Early the next morning.

“Didn’t you sleep well last night?”

Looking at the washing, Pietro had some heavy circles under his eyes.

Wanda asked as she sat at the dining table and turned to Pietro.

“Sort of!”

Looking at Wanda, Pietro hesitated for a moment, then shook his head and sat down at the dining table!

In the kitchen.

Natasha, who came over with breakfast, sat at the table and added an extra hard-boiled egg to the plate in front of Wanda and Pietro.

“You should eat more when you are growing.”

“Only by absorbing enough nutrients can the body develop completely.”

Listening to Natasha’s words, Pietro tangled for a moment, then nodded.

Instead, Wanda looked up at Natasha.

Thinking back to what I felt last night when I leaned on Natasha to read Sue’s diary.

He subconsciously looked down at his somewhat flat place.

Then his eyes lit up, smiled sweetly at Natasha, and picked up the egg and ate it.

Watching Wanda’s sweetness, he tentatively sent the boiled eggs from his plate to Wanda’s plate.

Then he saw that Wanda ate it unceremoniously.

“It’s over, sure enough, my guess came true!”

Pietro, who had just been secretly watching Wanda with his afterlight, was now more sure of his guess last night.

You must know that although Wanda is not a picky eater, she does not like to eat chicken boiled eggs so much.

On the contrary, if there is a choice of food, then Wanda will never touch a boiled egg.

But now, after passing over his boiled egg, Wanda ate it without hesitation.

What does this mean?

Explain that your guess is true!

Wanda is really bent and she really likes Natasha!!!

This is absolutely true, otherwise according to Wanda’s personality, he would definitely tell himself that he would eat his own boiled eggs.

But now, Wanda isn’t just eating her own share of boiled eggs.

I even ate the boiled egg I handed over.

Isn’t that the best proof of that?

Because, boiled eggs are cooked by Natasha in the morning!!!

Pietro’s brain storm was constantly blowing, but Natasha watched Wanda eat the boiled egg, and the smile on her face remained unchanged.

Just Wanda, that she is not yet mature body compared to herself.

What she was thinking, of course she knew.

However, Natasha was not prepared to tell Wanda that eating eggs would not grow bigger.

After breakfast, Natasha drove Wanda and Pietro to school.

Along the way, Pietro sat in the back row, and the whole person was very entangled.

Wait until you get off the bus and enter the school gate.

After watching Natasha leave, Wanda suddenly said to Pietro: “Say, what are you struggling with?” ”


Pietro, who was still immersed in his own thoughts, suddenly heard Wanda’s inquiry and subconsciously looked at Wanda.

“Pietro, I’m your sister, we grew up together, insomnia and tangled, do you think I won’t be able to see it?”

“Also: No. ”

Look at Wanda with burning eyes staring at herself.

Pietro hesitated, and then whispered to Wanda: “Wanda, although you have always claimed to be my sister, I think you know, in fact, I am my brother.” ”

“It is: I would say that I thought about it all night, and in the end I still think, as long as you can feel happy! ”

“You know, as long as you can feel happy and happy, that’s enough!”

Looking at it, he took a deep breath, and then said these confusing words to himself very seriously.

Wanda raised her hand and knocked on Pietro’s head: “What are you thinking about every day?” ”

“No, it’s your choice for the other half, I definitely support it!”

Looking at Wanda, Pietro said seriously: “We are a mother, no matter who you like, it is your freedom.” ”

“No matter what others say, I will firmly stand on your side!”

“You: Got it? ”

Listening to Pietro’s words, he looked at Pietro’s appearance of making up his mind after tangling.

Wanda also thought that he found out that he was to Su Che, the future husband who came from a parallel world.

There is an unusual feeling that Pietro discovered!

I thought that the reason why Pietro was entangled was because he was only fourteen years old.

“I’m not stupid, we grew up together, how could I not see it.”

After saying the words, Pietro felt a lot more relaxed.

Wanda was silent for a moment, and then said with a smile: “Let’s talk about things later, I’m still young, I’m waiting.” ”

“It’s okay, anyway, my brother respects you!”

“Bah, Pietro, you remember, I’m the sister..”

As they spoke, the twins walked towards the classroom with different misunderstandings.

On the other side, in the car!

“Natasha, come to S.H.I.E.L.D. immediately, something happened, it’s about Su Che!”

Listen to the serious tone of Nick Fury on the other end of the phone.

Natasha, who originally had a relaxed expression, instantly stepped on the accelerator at this moment and drove towards the place where the Kun fighter was stored.

Well, who made Natasha the guardian of Wanda and Pietro was in New York.

And the headquarters of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Trident Building, in Washington!

(Thanks to “lin..”) The big guy’s 100 VIP point reward, thanks to the “unknowable existence” boss’s monthly pass support. Thank you both for your support, Momda! )

Qingming reading ceremony! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 5th to April 5th)

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