In the early morning, the sky above Konoha welcomed the first ray of sunshine.

A pale golden halo enveloped the entire Konoha Ninja Village.

All the ninjas who had just passed the Ninja School graduation test were very happy.

They were already dressed and ready to go.

Today was the day they would face the team leader for an assessment.

If they passed the assessment, they would officially become Konoha's Genin!

Similarly, Team 7 was no exception.

Uzumaki Naruto slept very late because he was too excited last night.

In addition, he didn't eat much, so he slept until four o'clock in the morning!

This was only one hour away from the time set by Senju Chiyu!.

Because he was afraid of being deprived of the hard-earned opportunity to become a Genin,

Uzumaki Naruto rushed to the Team 7 training ground at full speed!

But the result was unexpected. Although

Uzumaki Naruto arrived at the agreed gathering place in time.

But Senju Chiyu was not here at all!

Uchiha Sasuke, who had arrived early, put his hands in his pockets.

Seeing the very embarrassed Uzumaki Naruto, he just spoke coldly.


Uzumaki Naruto didn't know whether he was immune to Sasuke's verbal attacks or he was too hungry and tired.

He ignored Sasuke and looked at Sakura beside him.

"Um, Sakura-chan, where is Mr. Qianyu?"

"Could it be that... the assessment is over?"

Haruno Sakura sighed helplessly. Naruto really is unreliable!

"Teacher Qianyu hasn't come yet."

After hearing what Xiaoying said, Uzumaki Mingren breathed a sigh of relief

"Great, just wait and see, Sakura, I will lead all members of Team 7 to pass the test!"


Sakura rolled her eyes at Uzumaki Naruto, clearly not wanting to pay attention to him.


Two hours later,

Uzumaki Naruto's stomach first made a clear protest sound!

Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura looked at Uzumaki Naruto at the same time.

Naruto blushed slightly, and then said angrily:

"Don't look at me like that, guys are hungry too, right?"

"After all, I haven't eaten much since yesterday!"

Haruno Sakura touched her stomach. Didn't eat?

Yesterday, in order to develop her figure, she went to Ichiraku Ramen to enjoy the luxurious ramen!

Of course, she used the free coupon that Naruto kept for her!

As for Uchiha Sasuke?

He snorted coldly, with disdain on his face.

Although he didn't eat either,

Sasuke knew very well.

The first lesson of being a ninja is to learn to be patient!

Although he was really hungry,

Sasuke forced himself to hypnotize himself in his heart.

"I'm not hungry at all!"

Seeing that Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura didn't answer him,

Uzumaki Naruto was angry.

Could it be that he was the only clown?

He took out his anger on the late Senju Chiyu.

"Damn Teacher Qianyu, he is late again!"

"And this time he was two hours late, which was too much!"

"Could it be that he is afraid of my uncle Naruto's strength?"

Uzumaki Naruto complained while touching his flat belly.

If he had known this would happen, he would have cooked a pack of instant noodles before going out!

And he hasn't had the milk at home for a long time.

As time passed slowly, another hour passed.

After three hours,

Uzumaki Naruto was tired of complaining, and now he almost fell asleep on the ground!

Uchiha Sasuke's face changed a little.

If he continued like this, he might not be able to hold on.

He couldn't help but guess secretly in his heart

"Is this the ninja test that guy gave me?"

"Is it testing our willpower as ninjas?"

Uchiha Sasuke gritted his teeth and regarded this as a test from Senju Senyu.

On the other hand, Sakura looked very normal and did not show too much fatigue.

But she was also looking forward to the handsome teacher Senyu to appear sooner!

""Oh ha yo."

Finally, just when Uchiha Sasuke was about to collapse, that lazy voice mixed with a big yawn appeared above everyone's head.

Uzumaki Naruto and the other two looked towards the big tree above their heads.

Senju Chiyu was squatting on the branch.

He waved to the three people below with a smile without any apology.

"Sorry, kids, it's the first time I get up so early, I'm not used to it yet"

··· 0Request flowers····· ···


Uzumaki Naruto was so upset when he heard this.

What's going on?

He thought Mr. Chiyu would give a suitable excuse for his lateness.

If that doesn't work, he can just make one up!

Something like helping an old lady cross the street, or seeing a sexy kitten twisting its butt, but he actually said shamelessly that he couldn't get up!

Hey, five o'clock in the morning was the time you set!

Uzumaki Naruto felt like he was about to explode!

Uchiha Sasuke at the side couldn't help but jump.

An incredible look appeared on his face,

"What? Wasn't this guy testing us just now?"

"That's impossible. Doesn't that guy want to hone our will as ninjas?"


"As a powerful jonin, there is absolutely no way he can't get up. That's right, that guy said that on purpose!"

Uchiha Sasuke stared at Senju Chiyu above, and kept trying to save his dignity in his heart.

"Hehe, Teacher Qianyu is here, it's like a dream!"

Haruno Sakura's face didn't look any different, but Sakura was already boxing excitedly in her heart, determined to let Teacher Qianyu see a different side of herself today!

""Teacher Qianyu, you have no sense of time, don't you? You've kept us waiting here for more than three hours!"

Uzumaki Naruto couldn't help but complain.

If he hadn't seen how powerful Teacher Qianyu was yesterday, and if he hadn't treated him to ramen, he would have beaten him up.

Senju Qianyu's figure disappeared from the tree branch, and in an instant he appeared in front of Uzumaki Naruto and the others.

He shrugged lightly and said lightly,

"How can I give you a reason?……"

"Well, I had a fight with the Third Hokage yesterday, so I went to bed late."


Fighting with the Third Hokage?

Uzumaki Naruto was even more confused!

Now, not to mention Naruto, even Sasuke didn't believe it at all.

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