Looking at the scene of the restaurant full of customers, listening to Tsunade’s “harsh” words, Sarutobi had the urge to leave, he couldn’t afford to lose this person!

But the city government that has been cultivated over the years made him not do this, but put on a smiling face and said: “The business is so good, it is worthy of the breakfast shop that Yuchen is bent on running, I must taste it well.” ”

Saying that, Sarutobi walked into the restaurant and greeted everyone familiarly, whether it was ordinary civilians, merchants from outside Konoha, or ninja patriarchs, all of them showed very closeness.

Shizune did not answer indiscriminately, just laughed with it, and at the same time used the diary to contact Jiu Xinnai.

“Tsunade-sama, Hachi-kun is still on the second floor, and I heard Sister Jiu Shinna say that she is sending a membership card.” Shizune whispered.

“Membership card? What is this thing again? ”

Tsunade admired Zhao Yuchen’s endless and strange ideas.

Each one is incomprehensible to others, but can achieve special effects.

“Let’s go, let’s go up and take a look.”

Tsunade immediately went upstairs with Shizune.

Seeing this, Ape Flying Sun originally wanted to continue to put on a show, but after a little thought, he decided to follow.

Something happened on the first floor of “six seven seven”, he was afraid that he would not know and be one step behind.

But before leaving, he gave Jiraiya a look, meaning to let him go to find himself later.

When Ape Flying Sun Chopper walked upstairs, he saw Zhao Yuchen holding a stack of small black cards in his hand, talking and laughing with Hinata Hiashi and the others.

And Hiashi and the others also had a black card in front of them.

“This is a membership card, designed by me personally, so that Tiantian family forged Chakra metal, add a special sealing technique, you inject Chakra and bind it, no one can imitate it.”

“In the future, with this card, I can spend at any Kyushu small bowl or even any store under my name and enjoy different discounts.”

“In addition, I have pre-deposited 10,000 taels of silver in this card, and you will first transfer the money on your books when you spend, and you can also pre-deposit some more money at one time in the future, so you don’t have to pay money every time you spend.”

Zhao Yuchen: This belongs to upgrading some people to the level of card consumption.

For specific groups of people, this kind of small detail that can set off their status will be respected.

For example, now, Hinata Hiashi went from not caring at the beginning, to now accepting the card, nodding and saying, “Good method, I will accept this card brazenly.” ”

“At that time, I will ask everyone in the Zong family to get one.”

Zhao Yuchen gave 10,000, and Rizu immediately sent a source of customers from the Zong family.

And as soon as the Hyuga family comes, the separation will naturally come, and the Hinata family is destined to bring huge profits at that time.

[Look, what a good future husband, definitely not taking advantage of me. 】

[Don’t worry, I will definitely double my return to Hinata in the future and give birth to at least a second child. ] 】

Zhao Yuchen casually wrote down in his diary that the day foot was good to him.

He always remembers that he will return to Hinata in the future.

Hinata secretly glanced at Zhao Yuchen.

Do you call having one more child a return?

“I’ll get one for Neito and Ino later.” Yamanaka Haichi followed.

He believed that he would make this decision after waiting for Nara Shikahisa and Akimichi Dingza to find out.

“Good.” Zhao Yuchen showed a bright smile.

After these family patriarchs and core personnel have membership cards, can other ninjas escape?

Of course, he has arranged the membership cards of the patriarchs of the various clans in order to win over the hearts and minds of the people.

[Another foreign old man is not to be outdone. 】

[Okay, Ino is also scheduled for a second child. 】

Ino Yamanaka: “…”

“But I listen to what you mean, and you plan to develop Kyushu small bowls into a chain?” Hinata Hinata said with concern.

“Of course.” Zhao Yuchen nodded and said, “You have tasted these in person earlier, I believe you know whether there is a market or not.” ”

“I only make breakfast and some desserts, and it will not have much impact on the existing food market, such as the yakiniku restaurant of the Akimichi family, which is not afraid of competition.”

“Making money is one thing, mainly to provide jobs for some retired ninjas, after all, I am a Hokage assistant, and I have to govern the people’s livelihood for Naruto-sama.”

“Of course, if the Kyushu small bowl is opened to other places, I will also find some local people to cooperate and make everyone prosperous together.”

The strong dragon does not suppress the ground snake, and Zhao Yuchen does not intend to dominate the ninja world by relying on the catering industry.

But it was certainly feasible to make friends with the nobles of each place in this way.

At that time, these people will become his supporters.

“The all-ninja chain controls the breakfast market with technology, which is a very good idea.” Hinata Hinata said in admiration.

Anyone with a little foresight knows that if this happens, it will bring huge benefits.

“I, the Hinata clan, can help to a certain extent.” Hinata Hiashi made a direct statement.

This is his investment in Zhao Yuchen’s personal and professional career.

“We can also help with raw materials.” Yamanaka Haichi also followed suit.

The Nara family not only has medicinal herbs, but also mountain goods and wild goods, and the Akimichi family has large-scale meat farming, all of which can become a good cooperative relationship with Zhao Yuchen.

Yamanaka believes that Nara Shikaku is here and will make the same decision.

Nowadays, who doesn’t know that the sky in Konoha has changed?

“Good to say, good to say, solo happiness is not as good as everyone’s happiness.” Zhao Yuchen promised to come down.

I will definitely not waste time talking about specific matters here, but as long as everyone has the intention to do so.

The restaurant industry was just the beginning, and after Kurama Yakumo fully recovered, he focused on industry and scientific research.

At that time, the first time the ninja world chaebol said that it was him.

“This membership card system is good, I think our Senju family’s hot spring hall can learn it.”

Tsunade’s voice suddenly sounded next to him, attracting everyone’s attention.

Everyone was about to say hello, but Tsunade stopped them, saying that they didn’t care about these details.

Zhao Yuchen chuckled and said, “What do you think of forging a batch of membership cards with the family emblem of Sen no Senshou as a special symbol?” ”

Hearing this, Tsunade’s face showed a stunned look, followed by boundless emotion, and his Adam’s apple moved: “You…”

She spoke, originally wanting to support Zhao Yuchen.

But Yuchen gave her a big gift in turn.

That’s right, big gift!!!

Mori no Senju used to have a very famous reputation, but now it is about to disappear.

But if you do what Zhao Yuchen said, then in the future, all those who hold membership cards will remember Thousand Hands and give Thousand Hands a name.

Because only in this way, the membership card in their hands is “precious”, not only the problem of cheap consumption, but also the attention can represent their identity and qualifications.

A small membership card can actually solve the fate of their Sennochiju that is about to die, isn’t it a big gift?


Hinata Hiashi and the others also realized the power behind this small membership card.

It seems that the clothes worn by Konoha ninjas will have the whirlpool symbol, which is to commemorate the ally Uzumaki family, which led to the destruction of the whirlpool for many years, and there are still many people who remember 0….

This situation is exacerbated by the fact that membership cards involve profit and vanity.

“It seems that the industries under my clan can design membership cards.” Hinata Hiashi and the others raised similar thoughts. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Ape Fei Richo looked at this scene, and his heart became more and more urgent.

He suddenly found that Zhao Yuchen was really a demon, and playing politics was the same as playing games.

Together, he and Tuanzang may not be his opponents.

But he was obviously only eighteen years old, where did he learn to comprehend these things?

If Zhao Yuchen knew what he was thinking at this time, he would definitely tell him that playing politics and intrigue calculations, the people of Kyushu are the ancestors of everyone!

“By the way, mute, this membership card is for you.” Zhao Yuchen took out a black card to mute.

“Thank you.” Muzune calmly took it.

And Yuchen politely, isn’t that treating yourself as an outsider?

“Huh? What about mine? ”

Tsunade was about to reach out and borrow the card, but found that Zhao Yuchen had put all the cards away.

“You are Naruto-sama, I can’t give it, otherwise it will be a bribe.”

Tsunade: “…”

“Although the third generation has abdicated, it is the same.”

Ape Flying Sun Chopper: “…”

Mute and Tsunade are inseparable, and if Mute has a membership card, doesn’t Tsunade have it?

He felt a thick target!

Tsunade was obviously aware of this as well, and couldn’t help but smile: “You’re right, as Hokage and former Hokage, you have to lead by example, and you can’t accept such a roundabout bribe from you. ”

“Yes, sensei?”

Tsunade looked at Sarutobi Hinata.

“Of course.” Ape Flying Sun smiled.

Seeing this, many people at the scene had an expression that they wanted to laugh but did not dare to laugh.

Old monkey, old monkey, I didn’t expect you to have today.

“But today the new store opens, and I plan to open for free.”

“Naruto-sama and former Hokage-sama, please be sure to enjoy the light.”

Zhao Yuchen sent out another invitation, and at the same time asked the red beans to get the food.

The second floor is staffed by attendants, the families of retired ninjas.

Soon, Sarutobi tasted every breakfast and realized that this restaurant did have the possibility of chaining All Ninja 1.0, especially if the Hyuga clan and Inuga Butterfly were going to cooperate with Zhao Yuchen.

If it had been before, he would definitely want to get a kick.

But now, I can only see, I can’t eat.

And this made him more and more aware of the horror of Zhao Yuchen.

With his thoughts, Ape Fei Richo didn’t have the heart to continue to eat breakfast, and casually found an excuse to leave early.

After Tsunade had eaten and drunk enough, he said to Zhao Yuchen: “Don’t stay in the store for too long, your main job is still Hokage assistant.” ”

With Zhao Yuchen doing more with half the effort, she can’t stop liking it.

“Understood, understood!” Zhao Yuchen casually agreed.

This afternoon, you don’t have to be a guide, and it will be easy to sit in the office.

But by noon, when he finished lunch and went to report to the Hokage’s office, a speechless expression appeared on his face.

Just because inside the Hokage office, two “uninvited guests” came. ”

One is wearing a black one-piece tight short skirt, a small vest, half a pair of stockings on the bottom left and upper right, and a huge fan behind his back, which looks very personal.

Exactly Temari!

But Zhao Yuchen cared more about another woman.

“Ye Cang actually came to Konoha, how dare she?”

“Wait, I’m not going to be a guide again, am I!?”


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