
“You can’t read minds?”

Ye Cang looked at Zhao Yuchen blankly, and his eyes with the sign of soil rebirth were full of stunned.

“That’s right, I won’t.” Zhao Yuchen laughed and said, “I lied to you, why do you seem to be very nervous.” ”

To be honest, Zhao Yuchen was not angry about the routine of the diary.

In addition to stipulating that he can write a thousand words of content every day to get the bottom line of rewards, this thing does not forcibly restrict what he does, nor does it engage in punishment.

Whether to keep a diary or not, he decides.

Whether to keep a diary or not, he fights for it himself.

Even what is written in the diary is not forced, he can describe the scenery and the number of words he has seen and heard.

It has always been his own whims, what ninja world plot he has to write, and the mood of seeing the heroines.

The death of Zhenshe is also because of his own operation, and he can’t complain about anything else.

And now, the diary has updated the “extraction function”, to put it bluntly, let him pretend that he does not know that Ye Cang and others can see the content of the diary, pretending that he can have a reward.

If he doesn’t want to, he can also choose a showdown.

Willing, to put it bluntly, it is acting!

Well, he’s good at it.


Ye Cang looked at Zhao Yuchen’s face and forcibly did not throw a fireball.

As long as she reads her memory, Zhao Yuchen can find her even if he can’t see a copy of the diary.

She almost thought that the fact that she could see a copy of the diary was going to be exposed, can you say you are not nervous?

This man is also too vicious, right!!!


[Mute]: Sisters, another false alarm, thank goodness!

[Jiu Shinnai]: Is that so? I’ve already figured out how to use the eighteen styles to ask Yuchen-kun’s forgiveness.

[Mikoto]: I’m also ready to repeat the Yin-Yang Immortal Mode cultivation method a few more times this evening.

Kurama Yakumo: I thought I finally didn’t have to suffer, how come this happened?

[460 Yamanaka Ino]: Is it only I who want to cheer?

[Yue Yue Xiyan]: Most likely, it’s only you, but you give me a good task!

[Sunset Red]: Can’t figure it out, if you read the memory, can you still see that the cat is greasy?

[Mitarai Red Bean]: Is it that the copy of the diary hides this part of Hakura’s memory?

[Yue Yue Xiyan]: No, I tried to look through the copy of the diary in front of Hachi-kun, although he couldn’t see the copy, but he could see my actions turning the book, if I hadn’t thought of a countermeasure in advance, I would definitely have found a problem, so since then, I suggest you read in your mind and don’t take out the entity.

[Mute]: I also tried, I think this should be some kind of rule, so that we can’t see the diary itself, and Hachen-kun can’t see the copy of the diary, but it can be found in other ways.

[Mute]: As for the reason why Ye Cang was not exposed, it was that Yu Chenjun could not read minds and scare Ye Cang.

Women: “…”

Good guy, this is not only a Ye Cang, they all feel excited.

“Feather-Dust-kun, deceiving people?”

In a forest, Yue Xiyan, who was urging the three of Jing Ye to weed, touched her chin.

Why did she find this not credible?

Scare people, indeed in line with Yuchenjun’s character of bad taste from time to time.

But in the Hokage office, there were so many people present, it was intriguing that he actually did this.

[Xiyan]: Don’t be happy too early, I think there are three situations now, the first is that Yuchenjun is having bad fun again, the second situation is that he has realized that we can see the copy of the diary, after all, there are too many things that are wrong, and he is testing us now, and the third situation is that he is lying now, in fact, he has confirmed that we have a copy of the diary, just

The following words, Xi Yan did not say, but everyone understood.

Zhao Yuchen realized that the diary he wrote was seen by this group of women!

Or (BBAC), he wanted to “play with” them through his diary.

From both perspectives, pretending not to know is quite possible.

[Yue Yue Xiyan]: What happened?

[Mute]: Yuchenjun took out the talisman used in Yuchen’s brain and rewrote the talisman above.

[Sunset Red]: Fu Qiu Ku Wu, what is that?

Tsunade: Let me explain, you all know that Dirt Rebirth is an S-class Otherworldly Psychic Forbidden Technique invented by my second grandfather, which can summon the souls of long-dead ninjas back to the human world and resurrect them in physical form, with the purpose of using the “Mutual Multiplication Detonation Charm”.

[Tsunade]: The condition for casting the spell is a certain amount of flesh of the deceased, the living body serves as a container (sacrifice) for the soul of the deceased, covers the body of the living person with dust and transforms into the appearance of the deceased before death, and finally it is necessary to bury the kunai engraved with the talisman into the back of the deceased’s head for control.

Hearing this, the women understood that Zhao Yuchen read the memory, but actually obtained control of Ye Cang’s body.

In this way, he should indeed have a bad taste by the way.

[Yue Xiyan: Everyone knows that Yuechenjun used to be a professional actor, and things are still doubtful, I think we should keep our eyes open, observe more, and discover more in the future. ]

[Sunset Red]: That’s right, don’t be tricked by this stinky man and sell it yet.

[Red Bean]: Red, are you talking about yourself?

[Sunset Red]: What do you say?

[Red Bean]: Hmph, I heard that someone is going to watch a movie with Yuchen tonight, but don’t stay up at night.

[Sunset Red]: You !!! Hinata?!

Hinata: Sister Hong, I didn’t mean it. (Little Devil)

Tip: Sunset Red offline!

All the women suddenly laughed, who didn’t know who was the same.

But in addition to being happy, they also remembered the reminder of Yue Xiyan in their hearts.

Whether Yuchen knew about the existence of a copy of the diary was what they would focus on next.

And at this time, inside the Hokage’s office.

Ye Cang was not in the group, so he didn’t know the chat of the women.

After a brief period of stunned, his chest began to rise and fall, and he looked very angry.

“Why did you lie to me!?”

What she hates the most is deception.

Last time, she was deceived and died by her fellow villagers,

Unexpectedly, Zhao Yuchen is now playing with her again!

“I’m not lying to you.” Zhao Yuchen narrowed his smile and said, “I’m actually lying to the spellcaster behind you. ”

“What?” Ye Cang frowned.

“Can you tell me how you lifted the rebirth of the soil?” Zhao Yuchen asked rhetorically.

“I..” Ye Cang was speechless for a while.

Of course, she knew that she relied on a copy of the diary to retain consciousness, so that she could break free from the shackles set by the big snake pill. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

But this matter cannot be told to Zhao Yuchen.

“I, I don’t know.” Ye Cang replied.

“That’s right.” Zhao Yuchen lightly slapped the table and stood up, “Your filthy soil rebirth is very strange, even you can’t tell the reason, how can we convince Konoha?” ”

“Who can be sure that this is not a conspiracy to reincarnate you from dirt?”

Speaking of this, Zhao Yuchen suddenly asked, “Then again, who reincarnated you from dirt?” ”

“It’s Orochimaru.” Ye Cang replied, speechless for a while.

Pretend to be like something, don’t you knowingly ask?

“Look, Orochimaru.”

Zhao Yuchen clapped his hands and said seriously: “The Great Snake Pill is an S-class rebel in our Konoha Village, and our former Hokage-sama failed to keep him during his tenure and let him escape successfully. ”

“No one knows if he will suddenly return to Konoha to sabotage, and join you in the conspiracy arranged by him, wouldn’t that be calculated?”

Ape Flying Sun Chopper: “…”

Will this guy die or what?

However, what he said was true, Orochimaru had always been confused with Dangoku, and he had recently searched for some information in the root, and the two seemed to be planning to do something to seize the position of Hokage.

So it is really possible for the big snake pill to engage in some kind of conspiracy.

Thinking of this, Ape Fei Ri nodded and agreed: “You should indeed be cautious. ”

Tsunade and Shizune: “…”

The old monkey is really old, and he is actually so good to fool.

Zhao Yuchen should not be deliberately playing with the old monkey?

“Feather, you have learned to reincarnate in dirt?” Sarutobi asked.

When you become a Hokage assistant, you can be rewarded with two opportunities to learn the forbidden art on the Book of Seals.

Ape Flying Sun Slash knew that three days ago, Zhao Yuchen chose the art of rebirth of dirt and darkness.

At that time, in order to maintain his personality, he also promised Yuchen that he could ask him for advice on the art of darkness.

“Just got some skins to go.” Zhao Yuchen shook his head and said, “Ready-made talismans can be changed, but if you want to successfully perform filthy soil rebirth, it is estimated that you have to find some death row prisoners to experiment many times.” ”

This time, he really didn’t trick the ape flying sun.

However, with a large tube wood physique, his talent is above the big snake pill and the medicine master’s pocket, and he is confident that he can quickly learn to reincarnate in dirt, and what is missing is the opportunity for experimentation.


Ape Flying Sun Chopper didn’t know if he believed it, nodded and asked Ye Cang: “Your Excellency Ye Cang, I wonder what my rebel disciple did when he reincarnated you in the soil?” ”

“It’s to kill Luo Sha.” Ye Cang said nonsense.

Zhao Yuchen actually pretended not to know anything, so she said it casually.

“Kill Luo Sha?” Ape Fei Ri was puzzled: “What does the big snake pill do to kill Luo Sha?” ”

“This may be the answer below.” Temaru stood up in time and said, “Orochimaru contacted his father, hoping to join forces to sneak up on Konoha during the Zhongnin exam, and also said that he had contacted the elders of the group in Konoha Village. ”

“The family father promised on the surface at that time, and secretly sent me to Konoha to find the third generation of your message, intending to help Konoha design the Great Snake Pill and clear the internal rebellion in Konoha Village.”

“After all, our two villages are allies.”

“This time, the big snake pill found his father again for deterrence, it should be because Elder Tuanzang was killed, and I was afraid that my father would change his mind.”

Hearing this, the ape flying sun’s expression became extremely ugly.

Combined with the information he had found at the root, he could be sure that Temari should not be lying.

The only thing that surprised him was that Luo Sha, a guy who could betray together with the village hero Ye Cang, would actually send his daughter to report to him because of his alliance.

But the facts were in front of him, Temari and Ye Cang were on the scene, and he also had the problem of Tuan Zang in his hands, so he couldn’t believe it.

“This is the prestige of my ape flying sun.”

Secretly satisfied in his heart, Sarutobi Hinata showed a little smile to Tsunade and nodded, “The fourth generation of Kazekage made a correct decision, worthy of me, our best ally in Konoha. ”

Tsunade and Shizune: “…”

Temari and Hakura: “…”

Laughed off the big teeth sisters.

【??? 】

[Heard an outrageous thing! ] 】

[Luo Sha actually did not carry out the collapse plan with the big snake pill, but in turn wanted to design the big snake pill together with the ape flying sun chop. 】

[This is different from what I know, it’s really a parallel world. 】

Seeing this message, many women felt relieved.

Zhao Yuchen would write this, and it seemed that he had not found a copy of the diary.

But there are also women who have the heart to start the diary, and their hearts suddenly jump.

In the base of the big snake pill somewhere in the ninja world, the expression of a woman holding a crystal suddenly changed.

“Oops, Lord Orochimaru is in danger!”.


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