
Inside the sealed space, Jiu Xinnai showed a confused expression.

This “crosser” does not seem to be old, why should he be the guardian of his own son?

And it seems to have something to do with her a dead man.

“It’s weird.” Jiu Shinna muttered, “Could it be that being Naruto’s guardian is of great benefit?” ”

If Zhao Yuchen knew what she was thinking, he would definitely give her an affirmative answer.

Deliberately exaggerating the commission of Sarutobi Hinata and becoming Naruto’s guardian naturally has great benefits.

It can be said that this is a wave of outrageous investments with high returns.

The first is Naruto’s character, which is constantly influenced by Asura Chakra, and has not been blackened by Konoha Village so fighting, it can be said that there are some virgins, and the two teachers of Yujiraiya and Kakashi have not changed color, so there is no need to worry about crookedness.

The guardian is just a name, and he doesn’t have to spend time teaching.

And what is Naruto’s future?

The child of destiny, the savior of the ninja world, the seventh generation of the Hokage, the reincarnation of the son of the six immortals, can compete with the six-level existence of the alien Otsuki.

If there is such a friend, or even his subordinates, he can win every day in the future.

And if you want to get Naruto’s friendship at this time, you don’t really need to pay like your own father and mother’s nanny, you just need a simple recognition.

If he is afraid of the butterfly effect, he can teach the spiral pill, multiple shadow avatar, multiple shadow avatar training method, and at most one immortal mode, which can ensure that Naruto’s final achievement is quasi-sixth level.

And these are simple, can not be simpler, do not cost any effort at all.

It really takes effort, maybe brainwashing Naruto on a daily basis to make him not too virgin.

“Teacher Yuchen, you’re not kidding?” Iruka was still a little unconvinced.

Naruto has been hated by the entire village since he was a child, although as he grows up less superficial, prejudice still exists, and if Zhao Yuchen becomes Naruto’s guardian, he is likely to be treated with hostility.

And although Zhao Yuchen is a teacher, he is essentially just an eighteen-year-old young man, and being a guardian may affect his marriage.

In addition, Iruka remembered that Zhao Yuchen, like himself, both died in the Nine-Tails Rebellion.

Although Naruto can’t be blamed, it’s hard not to get angry.

“How could I joke about this kind of thing?” Zhao Yuchen pushed his eyes on the bridge of his nose and said gently: “Inherit the will of fire, burn yourself for the village and the next generation.” ”

“Even if Naruto is…, but he is also part of the village, I hope he is well.”

Zhao Yuchen’s words made Iruka awe-inspiring.

Ask yourself, he can’t let go of his prejudices about Renzhuli.

Each village has a tailed orc pillar as a weapon of war.

Therefore, the demon fox avatar is just a saying to trick children into playing, and everyone with a little common sense knows that Naruto is not a nine-tailed demon fox avatar, but a nine-tailed human pillar force.

But they were hurt by the Nine-Tails, and they still angered Naruto, hoping that he and the Nine-Tails would die.

And the way the major hidden villages treat human pillar power is to default to weapons.

Yun Shinobu also did not change until after the third war.

“I have to check with Naruto-sama about this.” Iruka said seriously.

The guardian of human pillar power does not want to be taken for granted.

“Iruka-sensei can go and ask now, how about I lead the class in the morning?” Zhao Yuchen didn’t panic at all, even if he was lying.

Iruka believed a little more, but some things must be cautious, and nodded: “Yes, I will ask Yuchen-sensei to lead the class in the morning.” ”

Zhao Yuchen nodded.

At this time, Naruto’s voice full of disgust came from the side: “Che, three generations of old men are really boring, I am about to become a ninja, and what guardian will be arranged for me.” ”

“Uncle Naruto doesn’t need it at all.”

Hearing this, Zhao Yuchen and Iruka rolled their eyes in their hearts.

The mouth is harder than the mouth of a cooked duck, so don’t moisten your eyes.

Apparently, Naruto was so moved to cry about having a guardian.

What a poor and cute child.

“Naruto, you think too much.” Iruka habitually spoke, “The graduation exam question in seven days has been decided, and it is the doppelganger technique in the three-body technique. ”

“What!?” Naruto suddenly showed a desperate expression.

The three-body technique is the transfiguration, the avatar and the doppelganger.

Among them, the transformation technique and the double technique, he has played extremely skillfully.

Only this doppelganger technique, I don’t know what the problem is, although it can be successfully performed, but it can’t distinguish a normal doppelganger.

If the graduation exam was a doppelganger, he would definitely not be able to pass.

“Na, na, na, Iruka-sensei, can’t this graduation exam question be changed?”

“Of course not, the exam questions personally set by Naruto-sama!”

“Abominable three generations of old man, I went to him and asked him to change the exam questions.”

“Naruto!!! Do you want to taste my fist? ”

Iruka rolled up her sleeves.

Naruto instantly withered, and said weakly, “Then don’t I want to repeat a grade?” ”

“That’s right.” Iruka showed a gloating expression.

Naruto became more and more loveless.

When Zhao Yuchen saw this scene, he couldn’t help but write down a note in his diary.

[Sure enough, the old monkey had a plan. 】

[Knowing that Naruto could not use the Doppelgänger well because of the influence of the Nine-Tailed Chakra, he deliberately set the exam question as the Doppelgänger Technique, just to make him unable to pass. ] 】

[Take the opportunity to let Mizuki, a follower of the Great Snake Pill, come forward to trick Naruto into stealing the sealing technique, let him learn the multiple shadow avatar technique that is most suitable for the pillar power of the Uzumaki clan, and then pardon him to create a good image of himself. ] 】

[Three birds with one stone, smart, smart! ] 】

“Old monkey!”

In the sealed space, Jiu Xinnai’s red hair flew around.

As a mother, it is impossible to be in a good mood when she sees her son being calculated in various ways, let alone that she is still a bloody pepper.

“If I can return to this world, I must beat you to death, I will definitely !!! Gotta! ”

“But I won’t let you get your wish.] 】

Zhao Yuchen stretched out his hand to wipe Naruto’s head and smiled: “Don’t be afraid, I have a way for you to master the doppelganger technique and pass the assessment.” ”

“Really!?” Naruto instantly came back to life with blood, his eyes full of expectation.

“Of course.” Zhao Yuchen nodded, and then said, “The premise is that you stop playing pranks and write a review and hand it to me.” ”

“No problem!” Naruto Uzumaki agreed, turned around and ran in the direction of the teaching building, and said without looking back: “I’ll write now!” ”

“This guy.” Iruka shook his head helplessly and said to Zhao Yuchen: “Teacher Yuchen, it’s really difficult for you.” ”

In his opinion, what Zhao Yuchen said was to deceive Naruto and be expedient.

Zhao Yuchen saw his thoughts, but did not explain much.

“Iruka-sensei go find Naruto-sama, I’ll go to the class now.”

Iruka nodded and cast an instantaneous spell to leave.

Zhao Yuchen pushed his glasses and was ready to leave.

At this moment, he saw a petite figure walking in at the school gate, with a pair of white and pure eyes, which made it difficult not to notice.

It’s Hinata!

He subconsciously stopped and admired.

Hinata is sensitive and senses that someone is watching him.

Following her gaze, she saw Zhao Yuchen.


With eye contact, Hinata couldn’t help but think of the contents of the diary.

Thinking of Zhao Yuchen calling her “wife”.


As soon as his head was hot, Hinata’s body shook and fell.

Zhao Yuchen:?

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