Is Uzumaki Nagato easy to deceive?

Throughout his life, after experiencing the two major pains of the death of his parents and the death of Yahiko, he was seduced by “Uchiha Madara” and decided to give birth to peace after making the world feel pain, which is indeed the case.

But to say that it is really good to deceive is not quite, he believes in Zhao Yuchen, in fact, there are many reasons.

The first is that he feels that Zhao Yuchen cannot lie in front of Xiao Nan, the party, followed by the grace of saving his life, and Xiao Nan’s “shy” performance of wanting to talk and stop, and so on.

“Xiaonan, you should tell me as soon as possible, Yahiko and I will be happy for you.”

Nagato said with a smile.

Whether Yahiko had a different mind for Konan, Nagato didn’t know, but he didn’t himself.

After losing his parents, he meets Yahiko and Konan, and he regards the two as his most precious partners and rejects all situations that may damage their relationship.

He also believes that Konan, and Yahiko are in the same mood.

Their desire is to build a peaceful world, but it does not mean to die alone.

If they can find a soul-fitting partner, they will only bless and be happy with another partner.

This is Xiao!

Of course, this is also because Nagato is now bent on resurrecting Yahiko, and is no longer so obsessed with making the world feel pain, otherwise he would not be so amiable.


Xiao Nan wanted to say more and more, and finally a blush appeared on Leng Yan’s face, and his gaze deflected: “I want to tell you after the relationship is further confirmed.”

“You’re not afraid I’m going to warn Yuchen, are you?”

Nagato actually made a joke for the first time.

It’s just that his current appearance looks too miserable and somewhat contradictory.

“Maybe I didn’t give her enough security.”

Zhao Yuchen said.

Xiao Nan subconsciously glanced at this stinky man who ruined his reputation.

If you want to talk about security, then no one in this world is more secure than Zhao Yuchen, after all, she pinches the lifeblood of this stinky man in her hand, well, referring to the exclusive copy of the diary.

“How did you show up here?”

Xiao Nan asked.

This is a question she has always been curious about.

Does the diary also have a positioning function?

“Found two Nagato clansmen, specially came out to save people, happened to find that you are calculating Uchiha here with soil, don’t worry about it, come and see, fortunately I came.”

Zhao Yuchen told the truth.

Xiao Nan thought about what he wrote in the diary and found that it was a fact.

But this conversation between the two fell into Nagato’s ears, but it became that Yuchen, the “prospective brother-in-law”, was preparing a meeting ceremony for him Nagato, and came to back up after accidentally discovering the situation here.

In an instant, Nagato’s affection for Hachichen skyrocketed, feeling that this was a reliable man.

“Yuchen, you said to save my two clansmen?”

Nagato frowned suspiciously.

Does he remember that he still has relatives living in this world, and what is the clan, should it mean nobles or ninjas, is he too?

“You didn’t tell Nagato?”

Zhao Yuchen raised his eyebrows at Xiao Nan and asked.

He was indeed a little curious in his heart, Nagato actually didn’t know that he was from the Uzumaki clan?

When he was at home, he asked Kushina if he knew Uzumaki Fuso, Nagato’s mother.

But Jiu Shinai was also “surprised” and asked him how he knew about Uzumaki Fuso, and told him that Uzumaki Fuso was her own aunt and had the same father as her father, that is, an elder of the Uzumaki clan, but married very early.

The reason why this group chose to travel through the southern part of the Land of Fire to the Land of Wind also had the idea of passing through the Land of Rain to see if the situation could go to Uzumaki Fuso.

Unfortunately, on the border between the Land of Rain and the Land of Fire, their clan was once again chased and killed by a large number of mysterious ninjas, and only she was discovered by the Konoha ninja and rescued back to Konoha.

That is to say, in terms of bloodline alone, Jiu Shinnai’s grandfather and Nagato’s grandfather are the same person, Jiu Shinna is nominally Nagato’s cousin, and Naruto is Nagato’s cousin.


Rao is Xiao Nan has always had a stable personality, and even a little cold arrogance, and now he also has an urge to bite Zhao Yuchen in his heart.

You guy is also too deep into the play, right?

We obviously only met for the first time today, are we familiar?

I just read more diaries to get an idea of you…


Xiao Nan’s pupils suddenly shrank, and he also noticed the wistful smile in Zhao Yuchen’s eyes.

Her body stiffened violently, and a guess appeared in her heart.

Could it be that this man knew he could see his diary?


Xiao Nan forced himself to calm down.

If she is Zhao Yuchen, after knowing that her magical diary will be flipped through, she will definitely use the Flying Thunder God to leave Konoha, find an absolutely safe place in the ninja world to slowly develop, and then come out when she is strong enough to do whatever she wants.

He certainly didn’t think his diary could be seen.

But Zhao Yuchen is also really smart, so…

“Maybe he just speculated about it and thought of something else.”

“I can’t mess with myself, otherwise I’ll be exposed.”

“At that time, those women who have copies of diaries will hate me.”

After clarifying his thoughts, Xiao Nan spoke, “I just heard you talk about it, but I don’t know anything about the Uzumaki clan, so I didn’t tell Nagato.”

“Okay, then I’ll talk about it.”

Zhao Yuchen nodded slightly, as if believing Xiaonan’s words, and then said: “The Uzumaki clan is a distant relative of the Senju clan, and the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan joined forces to create Konoha.”

“The ancestor of the Thousand Hands Clan is Asura, the youngest son of the Six Dao Immortals.”

“In the past, the country of vortex and the hidden village of vortex created by the whirlpool clan were besieged by many countries for various reasons and eventually perished.”

“Your mother married your father before the destruction of the country, and later moved to live in the Land of Rain.”

“It may be because the Vortex clan was exterminated, she didn’t tell you this.”

“The hallmark of the Uzumaki clan is fiery red hair, and the chakra volume and resilience far beyond that of ordinary ninjas…”

Zhao Yuchen patiently explained what the whirlpool family is.

After Nagato listened, a strange brilliance appeared in his one-eyed eyes.

He didn’t expect that he actually had ninja people with many blood relatives.

“Yuchen, you said you know my cousin?”

There was a little more emotion in Nagato’s tone.

The daughter of the mother’s brother, this relationship is not ordinary.


Zhao Yuchen nodded, and by the way, he also said a little about Uzumaki Meikana and Xiangphos.


Nagato said happily, “When I have time, I will definitely visit them.”

This is a different bond from a companion, it is blood and kinship.

“You are always welcome to Konoha.”

Zhao Yuchen said with a smile.


Nagato’s expression suddenly froze.

He can’t forget that his parents died at the hands of Konoha ninjas.

Although the process was accidental, for this reason those two Konoha ninjas still let him go.

But this hatred is very real.

“I know about the killing of your parents.”

“I also know that Yahiko died from the design of Danzo and Hanzo.”

“But there are situations that you may not know about.”

Upon seeing Nagato’s expression, Yuchen knew what he was thinking, so he opened his mouth to persuade.

Although Nagato only has a one-eyed left, no one knows if he still has the ability to go to Konoha to make a move of the super-god Luo Tianzheng, and it will definitely be a chicken feather when the time comes.

Some hatred does not mean to be eliminated, nor does it need to be eliminated, it must be reported, but it should not implicate the innocent.

Konoha is his back garden, so it must be protected, but for the sake of Konan’s wife and Kushinna, plus Nagato himself is also a pitiful person, he also feels that he can be persuaded.

If you can’t persuade well, then you can only apologize.

[Tsunade, you don’t let me become a man of the fifth generation of Hokage, you’re sorry for me. 】

[And Jiu Xinnai, you have to behave well tonight. 】

[Sister Nan, it’s not too much to be true. 】

After spending some words, Zhao Yuchen sighed in his heart.


“As a crosser, he actually has a language disorder when he speaks.”

Tsunade was filled with disgust: “If you want to become a fifth-generation Hokage, you want to become a fifth-generation Hokage, and the man who returns it, eh…”

Tsunade suddenly reacted, and saw that all the women were looking at her playfully, only Mikana was confused.


Tsunade hugged his chest and pouted.

Shizune blinked his eyes and said, “Tsunade-sama, you’re blushing.”

“Oh, I’m smoked by the hot spring air.”

Ah, yes, yes.

“I don’t know what was done for me again.”

Jiu Xinnai looked expectant.

Isn’t it just to do more postures, as a spirit body, she said that it was easy.


Xiao Nan’s face was expressionless, but he let out a long sigh in his heart.

This man, she can’t seem to cope.

If you can’t escape, I’m afraid you will die in his hands.

“Talking to you so much is not for you to give up hatred and give up revenge.”

“I just think you have to find the right object for revenge.”

“Besides, I actually agree with your way of bringing peace to the ninja world.”

Yuchen reached out and patted Nagato’s shoulder and said seriously.

“You say, you agree with my approach?”

A dazzling observation appeared in Nagato’s eyes.

“That must, no one in the entire ninja world supports you more than me.”

Speaking of this, Zhao Yuchen immediately became interested and began to talk at length.

He also did not forget to count the words in the diary, but it was only the key to recording the tirade.

[On how to bring peace to the ninja world, I have long said this, unification! ] 】

[Not only a unified country, but also a unified writing, a unified mind, and so on. 】

[In fact, the ninja world was unified in the hands of Kaguya as early as on, so this level is easy to solve, unlike my Daqin and Brother Zheng. ] 】

[In this matter, Senju Pillar is not as good as Uchiha Spot, and even Senju Pillar agrees with Uchiha Spot. ] 】

[In fact, as long as you think of the country of fire before the unification, the internal war is endless, the small country and the big clan are fighting, it is Senju and Uchiha who work together to unify the country of fire and bring peace to the country of fire, then from point to point, shouldn’t the whole ninja realm be unified? ] 】

[This guy between the pillars is still a little stupid, and even caught the eight tailed beasts and divided, only the crane is the country of wind caught by himself. ] 】

[To say that in a world without extraordinary power, unification requires great sacrifice and bloodshed, but in the extraordinary world, as long as you have absolute strength, such as Nagato wants to rely on the outer path golem to coerce the entire ninja realm and promote peaceful unification, casualties and hatred can be minimized. ] 】

[Finally, as long as the whole world has unified external contradictions and the pursuit of consistent interests, peace can be achieved, and what needs to be solved is small internal contradictions and problems. 】

[Unfortunately, Uchiha had a chance to succeed, but was dragged back by the Thousand Hand Pillars, and finally was calculated by the black and went astray. ] 】

[Nagato has a chance to achieve it, but from the very beginning, it was Madara and Obito and even Kurojie’s pawns, and finally killed Naruto in the hands of Naruto. 】

[Sasuke has the best chance to achieve, but because he can’t beat Naruto, he can only give up. ] 】

[The reincarnation of the younger son of the Six Dao Immortals, the Innate Virgin, is too ideal. ] 】

[Think about the ninja world when Naruto reigned Hokage twenty years later, hehe. ] 】

[When Naruto Sasuke dies, the fifth and sixth Ninja World War will begin sooner or later. ] 】

Women: “…”

They really didn’t expect that Zhao Yuchen actually had such an idea.

But according to his thinking, unity and peace can really be linked.

“Grandpa, is it wrong…”

Tsunade leaned against the wall.

Two pet bears sank into the hot spring freestyle, like the ups and downs of her heart.

In fact, after the death of the rope tree, she had such an idea, or conclusion.

If the eldest grandfather unified the ninja world, there would not be so many ninja world battles later.

If the ancestors got things done, they only needed to enjoy the blessings.

It’s not that she doesn’t want to struggle, it’s just that she doesn’t have the height between the thousand hand pillars and can’t do this.

“But although this is true, it is not necessarily a good thing to write it in a diary.”

Tsunade rubbed his brows with some headache.

Unify the ninja world and seek peace, maybe most people want to.

But who unifies is not a matter of words.

“Peace, unification…”

Samui looked down in thought, trying to find a suitable path.

Kurotsuchi, Temari, Terumi and other women are no exception.

Xiao Nan looked at Zhao Yuchen deeply, as if looking at a light.

What is Xiao, this is Xiao!

She and Yahiko Nagato are just immature, and Zhao Yuchen is the end of their pursuit.


After listening to the high opinion of Yuchen, Uzumaki Nagato applauded and said: “It is worthy of being a brother-in-law, this is my Uzumaki Nagato lifelong pursuit.”


This is the brother-in-law!?

But for some reason, she was a little happy in her heart.

“Little things… Well? ”

Zhao Yuchen was about to be humble, when a lot of information suddenly appeared in his mind.

He immediately took out a kunai and threw it to Xiao Nan, and said: “If you have something to find, I will inject Chakra into it, and I will leave temporarily when I have something.”

After speaking, Yuchen immediately cast the Flying Thunder God.

When he reappeared, he was in a forest with black flames burning ahead.

Zhao Yuchen looked forward through this flame and grinned at Uchiha Itachi.

“Stupid weasel, we met for the third time!”

Uchiha Itachi: “…”

I’ve never been more powerless.

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