

But as soon as she walked into a village, she became addicted to gambling! She spent the whole day, and only just now did she run away with Shizune in a panic after losing everything!

"Luckily I ran fast, these guys actually wanted to bet on my clothes!"

Tsunade was very depressed when she thought about what happened just now.

In the last round, she had a strong premonition that she could make a comeback!

But since there was no more bets, she suggested to owe them first, but the other party refused!

Even though Tsunade pointed at Shizune and said that she could be used as a bet!

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