Around noon.

“Does our boss stay here every morning?”

Watching Su Che leave, Natasha, who was wearing a café costume, seemed to be chatting casually, and asked with a smile at Selena on the side.

“Of course, this is the personal habit of the boss.”

In the face of Natasha’s inquiry, Selena is trying to become the manager of this Peach Blossom Grove Cafe.

He explained with a smile: “Every morning, our boss would come here and sit in the window position in the second row. Because where the sun is best. ”

“And at this time, our boss always likes to drink a cup of unsweetened hand-ground black coffee.”

“Black coffee without sugar?”

Faced with Selena’s words, Natasha deliberately pretended to be a little surprised: “The slightly sour and very bitter black coffee is not sweetened, our boss actually likes this taste?” ”

“Who knows?”

Very cleanly and neatly clear the morning accounts of the bar.

Selena looked at the new Natasha and said, “Under normal circumstances, our boss will stay here all morning.” ”

Sometimes he has lunch here at noon, and he still prefers fried chicken. My favorite fruit is watermelon. ”

“In addition, although our boss is only nineteen years old, Duojin is single, so if you want to start, you should start as soon as possible.”

“You know, you are not the only one to inquire about our boss and Mr.

“A lot of girls really want to date him.”

Listening to Selena’s words, Natasha raised her eyebrows slightly: “So, our boss is very popular?” ”

“Of course, he is young and golden, and he is still so handsome. His manners are extraordinary, elegant and elegant, and his body still exudes a faint mysterious melancholy temperament from time to time. ”

“God, this simply makes the girls have no resistance at all, okay?”

“Who wouldn’t want to conquer such a mysterious prince from the East? In addition, such a big café can be opened in Manhattan, a place where every inch of land is expensive. ”

“And he is still so sincere and generous to people, as long as he wins him, then it is simply ten years less struggle, okay?”

Listening to Selena’s almost all praiseworthy comments.

Natasha picked up a cup of coffee and smiled, “What about you?” Selena, don’t you want to date our boss Mr. ”


Listening to Natasha’s inquiry, Selena did not hide her smile: “If our boss wants to date me.” ”

“Then just need him to gently tick his finger, I will definitely not refuse, and will even wash myself and send it to the boss’s bedroom.”

“Know what? Many girls in the store, and even some girls who came deliberately in the morning, came to our boss. ”

“Everyone is not a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl anymore, and you know what the real society is like.”

Speaking of this, Selena hesitated for a few seconds: “However, I still want to become the manager of this café with my own efforts.” ”

“After becoming a store manager, not only will the weekly salary increase to 500 knives, but more importantly, there will be some commissions.”

“As long as I can become a store manager, then I can give my family a better life.”

“At least, I can afford my sister’s college next year.”

Seriously, Selena didn’t know why she was talking to Natasha, who had just been here all morning.

But Selena always felt that the Natasha in front of her, who looked only a few years older than herself, was a good person.

And it’s different from the other girls in the store.

Selena, who grew up in a single-parent family, is always inexplicably attracted to the “maternal brilliance” in Natasha.

Unconsciously, he has a good impression of her.

Well.. It’s like a big sister who knows her heart.

It’s strange, obviously I just met her for less than a morning.

After chatting for a while, looking at the waiter who came to take over after lunch, Natasha smiled and went to prepare for lunch.

Laughing and refusing Selena’s invitation, Natasha chooses to “go home” alone for lunch.

Watching Natasha leave, Selena prepares to go to lunch alone.

For Natasha, she had to go back at noon to make lunch for her brother.

Selena thought it was perfect.

No wonder he was so close to Natasha.

She has to support her brother and herself to support her sister.

Earn college tuition for your sister.

Oh my God, Natasha is just another herself, okay?


It was decided that in the future, Natasha would work part-time here, even if she was a few minutes late, Selena decided that she would help her hide it.

Around the corner, inside an opaque car.

Pick up the lunch box and look at the sandwich that has been inside for the morning.

Natasha hesitated for a few seconds, then picked up the sandwich and ate it while dialing Nick Fury.

Well, he had contact with Su Che, the owner of the diary, and he had probably had some comments about him.

However, about Su Che’s love of eating fried chicken and watermelon.

Natasha felt no need to tell Nick Fury.

Otherwise, if you add cotton fields, then the three elements will come together, okay?

Even though Nick Fury is the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., this kind of thing…

Who knows!

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